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Lønborg videregående skole

Lønborg videregående skole. Upper secondary vocational school 200 students 150 part-time adult students. English in Vocational Schools. Teacher of English and social science International coordinator. 1994: Crosscurricular projects 2006: Learn the basics in each subjects

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Lønborg videregående skole

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lønborg videregående skole Uppersecondaryvocationalschool • 200 students • 150 part-time adult students

  2. English in Vocational Schools • Teacherof English and socialscience • International coordinator • 1994: Crosscurricularprojects • 2006: Learnthebasics in eachsubjects • 2013: English is a tool • ICT (Information Commmunication Technology)

  3. The Norwegian School System Upper secondary school Vocational Academic Lower secondary school – grade 8 – 10) Primary school – grade 1 – 7 (6 to 12 years of age)

  4. Lønborg videregående skole • Health and social care • Nurse assistants • Child and youth carers • General academic studies • Legg til bilde

  5. What about CLIL? • Itslearning: Teaching resources are being uploaded from vocational schools • Vocational studies/health and social care: • Working with texts related to future work • Role plays • Watching English-speaking films (subtitles in English or none) • International projects

  6. International projects/cooperation: • Comenius School Projects • Leonardo (student exchange) • NordPlus (student exchange and study visits) • E-Twinning (ENIS) • Zanzibar

  7. Comeniusprojects: Crosscurricular 1: A day in 1917 and 1950 (4 countries) 2. How is it to live in Europe today ( 8 countries) 3: How wouldwe like Europe to be (7 countries) 1: Olympic Games (5 countries)

  8. Leonardo: • Workplacements for threeweeks • Have to learnvocational terms in English and somephrases in Spanish/German

  9. eTwinning • Socialscience and English

  10. Zanzibar: Home for theElderly

  11. Orphanage

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