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ELI REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 10 August 2004 BY TASK FORCE MEMBERS John Crosby Canon Paul E. Lambert Ann Sizemore Canon Pamela Dunbar Dan E. Wilson Dean Shelly Vescovo Fr. Bill Cavanaugh Gary Wydman Cliff Isaacs Laura Allen Richard Hart David Gibbs Canon Neal Michell. CHARTER.
ELI REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 10 August 2004 BY TASK FORCE MEMBERS John Crosby Canon Paul E. Lambert Ann Sizemore CanonPamela Dunbar Dan E. Wilson Dean Shelly Vescovo Fr. Bill Cavanaugh Gary Wydman Cliff Isaacs Laura Allen Richard Hart David Gibbs Canon Neal Michell
CHARTER The Episcopal Leadership Institute (ELI) will be a ministry resource for leadership development in the Diocese of Dallas. The ELI will provide: courses -- classroom and online; resource material; speakers on specific topics; and other material as requested and developed.
Jesus Christ Bishop Stanton Canon Lambert Executive Council • ELI Steering Committee • appointed by Bishop • charged with developing ELI • functions as “BOARD” • appoints ELI Director with Bishop’s approval • ELI Director • charged with daily operations of ELI • maintains registrations, student / participant records • owns budget process and expense tracking • reports periodically to ELI Steering Committee • Program Design • Committee • needs assessments • class and seminar design • certification levels • evaluation procedures • recognition • Communication / PR Committee • publicizing ELI • printed material • web page • information seminars • parish presentations • 6 Program • CHAIRS • LAY • LATINO • YOUTH • ADULT • COLLEGE • NEW CLERGY • Accreditation Committee • reviews/approve course material • staff credential /selection criteria • ensure consistency with Bishop’s priorities • reciprocal certification review
A Christian leader is a person who is able to: Understand the Story – articulate Christ’s message from scripture with clarity, conviction, and passion. Understand their story – experience Christ’s transforming power in moving toward wholeness, character, and integrity; and tell others. Understand the environment – discern the culture and milieu in which we are called to be Christian leaders. Understand the people – build relationships, utilize group dynamics, and encourage teamwork. Setting people on task, holding them accountable, and encouraging them along the way. Understand the vision – articulate God’s vision, communicate it effectively, set goals, and persevere until the vision is reached. Definition: Trained Christian Leader
REMARKS FROM BISHOP STANTON ELI is to bring learning and leaderstogether to benefit the mission of the church. We fully appreciate that clergy and lay leadership matter greatly in the spreading of our faith. All leaders need to benefit from sharing best practices among themselves and from outside the diocese. We must answer the question: how can we bring Christ to others and to witness to him in our social settings – wherever we are. ELI is an opportunity to serve Him.
LEVEL I - Skill building in basic church leadership. Accomplished by hands-on, person-to-person, in classrooms, and via mentoring. Students can be recommended by their rector, the COM, the Canon or the Bishop. Also, open to individuals who seek training / knowledge for their own education. Example courses include Developing and Managing Small Groups Anti-Racism Training Time Management Theology of Stewardship Systems Theory and Practice Theology of Parish Ministry LEM I training Leadership Spirituality Level I and II courses may be taken simultaneously. CONCEPT: 3-LEVEL STRUCTURE
Pastoral Leader Worship Leader Preacher Lay Evangelist Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Visitor Healing Minister Stewardship Leader Director of Religious Education Youth Minister Catechist CONCEPT: 3-LEVEL STRUCTURELEVEL II - certification programs, instructor- led, class room or web-based. Example Level II courses for those seeking to serve as: • Title III, 4 -- licensed ministries require communicant to be licensed by the Bishop. While ELI material will be developed to be consistent with Title III, 4 requirements, only the Bishop can license communicants for Title III, 4 licensed ministries.
LEVEL III - longer term, an advanced program may emerge to do original research for a larger audience outside the diocese. Such a program would engage in original research to formulate new solutions to individual, parish, and diocesan problems. CONCEPT: 3-LEVEL STRUCTURE
ELI will develop integrated educational and training programs to raise up transformational leaders who have a priority in evangelism. Courses will include skill enhancement and training in addition to formal education. The Steering Committee expects to: Further develop the organization, structure, content, and schedule Identify sub-chairs to focus on the Strategic Plan areas of: Lay, Latino, Youth, Adult, College/Young Adult, and New Clergy Establish accreditation sub-committee Establish web portal off diocesan web page Conduct Needs Analysis Collect existing material for evaluation Hold PILOT class in 1Q2005 WHAT NEXT?