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The INFLAMMASOMES Guardians of the Body. Fabio Martinion, Annick Mayor, Jurg Tschopp Annual Reviews Immunology 2009. Marcin Cebula. Innate immunity. Toll like receptors – extracellular sensing (PAMPs, DAMPs) RIG-like helicases (RIG-I, MDA5 viral sensors) – intracelular sensing
The INFLAMMASOMESGuardians of the Body Fabio Martinion, Annick Mayor, Jurg Tschopp Annual Reviews Immunology 2009 Marcin Cebula
Innate immunity • Toll like receptors – extracellular sensing (PAMPs, DAMPs) • RIG-like helicases (RIG-I, MDA5 viral sensors) – intracelular sensing • NOD - like receptors – intracellular sensing- microbial products- danger signals- metabolic stress • Some NLR form large cytoplasmatic complexesINFLAMMASOMES • Link between sensing of microbial products with proteolytic activation of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1 and IL-18
Structure of NLR family (I) • Multidomain proteins1) C-terminal region (Leucin rich repeats 20-30 - LRR)2 ) NACHT – belongs to STAND family of NTPases • 3) N-terminal effector domain • LRR – ligand sensing, autoregulation of NLR signaling, LRR domains are formed by tandem repeats
Ligand sensing domain Responsible for NLR oligomerization Effector domain Structures of NLR Two sub families I PYD containing NALPs (14 in human) II 5 members of NODs + CIITA IPAF, and BIR containing NAIP form remaining NLR members PYD – pyrin domain CARD – caspase recruitment domain FIIND – function to find BIR – baculovirys IAP repeat AD- activation dmain
No experimental data have convincingly demonstrated direct interaction between LRRs of NLRs and their respective activators, suggesting that sensing of patogens by NLRs may be indirect. • It is believed that the crucial step in NLRs activation lies in the oligomerization of the NACHT domains • Formation of active high molecular wieght complexes - INFLAMMASOMES
NALPs • NALP1, NALP2, NALP3 are central scafold of caspase-1-activating complex known as INFLAMMASOMES • Have PYD domain • NALP1 posses additionaly CADR domain
IPAF, NAIP • Evolutionary seperates from other NLRs • IPAF – CARD domain • NAIP – BIR damain (often found in proteins involved in apaptosis • Both form INFLAMMASOMES alone or in combination of both
CARD-containing NLRs • NOD1,2,4 and CIITA and separated NOD3, NOD5 • NOD1 and NOD2 once activated recruits kinase RIP2 through CARD-CARD interaction. Oligomerization of RIP2 in NOD signalosomes activate NFBb • NOD1, NOD2 detects PNG • NOD2 detects MDP
NLRs expression pattern and gene regulation • NLRs are expressed in cell and tissues that have role in immunity such as phagocytes • Epitelial cells - the first barrier • NAIP, IPAF – brain, spleen, lung, liver • Some like NALP5, 8, 4, 7, 10, 11 have restricted expression – germ cells and preimplantation embryos • Regulation – TLR stimulation increases the expression of NLRs (NOD1, NOD2 NALP3)
In Plants… • NLRs genes have similarities to plant genes involved in immune defenses (R-genes) • Contain: LRR, oligomerization domain NB-ARC, and TIR domain (recruitment domain involved in the TLR and IL-R1 family of immune mediators) • Convergent evolution • No NLR-like proteins in insects
Prototypical inflammasomes (II) • Biochemistry and diversity if inflammasomes is poorly understood, three prototypes • NALP1 • NALP3 • IPAF
Prototypical inflammasomes NALP3 • Assumed that PYD of NALPs recruits adaptor ASC (apoptosis assiciated spec-like protein containing caspase recruitment domain) • The CARD within ASK binds and recruits caspase-1 to the inflammasomes • NALP1 has C-terminal extension with CARD that rectuits caspase-5 or second caspase-1 to inflammasomes
Prototypical inflammasomes IPAF • Direct way of recruitment of caspase-1
Both IPAF and NALP3 bind ATP/dATP what is necessary for oligomerization of NACHT domain. Signal for this comes from LRR that are proposed to sense activating signal • Both IPAF and NALP3 bind SGT1 and HSP90 and activity of HSP90-SGT1 complex is essential for NALP3 activation (by keeping inflammasomes inactive but competent for activation) • Heterocomplexes – diversity?
