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Supporting Leadership in Youth with DisAbilities

Supporting Leadership in Youth with DisAbilities. Virginia Department of Education Self-Determination Project. Supporting leadership in youth with disabilities. Advance Organizer. is about. developing skills that help people lead more self-determined lives. by examining. by defining.

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Supporting Leadership in Youth with DisAbilities

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  1. Supporting Leadership in Youth with DisAbilities Virginia Department of Education Self-Determination Project

  2. Supporting leadership in youth with disabilities Advance Organizer is about... developing skills that help people lead more self-determined lives by examining by defining Leadership Leadership Structures by comparing Leadership and Self-Determination • How do you define leadership? • How does leadership fit into the concept of self-determination? • How can I use leadership and personal effectiveness model to develop leadership skills? • What are some leadership opportunities or experiences where I can be more involved? QUESTIONSTO CONSIDER

  3. How do you define leadership? "Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential“ --Warren Bennis, On Becoming a Leader

  4. Defining the Concept of Leadership Adapted from: American Civics Center Leadership Workshop, Darren Minarik • Activity • In a small group, brainstorm a list of words (characteristics) that come to mind when you think of leadership • Write a plus sign (+) next to any positive leadership characteristics and write a minus sign (-) next to any negative characteristics • Divide the words into three categories • Mandatory leadership characteristics (+) • Desirable leadership characteristics (+) • Undesirable leadership characteristics (-)

  5. Defining Leadership • Activity continued • Create a definition of leadership using your mandatory leadership characteristics using “I define leadership as . . .” • Share and discuss the various definitions with the large group • Ask • How did this activity help you think about leaders and leadership qualities? • What leadership characteristics do you have and how can you be a leader?

  6. Leadership and Self-Determination • How does leadership fit into the concept of self-determination? “Don’t follow where the path may lead, go where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Anonymous

  7. Choice making Decision making Problem solving Goal setting Self-regulation Self-instruction Self-advocacy Internal locus of control Self-efficacy Efficacy expectations Self-awareness and Self-knowledge Core Components of Self-Determination Which of these components are necessary for leadership? Why?

  8. Self-Determination Focus on individual needs and concerns Implies personal management skills and self-directed behavior Includes basic and inalienable rights Leadership Focus on collective needs and concerns Requires a relationship between “leaders” and “followers” Leadership is conferred /acquired Comparison Between Self-Determination and Leadership Source: Self-Determination, Self-Advocacy, and the Role of the Professional , Irina Paraschiv

  9. Environment Know Yourself Value Yourself Plan Act Experience Outcomes and Learn Environment How might leadership fit with this model for Self-Determination? Model for self-determination. From “Development of a Model for Self-Determination,” by S. Field and A Hoffman, 1994, Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 17(2).

  10. How can I become a leader? Choose or create a plan for developing leadership skills Set measurable goals centered around leadership skills with a timeframe for completion Practice, practice, practice Leadership Structures

  11. A Structure of Leadership Leadership and Personal Effectiveness Source: Leadership and Personal Effectiveness, The Performance Institute

  12. Identifying Leadership Opportunities and Experiences • Brainstorm a list of possible leadership opportunities and experiences • Select one or two ideas from the list • Use the Leadership and Personal Effectiveness plan to • Possible Responses • Participation in your IEP Meeting • High School clubs and student government • Mentoring/tutoring younger students • Involving yourself in youth programs (YLF, etc.)

  13. Good leaders set goals and . .. • Continue Learning and value what they learn from others • Are Ethical and strive to do the “right thing” • Advocate for others while helping them to advocate for themselves • Dream big and keep dreaming • Lead by Example and admit mistakes along the way • Take Responsibility for their actions • Celebrate Success and share success • Provide Hope by raising expectations • Have Integrity and are honest • Are Passionate and show they care Source: K.S. Herel/Parent Information Center of DE and NICHEY

  14. Sources • American Civics Center Leadership Workshop. Darren W. Minarik • Building Everyday Leadership in All Teens. Mariam G. MacGregor, M.S. • Self-Determination: Instructional and Assessment Strategies.Michael L. Wehmeyer and Sharon L. Field • Self-Determination, Self-Advocacy, and the Role of the Professional. Irina Paraschiv

  15. Shaping Up a Review On a blank sheet of paper, draw a parallelogram, a circle and a triangle. • What are some things you heard that paralleled with your own beliefs? • What questions are still going around in your head? • What are 3 points you want to remember?

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