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Online Financial Resources to Enable Student Learning

Online Financial Resources to Enable Student Learning. Tech Fair 9000 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA. Prakash L Dheeriya, Ph D Professor of Finance California State University Dominguez Hills pdheeriya@csudh.edu. Introduction.

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Online Financial Resources to Enable Student Learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Online Financial Resources to Enable Student Learning Tech Fair 9000 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA. Prakash L Dheeriya, Ph D Professor of Finance California State University Dominguez Hills pdheeriya@csudh.edu.

  2. Introduction Professor of Finance, California State University Dominguez Hills Author, Children’s book series “Finance for Kidz” (www.finance4kidz.com ) & “Law for Kidz” (Forthcoming, 2014) Currently investigating linkages between frontier and developed capital markets

  3. Online Resources Free Subscription Based

  4. FREE Online Resources Finance.yahoo.com Bloomberg.com Reuters.com Morningstar.com Google.com/finance

  5. Subscription Based Online Resources ETFdb.pro (for ETFs) Morningstar.com Fidelity.com (need account)

  6. Other Resources Oanda.com (for currencies) Cboe.com (for options) Interactivebrokers.com (for free courses, options)

  7. Stock Market Games for students (For LA Area) http://www.stockmarketgame.org/cgi-bin/haipage/page.html?tpl=coordinator/index

  8. Stock Market Games for students TD Ameritrade’s virtual stock market game (http://virtualstockmarket.tdbank.com/ )

  9. Stock Market Games for students Smartstocks.com (Free Stock Market Simulation Exchange Game) (www.smartstocks.com )

  10. Stock Market Games for students National Stock Market Simulations Game ($12/team) For elementary, middle & high school students (http://www.nationalsms.com/home.aspx)

  11. Student Investment Clubs Generally need a sponsor(s) willing to pony up at least $ 100,000 Students enroll in a course. Students learn about investing principles, stock evaluations, technical and fundamental analysis Students make decisions on new stocks to purchase or old stocks to sell at the end of the semester Implementation of stock purchase/sales is done by a member of advisory board/bank/trustee

  12. Diversify Away!!!

  13. Or not!

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