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Warm Up

Warm Up . Write down everything you know about Ancient Egypt. KWL. Daily Life in Egypt. How do we start off every unit?. Warm Up . What are the benefits of being pharaoh?. Ancient Egypt. The history of Ancient Egypt is split into three time periods called kingdoms: Old Kingdom

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Warm Up

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warm Up Write down everything you know about Ancient Egypt. KWL

  2. Daily Life in Egypt

  3. How do we start off every unit?

  4. Warm Up What are the benefits of being pharaoh?

  5. Ancient Egypt • The history of Ancient Egypt is split into three time periods called kingdoms: • Old Kingdom • Middle Kingdom • New Kingdom

  6. The Old Kingdom The old kingdom begins with one man uniting all the people of Egypt into one country. Menes, from Thebes, rose to power and united Egypt.

  7. Old KingdomMenes – first pharaoh 2575 – 2150 BCE

  8. The Nile washed down fertile soil from the hills each year. This allowed farming to be possible. Aspects of SocietyStable Food

  9. Aspects of SocietySocial System • Pharaoh- believed to be a god • Upper Class- large network of Government officials, Priests • Middle Class- scribes, artisans • Peasants- farmers, laborers

  10. Aspects of SocietyPolitical System • Monarchy- Pharoah controlled all aspects • All land, harvest, building, etc. belonged to the pharaoh

  11. Culture • Religion- gods are a vital part of everyday life

  12. Technology Early Dynastic Pyramid of Meidum Bent Pyramid at Smooth Pyramid Step Pyramid converted from a Dashur at Giza step pyramid by built by Snofru a solar symbol to the Snofru gods

  13. Written Language Hieroglyphics- over 700 symbols Alphabet- 24 letters

  14. Old Kingdom • Most famous pharaoh of Old Kingdom • KHUFU – the pyramid builder (2551 – 2528 BCE)

  15. Khufu’s Pyramid

  16. Khufu • Declared himself a god • Established Pharaoh as central authority • Oversaw the harvest and storing of grain • Established a large network of government officials

  17. Warm Up What are the 4 stages of pyramids?

  18. Ancient Egypt • The history of Ancient Egypt is split into three time periods called kingdoms: • Old Kingdom • Middle Kingdom • New Kingdom

  19. The Middle Kingdom The middle kingdom followed a 110 year civil war. The civil war finally came to an end when Mentuhotep II gained power over all Egypt. Egypt became unified as one nation again.

  20. Middle KingdomMentuhotep II 2040 – 1783 BCE

  21. The Nile washed down fertile soil from the hills each year. This allowed farming to be possible. Aspects of SocietyStable Food

  22. Aspects of SocietySocial System • Pharaoh- believed to be a god • Upper Class- large network of Government officials, Priests • Middle Class- scribes, artisans • Peasants- farmers, laborers

  23. Aspects of SocietyPolitical System • Monarchy- Pharoah controlled all aspects • All land, harvest, building, etc. belonged to the pharaoh

  24. Culture • Art flourished in the middle kingdom. • Architecture made more advances • The first example of Egyptian literature comes out of the middle kingdom

  25. Art • 2-D reliefs in stone • 3-D figurines

  26. Architecture White Chapel of Senusret I

  27. Literature The Story of Sinuhe

  28. The Summary Sinuhe is an official who accompanies prince Senusret I in Libya. He overhears a conversation connected with the death of King Amenemhat I and as a result flees to Upper Canaan leaving Egypt behind. He becomes the son-in-law of Chief Ammunenshi and in time his sons grow to become chiefs in their own right. Sinuhe fights rebellious tribes on behalf of Ammunenshi. As an old man, in the aftermath of defeating a powerful opponent in single combat, he prays for a return to his homeland: "May god pity me..may he hearken to the prayer of one far away!..may the King have mercy on me..may I be conducted to the city of eternity!“ He then receives an invitation from King Senusret I of Egypt to return, which he accepts in highly moving terms. Living out the rest of his life in royal favour he is finally laid to rest in the necropolis in a beautiful tomb.

  29. Middle Kingdom • Most famous pharaoh of Middle Kingdom • SENUSRET I – the temple builder (1971 – 1926 BCE)

  30. Senesrut I - Temple

  31. Senusret I • Mined for gold, copper, gems • Wanted to be remembered forever: building projects (white chapel) • Is mentioned in the story of Sinuhe

  32. Warm Up What happened in the story of Sinuhe?

  33. Ancient Egypt • The history of Ancient Egypt is split into three time periods called kingdoms: • Old Kingdom • Middle Kingdom • New Kingdom

  34. The New Kingdom The new kingdom followed 243 years of Hyksos rule. The Hyksos rule finally came to an end when Ahmose I gained power and enslaved them. Egypt became unified as one nation again.

  35. New KingdomAhmose I 1540 – 1070 BCE

  36. The Nile washed down fertile soil from the hills each year. This allowed farming to be possible. Aspects of SocietyStable Food

  37. Aspects of SocietySocial System • Pharaoh- believed to be a god • Upper Class- large network of Government officials, Priests • Middle Class- scribes, artisans • Peasants- farmers, laborers

  38. Aspects of SocietyPolitical System • Monarchy- Pharoah controlled all aspects • All land, harvest, building, etc. belonged to the pharaoh

  39. Culture • The New Kingdom brought peace, stability, and power to Egypt. • This peace allowed them to continue pursuing art, architecture, literature, etc. • The New Kingdom also brought about major trading with other cultures and the building of many monuments

  40. Monuments The Great Temple – Ramses II

  41. New Kingdom • Most famous pharaohs of New Kingdom • Hatshepsut – the trader (1473 – 1458 BCE) • Ramses II – the Great (1290 – 1224 BCE)

  42. Hatshepsut The First Woman Pharaoh

  43. Hatshepsut • Ruled Egypt from 1473 – 1458 BCE • First woman pharaoh • Focused on increasing trade • Dressed like a male during her rule and wore a fake beard • Monument built to honor her reign

  44. Hatshepsut

  45. Ramses II

  46. Ramses II • Ruled Egypt from 1290 – 1224 • Had 100 wives and over 100 children • Placed hundreds of statues of himself all over Egypt • Was captain of the Egyptian army at age 10 • Ramses’ empire went all the way through Canaan into Hittite territory • Made the first ever peace treaty with the Hittites • Temple at Abu Simbel dedicated to him with a smaller temple next to it dedicated to his favorite wife Nefertari

  47. Ramses II VIDEO

  48. Warm Up ___________________ Old Kingdom ___________________ Middle Kingdom ___________________ New Kingdom ___________________ What events occurred between Egypt’s Kingdoms?

  49. Ancient Egypt • Quiz Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • Good Luck

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