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Swedish Hydrology Day 2014 Welcome !

Swedish Hydrology Day 2014 Welcome !. Georgia Destouni. Main t heme : Water and Energy Close relations Different perspectives Highlights. Temperature. Precipitation. Latent heat flux Evapotranspiration. Water flux & availability. Land cover data Sweden.

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Swedish Hydrology Day 2014 Welcome !

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Swedish Hydrology Day 2014Welcome ! Georgia Destouni

  2. Main theme: Water and Energy Close relations Different perspectives Highlights

  3. Temperature Precipitation Latent heat flux Evapotranspiration Water flux & availability

  4. Land cover data Sweden van der Velde et al. (J Geophysical Res: Atmospheres, 2013) Data-givenETfor different land cover types Land cover developments drive changes in water& energyfluxes ET / P Energy useefficiency AET/PET ET / PET

  5. Temperature Precipitation Latent heat flux Evapotranspiration Waterusefor energy & foodproduction Water flux & availability

  6. Hydroclimaticshifts driven by human water useforfood and energyproduction Destouni et al. (Nature ClimateChange, 2013) T P Start 20thcentury End 20thcentury

  7. Solid lines: ETwb=P-R Agricultural catchments Hydropowercatchments Destouni et al. (Nature ClimateChange, 2013) Unregulatedcatchments

  8. Temporal Rvariability Unregulatedcatchments – fluctuationsbut no shifts in CV(R) Hydropowercatchments – decreasedCV(R) Agricultural catchments – increasedCV(R) Destouni et al. (Nature ClimateChange, 2013)

  9. Integratedframeworktoassessclimate, land-use, energy and waterstrategies (CLEWs) Howells et al. (Nature Climate Change, 2013) Water, energy and land systems arehighlyintegrated, and anyassessmentoftheseresourcesshouldtreatthem as such

  10. Integratedframeworktoassessclimate, land-use, energy and waterstrategies (CLEWs) Howells et al. (Nature Climate Change, 2013)

  11. WaterEnvironment -Energy & ClimateGoals & Conflicts ? 20% cut of greenhouse gas emissions 20% renewableenergysources by 2020 Water framework directive Good ecological status achieved in all waters by 2015 (or latest 2027) Small-scalehydro ? Dams Hubbert_peak_oil_plot

  12. Geological formations and their water • Pollutant Barriers – Carriers ? • For energy-related and other: • (Nuclear & other) Wastes • Geologic (CO2 & other) Storage

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