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Chinese Taipei. Your Ideal Choice For Investment. Tyng-Hwa Wang Deputy Director General Industrial Development and Investment Center Ministry of Economic Affairs September 2002. Our Geographic Advantage. Gateway to the Asia-Pacific Region. Hub connecting. Chinese Taipei.
Chinese Taipei Your Ideal Choice For Investment Tyng-Hwa Wang Deputy Director General Industrial Development and Investment Center Ministry of Economic Affairs September 2002
Our Geographic Advantage Gateway to the Asia-Pacific Region Hub connecting Chinese Taipei three Asian Economic Regions
Our Economic Development(1952-2001) • Per capita GNP from US$196 to US$ 12,941 • Foreign trade volume from US$300 million to 230.1 billion • Foreign exchange reserves of US$155.3 billion (July 2002), ranking 3th worldwide • Change in CPI mostly under 5% • Unemployment rate always under 5% 2
Sources of Foreign Investment (accumulated 1952 to 2001) Unit: US$ million Source: Investment Commission, MOEA,
Our Investment in China and Southeast Asia Unit: US$ million
Core Competitive Advantages of Our Industries • Abundant manufacturing competence, engineering capability, and logistics experience. • Majorindustries have a complete industrial development system with a full division of labor and a strong flexibility for coping with environmental change. • Domesticenterprises have rich international experience, a strong ability to grasp market trends, and the capability of developing new products rapidly in response to new market opportunities. • Chinese Taipei is among the world’s top three producers of a number of electronic products. Massive outward investment has built up complete supply systems.
Our Industry Clusters Advantage Chinese Taipei’s World Ranking as a Product Supplier No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 IC design TFT-LCDs TN/STN LCDs PC Cameras Digital Cameras Cable Modems Switches Resistors LEDs Scanners Polyester filaments Nylon fiber Fastener Wood processing machines Printed circuit boards Monitors Polyester staple fiber Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Purified terephthalic acid (PTA) Bicycles Wafer foundry Mask ROM IC packaging Motherboards Notebook computers CDR optical disks CD-RW disks DVD-Video disks HUBs Analog Modems Network cards ABS resin Home sewing machines Hand tools PU leathers Source: Industrial Technology Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs
World Economic Forum The Global Competitiveness Report 2001-2002 Source: World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2001-2002
Our Advantage in Communications Cell phone users top 20.97 million for a penetration rate of 94% -- highest in the world. Online population of about 7.28 million for a penetration rate of 35%, with more than 1 million broadband subscribers.
Our Advantage in Venture Capital Growth of venture capital industry 2nd globally only to the US.(1) Venture capital availability 1st in Asia (13th in the world).(2) • Key factors for a successful VC business (1) Source: (1)Venture Capital Association, 2001 (2)The Global Competitiveness Report 2001-2002
LHR JFK Seoul Tokyo Shanghai TAIPEI HongKong Manila Singapore Our Advantage in Transportation Shortest average sailing time to 5 major regional harbors: 53 hours Shortest flying time to 7 main cities of the Western Pacific: 2.55 hours Unit: hour Average flying time among 7 major airports in Asia Pacific Average sailing time among 5 major harbors in Asia Pacific 6:15 124 4:55 110 4:15 4:00 78 3:30 3:25 3:05 68 2:55 64 53 Singapore Tokyo Shanghai Manila HK Kaohsiung Sydney Singapore Tokyo Seoul Manila Shanghai HK Taipei Source: Council for Economic Planning and Development
Challenge 2008 Development Plan Source: Council for Economic Planning and Development
Challenge 2008 Development Plan • Challenge Goals • 1. At least 15 World No. 1 products or technologies • 2. At least doubling of visitor arrivals • 3. R&D expenditures 3% of GDP • 4. Reduction of unemployment rate to under 4% • 5. Economic growth rate above 5% • 6. More than 6 million broadband Internet users • 7. Creation of 700,000 new jobs
兩兆雙星計畫 ☆新台幣兩兆元產業: 半導體產業及影像顯示產業 ☆雙星產業: 數位內容及生物科技 單位:新台幣十億 資料來源:經濟部工業局
台灣投資機會 通訊 光電 資訊數位電子 消費電子 半導體 精密機械與自動化 生化及製藥 航太 特用化學 高級材料 製造業 網路軟體或內容 網路服務 高階積體電路設計 自動化或電子化工程服務 電力系統統包工程服務業 產品工程服務 生物技術與製藥業技術服務業 提供屬製造業之溫室氣體排放量減量工程技術服務業 節約能源或利用新及淨潔能源工程技術服務業 環境保護工程技術服務業 技術服務業
租稅獎勵(1) 投資於自動化設備或技術 5--20% tax credit for expenditures Research and Development 30% tax credit for expenditures Manpower Training 30% tax credit for expenditures Balancing of Urban-Rural Industrial Development 30% tax credit for investment in resource-poor or backward areas Overseas Chinese and Foreign Investment Income tax collected at a uniform rate of 20% Source: Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA
Tax Incentives (2) Five-year tax holiday Emerging Important Strategic Industries Revenues exempt from tax Establishment of Logistics and Distribution Centers Income exempt from tax Establishment of Operations Headquarters Source: Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA
Preferential Leasing Terms for Land in Industrial Estates 006688 Industrial Land Rental Discounts Program • For manufacturers that lease land in industrial estates, we provide the first two years rent-free, rental at 60% of the normal rate for the third and fourth years, and rental at 80% of the normal rate for the fifth and sixth years. From the seventh year, the rental fee returns to the normal rate. • Scope of application: Nine industrial estates. • Period of implementation: To Dec. 31, 2004 Source: Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA
投資考察邀訪 • 經濟部投資業務處邀請跨國公司來台投資、技術合作及採購 • 跨國公司管理階層可向經濟部駐外單位經濟組申請投資考察補助 • 一旦投資申請獲准, 投資處將免費提供商務艙來回機票、國內交通費、五天四夜的食宿
經濟部投資業務處 地址:台北市中正區館前路71號8樓 電話: 886-2-23892111 傳真: 886-2-23820497 網址: http://www.idic.gov.tw 電郵: idic@mail.idic.gov.tw