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Best Mass Communication Colleges in Delhi

IIMM Delhi is best mass communication colleges in delhi and Top Ten Media colleges in delhi offering recongnised degree diploma and certificate courses in creative media. For more details read this document.

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Best Mass Communication Colleges in Delhi

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INTERNATIONALINSTITUTE OF MASS MEDIA Leading India's Mass Communication Education Since1999

  2. ABOUT IIMM Established in 1999, International Institute of MassMedia(IIMM) is a leading institute of masscommunicationin India. MISSION To create a dynamic, flexible, and innovative environmentfor highereducation. ABOUT IIMM DELHI VISION IIMM is committed to offering academic and practical learning in mass communication to aspiring professionals.

  3. OurCourse Bachelor's in Journalism and Mass Communication[BJMC] Master's in Journalism and Mass Communication[MJMC] Postgraduate Diploma in Advertising, Public Relationsand Marketing[PGDAPRM] Short TermCourses

  4. OUR FACILILTIES Classroom Fully air-conditioned and furbishedwith ergonomic seating, our classrooms are equipped with computers and projection system, whiteboards, Sound & RadioStudio The Sound and Radio Studio is usedto train students in thismedium. Professionals from the radio andvoice industry visit theIIMM TVStudio IIMM has its own professional newsroom and television studio with the finest equipments comparablewith the industrystandards.




  8. GET IN TOUCH M AIN B R A NCH ADDRESS B-50, South Extn. Part 1, NewDelhi P H ONE N U MB E R +91-9210877877 TALKTOUS E M AIL ADDRESS info@iimmdelhi.com

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