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Canada Immigration FAQ - Overview of Temporary Resident Visa

"Persons who wish to visit Canada for business or for tourism may need to obtain a “Temporary Resident Visa”, or Canada visitor visa, before doing so.Learn more about obtaining a reident visa for migrating to Canada.Russ Weninger has the answers to your Canada immigration questions. Visit our Canada immigration FAQ pages for answers to all your Canada immigration concerns at http://www.calgaryimmigrationlawyer.com today or Call us at 403-265-4496. "

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Canada Immigration FAQ - Overview of Temporary Resident Visa

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Overview of Temporary Resident Visa Canada Immigration Info

  2. Persons who wish to visit Canada for business or for tourism may need to obtain a “Temporary Resident Visa”, or Canada visitor visa, before doing so.

  3. Citizens of some countries are exempt from this requirement but most are not.

  4. Visitor visas are usually valid for six months and may be extended from within Canada. They may be single or multiple entry.

  5. In assessing whether to grant a Canada visitor visa to an applicant. The Canadian immigration authorities will assess whether the prospective visitor has a valid reason for visiting…

  6. Enough money to pay for the visit, and is likely to return to his or her home country at the completion of the visit.

  7. For more inquiries with regards to your application for temporary visa Feel free to contact Russ at: Tel : 403-265-4496 Or Simply Visit: www.RussWeninger.com

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