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Islamic Civilization. Islam=name of the religion Muslim=someone who practices Islam. The Arabian Peninsula. Very harsh desert environment. Very little water The people there become very fierce as they compete for scarce resources like water. Villages grow.
Islamic Civilization Islam=name of the religion Muslim=someone who practices Islam
The Arabian Peninsula • Very harsh desert environment. Very little water • The people there become very fierce as they compete for scarce resources like water
Villages grow • Villages grow up around an oasis- places where water naturally comes up out of the ground • Villages along trade routes between Africa, Asia, and Europe grow and prosper
Arabs • Most people there are nomadic shepherds called Bedouins • Bedouins are polytheistic • Bedouin people are often called Arabs, especially after they cease being nomadic
Ishmael • According to legend, the ancestor of the Arabs is Ismael, Abraham’s illegitimate son by his wife’s slave • Arabs therefore claim the same origins as the Hebrews
Muhammad (Mohammed, Muhammad) • Muhammad is born into this harsh Arab/Bedouin culture around 570 AD. • He is born in Mecca and becomes a wealthy merchant • He is famous for being a wise man and very spiritual
Gabriel visits Muhammad • One day Muhammad is visited by the angel Gabriel who tells him that Muhammad is to be God’s prophet • Gabriel recites the Qur’an (Koran) to Muhammad to memorize since Muhammad is illiterate
Islam’s prophets • Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last prophet, but not the only one. • Previous prophets include all the Jewish and Christian prophets – like Moses and even Jesus (they do not believe he is God’s son)
Koran (Qur’an) • The Qur’an is Islam’s holy book. It is word-for-word, the words Gabriel told Muhammad to learn • Also is a book of the prophet Muhammad’s sayings called the Hadith and a book detailing his actions called the Sunnah. • Together, these books are the guiding documents for Muslims • BTW, the Qur’an is written in Arabic, and many Muslims believe to truly understand it, you must read it in Arabic
Islam • Means “submission” (to God) • People who practice Islam are called Muslims, which means “one who submits” (to God)
Five Pillars • Muslims believe in five core duties as written in the Qur’an
“People of the Book” • Christianity and Judaism are viewed as a pre-cursor to Islam • They are allowed to practice their faith because of this, though they are encouraged to convert to Islam • If they do not convert, they must pay a tax (jizyah “tribute”)
Muslims persecuted • The small Muslim movement is persecuted from Mecca and forced to flee 200 miles to the village of Medina (hijira) • In the year 630, Muhammad returned to Mecca and took the city. • He spared the people there, establishing a pattern of treating conquered people with tolerance
Islam spreads • Islam quickly spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula • Get out your maps • Label the colored section “Islam during Muhammad’s life”
Muhammad dies • Muhammad died in 632 AD • In his farewell speech, he warned the Muslim community against returning to pre-Islamic practices • However, he did not give instructions for who should succeed him as leader Masjid-Al-Nabawi – Tomb of the Prophet
Jerusalem • Among the lands the Muslims conquer are parts of the Byzantine Empire- like Jersualem • Jerusalem is the holiest city in Judaism and Christianity • The oldest and possibly best know mosque in the world is the Dome of the Rock. They built it on the same hill as the King Solomon’s Temple- the holiest Jewish site.
Battle of Tours • 732 AD a Muslim army comprised of Moors from North Africa invaded France • They were stopped at the Battle of Tours by a Frankish general named Charles (later Charles Martel) • The battle is seen as preserving Christianity in Europe
Caliphs • Muhammad’s successors, called caliphs,were elected • They worked to expand Islam through conquering new territories
Islam Continues to Spread • Under Muhammad’s successors, Islam continued to spread, eventually including all the land from Spain to the Indus River, and even further east to China and Indonesia • On your map, label this section “Extent of Islam”
Ali • Ali, was Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law. He became caliph, but was assassinated.
Umayyad Caliphate • After the first 4 caliphs, the Umayyad Caliphate became the dominant force in Islam • The Umayyad's moved the capital to Damascus (modern Syria) and began to act more like European (Byzantine) rulers Umayyad Mosque (Great Mosque of Damascus)
Hussein • There were some Muslims who believed the Umayyad’s were corrupting Islam • One of those was Ali’s son (Muhammad’s grandson), Hussein • He refused to pay allegiance to the Umayyad. • At the Battle of Karbala, Hussein was beheaded • He is a martyr to Shi’a Muslims
Shi’a • The people who were loyal to Hussein believed that the caliph should be a descendent of Muhammad • They are called Shi’a (Shiite) – means “Party of Ali” • Almost all of them live in South-east Iraq and Iran • Karbala is a holy site to which they pilgrimage today
Sunni • Those who remained loyal to the Umayyad are called Sunni (means Majority) • Sunni make up over 85% of Muslims today
Sufism • The Sufi branch also broke away during the Umayyads • Sufis are generally seen as practicing a mystical type of Islam in which they seek to know only Allah in all things • This is a very small, but highly dedicated sect of Islam
Baghdad • Baghdad became the capital • The city would eventually have a population of 1 million at a time when Paris and London counted less than 50,000 • Baghdad was the center of learning
Universities • One of the earliest universities was founded in Baghdad. These centers for learning contributed to learning and many new Islamic inventions.
Mathematic Advances • Arab scholars made advances in math and astronomy • They invented Algebra • And, modern numerals like 1, 2, 3, 4… are Arabic inventions
Medicine • Muslim physicians contributed to modern medicine by discovering the causes of certain diseases like Smallpox • Al Razi, the most famous Muslim physician, even realized that patients recover better in clean environments
Preserve classical learning • Muslim scholars preserved and translated many of the Greek and Roman classic texts • Eventually, as contact with the Christians in Western Europe increased, that knowledge would pass back to Europe
Islam Today • Get out your book to page 283, use the pie charts to answer the following questions with your group. Turn in your answers. • How many Muslims are there in the world? • In which regions are Muslims a majority (more than 50%) or plurality (more than any other group)? • If India’s population is 1.1 billion, how many Muslims live there? • If the United States’ population is 3 million, how many Muslims live there?