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Education Development Center, Inc. Contract awarded to Education Development Center (EDC) by California Department of Education (CDE) Purpose is to enhance collaboration between California’s schools and departments of mental health services
Education Development Center, Inc Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Contract awarded to Education Development Center (EDC) by California Department of Education (CDE) Purpose is to enhance collaboration between California’s schools and departments of mental health services Contract activities are timed to coincide with funding available for Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) as part of the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06 Education Development Center, Inc
Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention Look familiar???Some slides are adapted from: California Department of Mental Health (DMH)Presentation to the Mental Health ServicesOversight and Accountability CommissionOctober 27, 2006Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early InterventionCalifornia Department of Mental Health (DMH)Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC)Prevention and Early Intervention Stakeholder WorkshopsApril 13 & 26, 2007 Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
IOM Spectrum of Mental Health Interventions:Funding Emphasis on Prevention California Department of Mental Health (DMH) Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Option 1 Emphasizes the prevention end of the spectrum Option 2 Emphasizes the entire spectrum – Prevention, Treatment and Maintenance PEI Funding Options California Department of Mental Health (DMH) • Differentiates goals of PEI funding from CSS funding • Allows for focus and impact in the prevention arena Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
55-75% CSS 20% PEI Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Broadening Our Vision California Department of Mental Health (DMH) • Addressing potential emotional issues or mental illness at the earliest stages Examples: school failure and behavior problems that may be signs of onset of mental illness • Major shift and new role in the mental health community Historically limited resources for individuals with even the most serious mental illnesses Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
California Department of Mental Health (DMH) Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) Policy 2:Priority Age • PEI County Plans • Address all age groups • A minimum of 51% of their overall PEI Plan budget must be dedicated to individuals between the ages of birth to 25 • Small counties are excluded from this agreement • Small County Definition • Under 200,000 population as determined by the latest population estimates from Department of Finance • 30 CA counties meet this criterion • 5.95% of the state’s population Adapted from Presentation of DMH and MHSOAC April 13 & 26, 2007 Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
California Department of Mental Health (DMH) Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) Policy 3:Priority Populations • Underserved Cultural Populations • Individuals Experiencing Onset of Serious Psychiatric Illness • Children/Youth in Stressed Families • Trauma-Exposed • Children/Youth at Risk for School Failure • Children and Youth at Risk of Juvenile Justice Involvement Adapted from Presentation of DMH and MHSOAC April 13 & 26, 2007 Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Proposed Priority Populations Organized by System California Department of Mental Health (DMH) Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Proposed Priority Populations Organized by System California Department of Mental Health (DMH) Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Potential of PEI School Investments California Department of Mental Health (DMH) • Collaborative planning • Filling key program gaps • Leveraging funding • Coordinating with and enhancing currently operating programs • PEI programs for children and youth in schools will result in fewer severe problems requiring intensive treatment Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Special Education Student Study Teams 504 Teams School Attendance and Review Board (SARB) Suicide Prevention Programs Safe and Drug Free Schools Juvenile Court Schools After School Programs Healthy Start School-Linked Services School Based Health Centers Early Mental Health Initiatives Head Start Programs First 5 School Readiness and Preschool Programs Potential of PEI School Investments California Department of Mental Health (DMH) • Coordinating with and enhancing currently operating programs in schools Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Potential PEI School Investments California Department of Mental Health (DMH) • Counseling, Psychological & Social Services • Nursing Services • Health Education • Resiliency skills • Mental health literacy including stigma education • Suicide prevention • Coordinating with and enhancing currently operating programs in schools Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services Nursing Services Health Education Nutrition Services 5.Physical Education 6. Healthy & Safe Environment 7. Family/Community Involvement 8. Health Promotion for Staff Potential PEI School Investments California Department of Mental Health (DMH) • Coordinating with and enhancing currently operating programs in schools Coordinated School Health Programs (CSHP) Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Health Education Family/Community Physical Education Involvement Health Services Health Promotion for Staff Nutrition Services Healthy & Safe Environment Counseling, Psychological, & Social Services Centers for Disease Control Model Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP) Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06 SAFER • HEALTHIER • PEOPLE ™
