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Support for Writing

Explore the web-based Support for Writing system and its functions, including text analysis, breaking high-level objectives into steps, and setting pupil targets. Utilize a variety of text types to support planning, teaching, and differentiation. Watch an example video and implement pupil targets for writing improvement.

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Support for Writing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Support for Writing

  2. Aims To: • introduce teachers to the web-based Support for Writing materials; • exemplify how these materials can support planning, teaching and differentiation.

  3. Support for Writing Three functions: • Text-types – lots of information to support text analysis and key features for writing; • Breaking the high value writing objectives (strands 9, 10 and 11) into steps in learning; • Pupil targets for moving through the sub-levels in Strands 7 to 11.

  4. Support for Writing I need help with adapting the objective to meet the needs of my class! I need help with knowing what to teachin eachtext type! I need help with targets to move the children through the levels!

  5. Text-types - Narrative Science Fiction Traditional tales Fairy Tales Dilemma stories Historical fiction Adventure Fantasy Myths Fables Dialogue – plays, comics and film Mystery Contemporary fiction Legends

  6. Non-Fiction Instruction Recount Persuasion Explanation Discussion Non-chronological report

  7. Poetry Free Verse Visual Poems Structural Poems

  8. Using Pupil Targets At the point of writing Support might be provided to groups as they begin to write or when they have already started to write independently ( in order to support the revising process). Before Writing –to support children’s planning and drafting of their work This should refer back to and build upon the previous shared writing session. After Writing – Feedback sessions After children have worked independently on their writing there should be opportunities for them to assess their writing – the use of peer support here is useful.

  9. Support for Writing Web Video

  10. An ExampleYear 4 – Non-Fiction Unit 3 - Explanations Outcome: Explanation text to describe how a machine works.

  11. Text-Types

  12. Steps in Learning Progression Summary Learning Objective Step in Learning 1 Step in Learning 2 Step in Learning 3

  13. Year 4 Strand 10 Progression Summary During Year 4, children begin to explore ways of organising texts to improve their effectiveness for a reader. When planning what to write, they apply their knowledge of text structures to help them chunk ideas and information in logical orinterestingways. Children make progress in establishing textual cohesion with exploratory use of connectives within and between paragraphs.

  14. Learning Objective Progression Summary Organise texts into paragraphs to distinguish between different information, events or processes.

  15. Steps in Learning – Step Two Children focus on the beginnings and endings ofparagraphs in an explanation text through the support ofshared writing.

  16. Pupil Targets Level 3c Organise ideas and related points into paragraphs. Level 3b Consider beginnings of paragraphs and begin use of connectives to help structure text. Level 3a Use adverbsand conjunctions to build links between sentences within paragraphs.

  17. Creating Interest Watch the short film. In pairs, use the Question Hand to support a discussion about the film..

  18. Gathering Content • Watch the film again. • Look for the sequence of events and processes. • Order the screen capture photographs in the sequence that they occurred on the video.

  19. Talk for Writing Watch the powerpoint presentation of the screen shots from the video. Using the paragraph starters and connectives, create sentences orally.

  20. How does Wallace’s Snoozatron work?An Explanation!

  21. When Wallace cannot get to sleep, he …

  22. First of all,he …

  23. This causes

  24. Meanwhile, in Wallace’s bedroom …

  25. Firstly,

  26. and …

  27. After that…

  28. Next…

  29. Following this a…

  30. If Wallace still can’t get to sleep, a…..

  31. Meanwhile,downstairs….

  32. Aftera few minutes,…..

  33. Thenhe stands on a….

  34. which causesit to ….

  35. sending him up through…

  36. Wallace then begins to….

  37. Eventually…..

  38. Shared Writing Write a demonstration sentence, making explicit reference to the skills and grammatical choices made – with particular reference to paragraph starters and causal connectives.

  39. Give the children the powerpoint slide handout pages. Differentiate by giving some with the paragraph starters and some without. Ask the children to write the explanation by explaining the event or process in the picture at the side of each set of lines. Independent Writing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  40. Support for Writing Consider how the Support for Writing materials will assist you in tailoring the PNS units so that they meet the needs of your children

  41. Questions and Close

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