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有一位神. 有一位神, 有權能創造宇宙萬物, 也有溫柔雙手安慰 受傷靈魂。. 有一位神, 有權柄審判一切罪惡, 也有慈悲體貼人的 軟弱。. 有一位神, 我們的神, 唯一的神, 名叫耶和華。. 有權威榮光, 有恩典慈愛, 是昔在今在永在的神。. 有一位神, 有權能創造宇宙萬物, 也有溫柔雙手安慰受傷靈魂。. 有一位神, 高坐在榮耀的寶座, 卻死在十架挽救人 墮落。. 有一位神, 我們的神, 唯一的神, 名叫耶和華。. 有權威榮光, 有恩典慈愛, 是昔在今在永在的神。. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 天使報信.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 有一位神

  2. 有一位神,有權能創造宇宙萬物, 也有溫柔雙手安慰受傷靈魂。

  3. 有一位神,有權柄審判一切罪惡, 也有慈悲體貼人的軟弱。

  4. 有一位神,我們的神, 唯一的神,名叫耶和華。

  5. 有權威榮光,有恩典慈愛, 是昔在今在永在的神。

  6. 有一位神,有權能創造宇宙萬物, 也有溫柔雙手安慰受傷靈魂。

  7. 有一位神,高坐在榮耀的寶座, 卻死在十架挽救人墮落。

  8. 有一位神,我們的神, 唯一的神,名叫耶和華。

  9. 有權威榮光,有恩典慈愛, 是昔在今在永在的神。

  10. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 天使報信

  11. Hark! the herald angles sing, “Glory to the new born King; Peace on earth, and mercy child; God and sinners reconciled.” 聽阿!天使高聲唱: 「榮耀歸與新生王; 地上平安人蒙恩,神人和好再相親!」

  12. Joyful, all ye nations rise, Join the triumph of the skies; With angelic hosts proclaim, “Christ is born in Bethlehem” 興起!地上大小邦, 響應諸天共頌揚, 樂與天使同宣告 “基督生於伯利恆!”

  13. With angelic hosts proclaim, “ Christ is born in Bethlehem!” 樂與天使同宣告 “基督生於伯利恆!”

  14. Hail the heav’n-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Son of righteousness! Light and life to all He brings, Ris’n with healing in His wings 歡迎天降和平王,歡迎輝煌公義光; 帶來生命顯光芒,起死回生醫創傷;

  15. Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die Pleased as man with men to dwell, Jesus our Immanuel 捨棄榮華離天上,降生救人出死亡, 降生使人得高升,降生使人得重生;

  16. Pleased as man with men to dwell, Jesus our Immanuel. 降生使人得高升,降生使人得重生。

  17. When a child is born

  18. A ray of hope flickers in the sky A tiny star lights up way up high All across the land, dawns a brand new morn This comes to pass when a child is born

  19. A silent wish sails the seven seas The winds of change whisper in the trees And the walls of doubt crumble,tossed and torn This comes to pass when a child is born

  20. A ray of hope flickers in the sky A tiny star lights up way up high All across the land, dawns a brand new morn This comes to pass when a child is born

  21. 神降世間 (org. When a Child is Born)

  22. 神降世間 願將生命挽 長存大愛 救恩非等閒 信靠主恩賜 莫再多猶疑 泉源活水 長流生命處

  23. 塵世可悲 罪遍千萬里 全然十架 解艱苦罪仇 只有恩主賜 萬有新開始 樂屬靈裡 無懼風雲雨

  24. 塵世可悲 罪遍千萬里 全然十架 解艱苦罪仇 只有恩主賜 萬有新開始 全賴耶穌 創出真善美

  25. 以賽亞書 第九章因有一嬰孩為我們而生;有一子賜給我們。政權必擔在他的肩頭上;他名稱為奇妙策士、全能的神、永在的父、和平的君。他的政權與平安必加增無窮。他必在大衛的寶座上治理他的國,以公平公義使國堅定穩固,從今直到永遠。萬軍之耶和華的熱心必成就這事。

  26. 浩聲讚祂曲 26

  27. Alleluia hosannaAlleluia hosannaAlleluia Hosanna我們歌聲蒙悅納。

  28. 施恩座前稱頌主,心中見琴和金香爐。哈利路亞溢我心充滿了歌聲多歡欣。施恩座前稱頌主,心中見琴和金香爐。哈利路亞溢我心充滿了歌聲多歡欣。

  29. Alleluia hosannaAlleluia hosannaAlleluia HosannaSing we now and ever more

  30. We see harps & bowls of gold,None but the Lamb the scroll can hold. Alleluia fills my heart eternal praising is my part.

  31. Alleluia fills my heart!Hosanna!Amen!

  32. Praise the Lord

  33. Praise the Lord. Let songs of joy break forth, Let songs of joy break forth. Sing alleluia; praise his name for ever more.

  34. Praise the Lord. Let songs of joy break forth, Let songs of joy break forth. Sing alleluia; praise his name for ever more.

  35. Shout, sing and dance, come dance and celebrate, Rejoice; Let all within us praise His name. Shout, sing and dance and celebrate. Come dance and celebrate. Sing alleluia. Praise His name for ever more.

  36. Shout, sing, let songs of joy break forth. Let songs of joy break forth. Praise the Lord, o praise him. Let sings of joy break forth. Sing alleluia, alleluia. Praise His name for ever more.

  37. Shout, sing, let songs of joy break forth. Sing for joy. Sing for joy. Rejoice. O praise His name for ever more.

  38. 信眾齊到主前 38

  39. (詩班頌唱:)信眾齊到主前, 高唱凱歌歡欣,信眾齊來邁向美哉伯利恆,

  40. 心意盡敬奉,聖嬰降生為王,信眾伏拜稱讚揚, 謙恭同詠天恩深,

  41. 感恩歡呼讚頌耶穌基督降世.

  42. (會眾齊唱:)信眾齊到主前, 高唱凱歌歡欣,信眾齊來邁向美哉伯利恆,

  43. (會眾齊唱:)心意盡敬奉,聖嬰降生為王,信眾伏拜稱讚揚, 謙恭同詠天恩深,

  44. (會眾齊唱:)感恩歡呼讚頌耶穌基督降世.

  45. (會眾齊唱:) 到榮美天庭 , 天使和唱高聲 , 聽屬神萬眾天軍歡呼讚美.

  46. (會眾齊唱:) 璀璨萬世代,至高永生父神!信眾伏拜稱讚揚, 謙恭同詠天恩深,

  47. (會眾齊唱:)感恩歡呼讚頌我主基督降世.

  48. (會眾齊唱:)看純潔嬰孩, 卑降世間新生,叫萬民頌讚救主衷心敬拜.

  49. (會眾齊唱:)真理耀遠近, 尺軀載真來臨.信眾伏拜稱讚揚, 謙恭同詠天恩深,

  50. (會眾齊唱:)感恩歡呼讚頌我主基督降世.

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