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Newborn Health in India: Challenges and Progress

Explore the status of newborn health in India, with statistics, factors affecting neonatal mortality, and initiatives for improvement. Understand the importance of skilled care at birth and essential newborn care for achieving national health goals.

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Newborn Health in India: Challenges and Progress

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  1. Newborn Health in India

  2. Newborn health in India • 25 million (2.5 crore) births per year - Accounts for 20% of global births • 0.9 million (9 lakh) die in neonatal period - Accounts for about 25% of global deaths India accounts for highest births & neonatal deaths globally

  3. Neonatal mortality rate (NMR) • Current (NFHS-3): 39/1000 live births (2005-06) Accounts for almost 2/3rd of IMR & ½ of U5-MR

  4. NMR - State wise NMR is not uniform across the country

  5. Differences in NMR Rural - Urban Poor - Rich NMR is high in rural areas and in those who are poor

  6. Causes of neonatal deaths Infections, asphyxia and prematurity are the leading causes of neonatal deaths Source: ICMR, 2006

  7. Timing of neonatal deaths Nearly 3/4th of neonatal deaths occur within 7 days, mostly during first 24 hours

  8. Perinatal indices • Perinatal mortality rate (NFHS-3): 48.5 per 1000 pregnancies • Still-birth rate: 19.2 per 1000 pregnancies • Perinatal mortality rate also varies between the states (from 11 /1000 in Kerala to 63/1000 pregnancies in Assam )

  9. Place of birth • About 50% of deliveries occur at home • Only 46.6% attended by skilled birth attendants* • Higher the institutional births, lower is the NMR * doctors, nurses, and midwives

  10. Decline of NMR • Rapid decline in eighties • 69 in 1980 • 53 in 1990 • Stagnation since nineties • 48 in 1995 • 44 in 2000 • 39 in 2005-06

  11. Why static NMR? • Govt. programmes focused mainly on post neonatal period -Diarrheal Disease Control - ARI - Immunization • Focus of essential newborn component was on a limited number of government facilities • Lack of skilled persons for managing newborns

  12. Way forward Achieving National Goals NPP: National population policy 1 XI Plan 2 National Plan of Action for Children 2005

  13. Way forward • Importance to newborn health • Reproductive and Child Health – II (2005-10) - IMNCI: Community & facility - Skilled care at birth -Essential newborn care for health professionals - Home based newborn care - Up gradation of health facilities

  14. Way forward • National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) - ASHAs in each village to improve maternal and child health services - Strengthening of health facilities -Creation of SCNUs - Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY): To promote institutional deliveries

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