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EKONOMI INTERNASIONAL I. Pertemuan V : Perdagangan internasional dalam konsep Heckscher -Ohlin Model, Stolper -Samuelson Theorem, and Factor Price Equalization. Ferry Prasetyia , SE., MAppEc. Model Hecksher -Ohlin.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EKONOMI INTERNASIONAL I Pertemuan V : PerdaganganinternasionaldalamkonsepHeckscher-Ohlin Model, Stolper-Samuelson Theorem, and Factor Price Equalization Ferry Prasetyia, SE., MAppEc

  2. Model Hecksher-Ohlin • Duanegara, duabarang: barang X dan Y, danduafaktorproduksi: tenagakerja (labor, L) dan modal (capital, K) (2 x 2 x 2 model) • Teknologitidakterlaluberbedaantarnegara • Fungsiproduksi : constant returns to scale. • Masing-masingkomoditasberbedafaktorintensitasnya, dantidakdipengaruhiolehhargarelatif • Seleradanpreferensihampirsamaantarnegara • Persaingansempurnabaikdiindustrimaupunnegara • Faktorproduksisangatmobile didalamnegaratetapisangatimmobile antarnegara. • Tidakadatarifataubiayatransportasiatauhambatanperdagangan.

  3. Capital, K Given (w/r) “high” Given (w/r) “low” [K/L]highY Capital, K [K/L]lowY 2Y0 2Y0 [K/L]highX Y0 Y0 [K/L]lowX 2X0 2X0 X0 X0 Labor, L Labor, L Relative Factor Price, (w/r)low Relative Factor Price, (w/r)high Biayarelatiffaktorproduksidanintensitas 1. Good X is “ labor-intensive”. 2. Good Y is “ capital-intensive”. Sumber: Veitch (2005)

  4. Good X Good Y (w/r)high (w/r)low HargaFaktorProduksidanpilihan input Wage-rental ratio, w/r Capital-Labor Ratio K/L Sumber: Veitch (2005)

  5. Capital, K Capital, K Capital, K Capital, K Capital, K Capital, K Capital, K [K/L]Y [K/L]Y [K/L]Y [K/L]Y [K/L]Y 2Y0 2Y0 2Y0 2Y0 2Y0 Y0 Y0 Y0 Y0 Y0 [K/L]X [K/L]X 2X0 2X0 X0 X0 Labor, L Labor, L Labor, L Labor, L Labor, L Labor, L Labor, L Edgeworth Box Sumber: Veitch (2005)

  6. Labor, L OY OY [K/L]HY 2Y Total Capital 1Y [K/L]HX [K/L]HY [K/L]HY Capital, K 2X 1X Total Labor Alokasifaktorproduksidalamproduksibarang Capital, K OX Labor, L Sumber: Veitch (2005)

  7. Relative Factor EndowmentsEstimates for 1966 Source: Bowen, Leamer, & Sveikauskaus, AER 1987

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