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Green Dot and AMU. Denver, February 15-16, 2011. Agenda. Quick intro to Green Dot: mission, results and core beliefs A perspective on our labor contract and the current climate between teachers and management at Green Dot (the “unvarnished truth”…). Green Dot’s mission.
Green Dot and AMU Denver, February 15-16, 2011
Agenda • Quick intro to Green Dot: mission, results and core beliefs • A perspective on our labor contract and the current climate between teachers and management at Green Dot (the “unvarnished truth”…)
Green Dot’s mission is leading the charge to transform public education in Los Angeles and beyond so that all young adults receive the education they deserve to be prepared for college, leadership & life. Our ultimate goal: All 700K students in LAUSD go to a great school
In ten years, Green Dot has grown to serve over 8,300 students FirstMiddle School LockeTransformation JeffersonCluster Founding Five *Refers to projected annual enrollment (e.g., average enrollment throughout the year, not start-of-year enrollment) Source: State of the Dot update, 2010
We work with a diverse student population that mirrors LAUSD’s Student Racial Make-up % students enrolled in Special Ed, ELL, FRL * * *Preliminary estimates for 2010-11 school year; ELL number to finalized in February ’11; FRL number to be finalized in November ‘10 Source: Green Dot internal data; California Department of Education Data for grades 9-12 (2008-09 data) p11
We are one of the most efficient school systems in the country (because we have to, frankly!) • Revenue per student1 • Mississippi (46th) • $8,870 • Tennessee (50th) • $7,932 • Green Dot1 • $7,800 1. Nationwide per student data from FY08, which is latest available U.S. Dept of Education data; Green Dot per student is from FY11. Benchmark data is district average for primary and secondary students, whereas Green Dot is only high school students; since high schools receive more per pupil than middle/elementary schools the benchmark data is lower than it should be if apples to apples high school funding comparison
Green Dot’s established schools outperform their peers in LA API Comparable LAUSD schools: 573 Green Dot: 730 CAHSEE* Comparable LAUSD schools: 49%Green Dot: 82% COR** (COLLEGE OPPORTUNITY RATIO) Comparable LAUSD schools: 11% Green Dot: 57% *Average of Math and ELA passing rates **Refers to new statistical indicator that reports the effectiveness of CA’s high schools in producing college-ready graduates; shows % of incoming 9th graders that graduate meeting UC/CSU requirements four years later; Green Dot’s % based on outcomes from “Founding Five” schools Note: Based on Green Dot schools operating for at least three years; “comparable schools” refers to those operating in neighborhoods with a Green Dot school: Inglewood, Morningside, Venice, Westchester, Roosevelt, Garfield, Washington Prep, Jordan, Fremont, Santee, and Jefferson Source: Green Dot Key Performance Indicators 2010; LAUSD website; California Department of Education data
The Locke Transformation is challenging us at new levels An unprecedented challenge… No other CMO had taken on a transformation of similar scale …with a high-need student population… Large % credit deficient, full range of Special Ed needs, conditions of extreme poverty …and an inherited culture that worked against success School culture not about going to class, let alone to college Amidst this challenging environment, Locke is making strides Increased retention Increased rigor Improved results Start-of-year vs. end-of-year enrollment % of students taking Math and/or ELA CST exams % of students passing CAHSEE Note: “Locke then” refers to Locke results in 2007-08 (i.e., under LAUSD); “Locke now” refers to Locke results in 2009-10 (i.e., under Green Dot) Source: CDE Dataquest for LAUSD; internal data for Green Dot
Why we succeed: our core strengths • We do what it takes to prepare the highest need students for college, leadership and life, which makes us better at serving all students A B C We value results and have built systems and processes to enable accountability and earned autonomy • We are part of a $60M, 7-year grant from the Gates Foundation to raise teacher effectiveness • We have made a large investment in developing a pipeline of strong administrators, through high-touch coaching, mentoring, and individualized PD D
History of AMU (Asociación de Maestros Unidos) Focusing on communication, transparency and many joint meetings to navigate through tough issues as a team, not divided First 6 teachers at Green Dot, in agreement with management, start a new bargaining unit with CTA 2nd contract was mostly “clean-up” to remove items and improve clarity of language and we achieved a 6% raise 2001 2003-04 2007-08 2010 First contract is negotiated and ratified. Basic goal was to achieve a contract that was good for students and respectful of adults, and that set the ground rules for a professional environment Tense 3rd contract negotiations due to CA budget crisis. Management seeks cost concessions, AMU seeks more decision-making for teachers. Ultimately, the parties reached agreement that met the interest of both Green Dot and AMU
Key elements of our collective bargaining agreement AMU – Green Dot Traditional vs. • Professional day • No tenure • Just cause due process for discipline/termination • School site decision making • Grievance Procedure built on conflict resolution • Work minutes and duties • Tenure • Statutory rights in Ed Code, which limit dismissal • Decisions and rights are negotiated in contract or • Ed Code • Traditional grievance procedure (no mediation)
What management and the teachers are working on to improve our schools Joint Best Practices Handbook- Decision Making - how decisions are made at the school site (role of teachers, parents, students, classified and Principals) - how joint committees should work (Teacher Evaluation Committee, Teacher Effectiveness Advisory Panel, Professional Development, Counselor Committee, etc.) AMU Executive Board and Green Dot Management meet once a month (updates, climate check, new issues, new projects,…) Joint Communications AMU has membership on Green Dot’s Board of Directors
AMU view of where we are today Strengths Areas to improve • Communication • -leadership to members • -members to leadership • -leadership to management • Trainings • -messaging • -conflict resolution • -collaboration • -implementation of contract • Decision Making Process • -distinction between “input” and “decision making” Everyone has the same goal of using collaboration to best serve our students Agree that sites need to retain autonomy Flexible to form and dismember committees as needed Open communication between labor and management
Management view of where we are today Strengths Areas to improve • Inconsistent execution at some sites destroys credibility of management • Balancing “autonomy” while pushing schools to improve (seen as taking away autonomy) • Balancing “participation in decision making” and “single point accountability” difficult to make at times • Contract “forces” administration and management to constantly think about improving processes and communications • Allows for innovation and change • Good balance of autonomy and accountability