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Oxlip+. What is Oxlip+?. A tool for finding & linking to databases Online collections of (scholarly) materials Includes full text / indexes / range of formats Resources which the University pays for + free Primarily used to find databases e.g.

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  1. Oxlip+

  2. What is Oxlip+? • A tool for finding & linking to databases • Online collections of (scholarly) materials • Includes full text / indexes / range of formats • Resources which the University pays for + free • Primarily used to find databases e.g. • Do we have Scopus?... How do I connect to it? • What biology databases do we have? • Do we have any databases on American history? • Which databases include statistics? • Once you’re found a database you’ll generally make your keyword search using the databases own search facility rather than Oxlip+

  3. For full functionality you must log in to Oxlip+ (especially important if you are off campus) Oxlip+: logging in

  4. Logging in • For full functionality “Log in” • Gives you full “password free” access even if you are off campus • Allows you to save your favourite databases

  5. Logging in • Enter your Oxford single sign on username and password. • same as your Oxford webmail

  6. Logging in Click!

  7. Logging in - complete • You are now logged in • If you are using a public computer you should log out before you leave the computer. If you remain logged in others will be able to access your details (including e-mail)

  8. Finding databases by title and keywords and browsing by subject Oxlip+ : Finding databases

  9. Finding Databases “Find Database” options Find databases by entering keywords, database name, publisher... Browse by subject Find by title (by entering the database name or browsing the A-Z).

  10. Find databases : by name e.g. Finding Scopus

  11. Finding databases: results Information about the database Add to quick sets –adds the databases to your favourites under “My Research” Connect to database.

  12. The information screen

  13. Finding databases by browsing To browse databases by subject choose “subject”

  14. Finding databases by browsing Multi-disciplinary resources Subject specific resources

  15. Choose “Go” Choose a subject Choose a sub category (or ALL for all databases)

  16. Browsing results Table view = A-Z of titles Green arrow - Database requires “thin client software”. Follow the link to load the software. NOTE – you will only need to do this once. Icons alerts you that there is something you need to know about the database (e.g. special software, password, registration). Check the “Legend” on the right for more info Next page of databases

  17. Browsing results Brief view = A-Z of titles with brief description

  18. The legend Software required (follow the link to download/install) Special username / password required. Follow the link to Weblearn (you will be prompted for your SSO) to collect the password Padlock displays when you are of campus to show that you need to “log in” to Oxlip+ before you can access databases. Yellow flag shows that you will need to log in using your Oxford single sign on – even if you have already logged into Oxlip+ Registration required

  19. Find database: by keywords or other options • Find databases by vendor (publisher), subject, keywords (any words) and/or type. • “Any word” searches the title, description and keywords assigned to each database (not the databases itself) Enter keywords Pick resource type (e.g. Full text, journal, web site etc)

  20. A quick look at Web of Science Includes: Social Science Citation Index Science Citation Index Arts and Humanities Citation Index Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Sciences)

  21. Web of Science - allows you to limit your search to one or more of: • Social Science Citation Index • Science Citation Index • Arts and Humanities Citation Index • Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Sciences) Searches the whole of Web of Knowledge

  22. To restrict your search to one or more index

  23. Searching Enter your search terms using connectors between them: OR – one term or the other (synonyms) AND – both terms SAME – both terms in the same sentence “ “ - phrase To search by subject choose “Topic” from the drop down. Other options include Author, Title, publication, etc Restrict your search to Social Sciences

  24. Refine options: Narrow your results by entering more keywords or by choosing results from a particular subject etc Your results: sorting, refining, viewing Sort by date, times cited etc Bibliographic details – you will need these to find the full article in print. Title links to more information including keywords, abstract, bibliography and citing articles Number of articles which have cited this article Checks to see if full text is available online

  25. Printing and emailing your results Add to marked list option is good if you want to make several searches and collect up references as you go. At the end choose “Marked list” and then print / email etc. To print, e-mail or save items check the boxes and then use “Print”, “E-mail”, “Add to marked list” options.

  26. Viewing more information: abstract, cited by, references

  27. Refine options: Narrow your results by entering more keywords or by choosing results from a particular subject etc Your results: sorting, refining, viewing

  28. Finding full text 1. Click “Find it @ Oxford” to locate full text 2. The dialogue shows it is available from two databases (HeinOnline and JSTOR) 3. Following the link from “Find it at Oxford” takes you to the correct database but not to the article. Find the article by choosing the correct vol and page number 4. Full text

  29. Oxlip+: cross search

  30. CrossSearch: What is it? • Allows you to run a keyword search in up to 5 databases without leaving Oxlip+ How does it work? • You choose up to five databases • You enter your search terms into Oxlip+ • Oxlip+ passes your search terms to your chosen databases • The databases send the results back to Oxlip+ • You browse and view the results

  31. Pros You can search without leaving Oxlip+ You can search up to 5 databases at once Oxlip+ gives you one list of results and removes duplicates Cons Most databases can not be cross searched Oxlip+ search options are more limited than using the databases’ own interface Cross Search

  32. CrossSearch CrossSearch automatically opens the “new databases” folder on Oxlip+. To change this choose a subject from the “drop down menu”

  33. Enter search terms Choose up to 5 databases by checking the search boxes. Databases without tick boxes can not be cross searched.

  34. Options for narrowing your search Link to full text if available Add to your personal “eshelf” within Oxlip+ BEWARE - Cross search results are generally not as good as results from the “native interface” (i.e. results gained by searching each databases own interface)

  35. Oxlip+ “my research”

  36. My Research – personal storage area Search history (from CrossSearch) Selected records from “CrossSearch” session • Favourite databases. • Databases can be stored here as favourites. • Create “quick sets” of your favourite databases that you can then search using “Cross Search”.

  37. My Research : My databases My databases – shows databases you’ve added to Quicksets Databases can be organised into folders

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