Download Free Readers LEARNING SUPPORTSCHOOL HEALTH CONNECTIONS What is Coordinated School Health? A coordinated approach to school health improves students' health and their capacity to learn through the support of families, schools, and communities working together. As described in the Health Framework for California Public Schools, coordinated school health is a school-wide approach and commitment that support and integrates eight components: • Health education • Physical education • Parent/community involvement • Nutrition services • Health services • Psychological and counseling services • Safe and health school environment • Health promoting for staff Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
PEI Strategic and Systems Perspective California Department of Mental Health (DMH) Two systems that could serve most of California’s population: SCHOOLS AND PRIMARY CARE • Access to children, youth, adults and older adults • Opportunity to serve millions of Californians • Ability to reach a highly diverse population • Opportunity to leverage other funds and resources Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Purpose of the contract is to enhance collaboration between California’s schools and local departments of mental health services Regional meetings will be facilitated to serve as catalysts for communication between school officials and County Mental Health Directors Work groups will be formed to guide us in assessing needs and identifying best practices Building C ollaboration C D E E Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06 Education Development Center, Inc
Questions??? Suggestions??? Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Contact Information Project Directors Beverly Bradley, PhD, RN bbradley@edc.org (858) 272-7164 Jack Campana, MS jcampana@edc.org (858) 922-6577 Administrative Assistant Kathleen Johnson kjohnsopn@edc.org Building C ollaboration C D E E Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06 Education Development Center, Inc
Education Development Center, Inc Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Recommendations California Department of Mental Health (DMH) • Focus substantial resources in schools and primary health care • Build a more comprehensive and connected system so counties and their stakeholders build a more integrated approach • Focus on a reasonable number of priority populations to demonstrate impact • Continue dialogue and collaboration with partners and stakeholders Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Mental Health and Primary Health Care California Department of Mental Health (DMH) • All ages present with mental health concerns • Ideal location for: • Early and periodic screening- child and mother • Health guidance • “First Break” response • Addressing depression in older adults • Individuals with severe mental illness have increased physical health concerns • Collaborative work leverages extensive resources Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Proposed Priority Populations Organized by System California Department of Mental Health (DMH) X X X Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Mental Health and Schools California Department of Mental Health (DMH) • PEI programs for children and youth in schools result in fewer severe problems requiring intensive treatment • Goals: • Make mental health a central part of the schools’ mission • Help each child and student meet his/her potential for success in school and life Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Healthy Kids 2004 Data 95% Latino; 5% White and Asian PI Most below 250% poverty Healthy Families 2006 Data 58% Latino; 11% White; 11% Asian PI; 2% Black; 3% Native American; 13% Other Below 250% poverty Clinics and Health Centers 2004 Data 52% Latino; 21% White; 7% Black; 7% Asian PI; 2% Native American; 12% Other Demographic Data - Primary Health Care California Department of Mental Health (DMH) Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Demographic Data - Schools California Department of Mental Health (DMH) First 5 California 2001 Data • Of 1,385 priority schools (API 1-3 elementary): • 85% of the population is low income • 48% of the population are English Learners (about 75% Latino) Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Indian Health Clinics 2005 Data 49% Native American; 13% Latino; 12% White; 26% Other/Unknown Medi-Cal 2004 Data 44% White; 26% Latino; 17% Black; 9% Asian PI; 1% Native American; 4% Other Note: Numbers on this slide and the previous slide are rounded and, therefore, do not total 100% Demographic Data - Primary Health Care(Continued) California Department of Mental Health (DMH) Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
California Department of Mental Health (DMH) Values • Collaboration • Reducing disparities • Expanding services while improving other key systems in the community • Leveraging other funds and resources • Having a focus • Making an impact Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06
Presentation Overview California Department of Mental Health (DMH) • Statewide and County strategies in reducing stigma, discrimination, and suicide • PEI’s role on the mental health intervention spectrum; and • Systems well positioned to implement PEI programs and interventions for selected priority populations and to reduce disparities Adapted from Presentation by Emily Nahat, Chief Prevention and Early Intervention, DMH 10/06