Sensors of Danger signals (III) • How innate immune system discriminate between pathogenic and self nonpathogenic microbes • Matzinger suggest DANGER hypothesis • Presentation of an antigen in the context of danger signal triggrs efficient immune response - not only the foreignnes of antigen • Signals released by damaged or stressed tissues • First evidence found in plans MSU – monosoduim urate crystals CPPD – calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals
Sensing extracellular ATP Extracellular ATP released by damage or cellular stress hydrostatic pressure, hypotonic shock Danger signal binds to purinoreceptor P2X7 thereby activating NALP3 and caspase-1 Extracellular ATP in vivo my be rapidly hydrolyzed. Other ATP sourses - insulin containing granules from pancreatic cells- microbial flora and pathogenes ASC deficient mice demonstrated that ATP mediated caspase-1 activation requires ASC and is therefore dependent on activation of NALP
Uric Acid – a danger signal involved in gout (Arthritismus) • Uric acid form supernatant of dying cells tiggers adjuvanticity. • Uric acid with free sodium in extracellular enviroment form monosodium urate MSD crystals • MSU adjuvanticity depends on NALP3 inflammasome activation → IL-1 • ASC, NALP3 deficient mice have reduced crystal induced IL-1 • Examples- Erytrocytes infected with Plasmodium containhigh levels of hipoxanthine which is released from damaged cells and converted to uric acid – results in inlamation- DC incubated with alum also release uric acid • Aluminium particles act as adjuvant by augumented production of IL-1 • Alum-induced caspase -1 is dependent on NALP3 inflammasome activation
Silica and Asbestos Inflamation in the lung • Alveolar macrophages reside on barrier between body and the external enviroment • This phagocytes are important defence against microorganisms, dust particles • Silica, asbestos dust are strong inflamation inducers in the lungs. • This compounds act as activators of NALP3
and skin inflamations • UV activate NALP3 in keratinocytes • Inflammasomes play a role in contact hypersensitivity an inflammatory disease caused by irritant chemicals penetrating skin and inducing T cell response • Two phases- sensitization (chamicals as adjuvants and foreign hapten)- activation (after reexpousure) • SENSITIZATION phase depends on functional: – caspase-1 IL-1, IL-18 – confirmed role of ASC, NALP3 inflammasome DNFB (dinitrofluorobenzene) shown to promote release IL-1 in caspase-1 dependent manner in DC and keratinocytes. Suggestion that inflammasomes may detect such a compound directy or recognise the danger signals produced by irritants
Reactive oxygen species • ROS production occurs upon expousure of macrophages to:silica, asbestos, MSU, alum, ATP, toxin nigericin, UV, DNCB • ROS production is signal involved in stress and damage sensing • Knockdown of NADPH oxidaze subunits or use of antioxidants inhibit inflammasome activation by mentioned above compound • It is proposed that ROS is directly sensed by NALP3 or indirectly sensed by cytoplasmic modulators of inflammasome activity
Sensors of Pathohens (IV) • Extracelular PAMPs and danger signals – TLR, RAGE (receptor for advanced glycation end product) • NLRs samples PAMPs reaching cellular compartments (invasion, degradation products from phagocytosed bacteria, viruses) • Additionaly to PAMPs inflammasomes detects toxins and signals restricted to certain pathogens
PAMPs & toxins • Mainly bacterial PGNs and nucleic acids (indirect). • PGN is degraded to MDP that is sensed by NLR- NOD2 results in activation of NFB - NALP3 results IL-1 activation via caspase-1 (but NOD2 is required) • Sugesstion that NOD2 and NALP3 can cooperate directly or indirectly as part of the same complex • PORE-FORMING bacterial toxins antivate NALP3 inflammasome- -toxin Staphylococcus aureus- aerolysin Aeromonas hydrophila- listeriolysin O Listeria monocytogenes -potassium efflux, calcium influx (danger signals) • Antrax lethal toxin activates NALP1
IPAF inflamasomme activation by injected virulent factors • Gram negative pathogens that activate IPAF require type III or type IV secretion system for injection of virulent factors activating IPAF • Mainly flagellin activates IPAF but not only.
POPs – poxoviral gene product vPYDs – viral PYD Pi9 – serpin protease inhibitor vCrmA – cowpox virus-encoded inhibitor of caspase-1 INFLAMMASOME regulators (V) • What are the mechanisms silenting the inflamation iduced by inflammasomes • Factors: proteins that interfere with inflammasome assembly and inflammatory caspase activation • MAIN inflamasome regulators are those containing CARD domain, and those with PYD domain • Targeted disruption of Pyrin in mice causes increased endotoxin sensitivity and enhanced caspase-1 activation • But Pyrin overexpression can be proinflamatory • vPYD defficient poxoviruses – enhanced activation of caspase-1
& inflamatory diseases • Autoinflammatory but not autoimmune disorders
Inflammasomes & Adjuvanticity • Adjuvants: alum, oil based emulsions • TLR agonist ? • IL-1 has adjuvant properties. Mice immunization together with IL-1 results in higher antibody production • Inflammasome activators have adjuvant properties (MDP, MSU) • MSU, alum (ASC,NALP3,caspase-1) biases immune response towards Th2 type via IL-1, IL-18, IL-33 • Inflammasomes are important in linking innate immunity to adaptive immunity
Pyroptosis • Apoptosis – silent death • Pyroptosis – „Pyro” Fire Cell death dependent on caspase-1, associated with high inflammatory state • Shigella f. infects colon epitelium, evades phagosome to enter cytosol where tigers death requires caspase-1 but not apoptotic caspase-3 • Salmonella induced pyroptosis in infected macrophages (ASC, IPAF) is blocked in IPAF defficient mice • Bacillus anthracis induces pyroptosis dependent on NALP1
Emerging inflammasomes functions • Research on IL-1 and inflammatory caspases revealed its role as mediators in neurodegenerative disorders, cancer and fertility-associated conditions • Amyloid- in Alzheimer’s disease similary to phagocytosed uric acid crystals, activate NALP3 inflammasome, might be important for inflamation and tissue damage • IL-1 perfusion in rabbit ovary blocks embryo development. Inflammasomes may link innate immunity to reproductive biology
PAMPs & DAMPs The Caspase-1 Inflammasome: Apilotof innate immune response B. Brett Finlay et al. Cell Host & Microbe 2008