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Romans: the righteousness of God revealed. Author and DatePaul is unanimously considered the author of the book of Romans. He probably wrote this from Corinth toward the end of his 3rd missionary journey around A.D. 56.RecipientsThis epistle (1st century Greek letter) was originally addressed to

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Romans The Righteousness of God Revealed

    2. Romans: the righteousness of God revealed Author and Date Paul is unanimously considered the author of the book of Romans. He probably wrote this from Corinth toward the end of his 3rd missionary journey around A.D. 56. Recipients This epistle (1st century Greek letter) was originally addressed to all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints. However its message of how people can be right with God was intended for people of every nation and every age.

    3. Structure of Romans Introduction 1:1-15 Part 1 Argument 1:16-4:25 Christs righteousness as the only answer to the problem of human depravity. 1:16,17 & 3:20-26 Confession 5:1-11 Part 2 Argument 5:12-8:30 How faith in Christ and the Spirits work bring about this righteousness in the lives of believers. 6:1-18 & 8:1-11 Confession 8:31-39

    4. Structure of Romans Part 3 Argument 9:1-11:32 Gods faithfulness in spite of Jewish unbelief and His future plans for all believing people. 11:17-24 Confession 11:33-36 Part 4 Argument 12:1-15:12 What this righteousness effected by faith in Christ and the work of the Spirit looks like in terms of relationships in the believing community and beyond. 12:1-2,9-21 Confession 15:5-13 Conclusion 15:14-16:27

    5. Romans: the righteousness of God revealed Theme The theme of Romans, introduced in 1:16, 17 The righteous shall live by faith , is never absent from the writers mind. Justification by faith (Rom. 5:1), spread out into justification by grace through faith (see 3:2224; cf. Eph. 2:8), is clearly the theme of Romans. William Hendriksen. New Testament Commentary : Exposition of Paul's Epistle to the Romans.

    6. Romans: the righteousness of God revealed Message Though all men are sinners under Gods righteous wrath, through faith in Christs atonement and by the work of the Holy Spirit all may made right with God immediately, progressively and eternally.

    7. Romans: the righteousness of God revealed Food for thought Romans 5:1-11 rejoices (at least in part) over the access that we have to God as a result of our justification by faith. This is a similar idea to what we find in 1 Peter 3:18 For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. Are you making use of your access to God?

    8. Arise, my soul, arise! Shake off thy guilty fears! The bleeding Sacrifice In thy behalf appears! Before the throne my Surety stands; My name is written on His hands!

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