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My State Just Adopted an International Education Resolution: What Now?. Written by Adria L. Baker, Ed.D. Rice University The 20 suggestions were presented at the Arkansas State Meeting in Little Rock on April 2, 2007. State Legislation Influences International Education.
My State Just Adopted an International Education Resolution: What Now? Written by Adria L. Baker, Ed.D. Rice University The 20 suggestions were presented at the Arkansas State Meeting in Little Rock on April 2, 2007.
State Legislation Influences International Education Join the “Blue” States!
State Legislation Influences International Education Whatare the differences between a law, policy and resolution? Law A rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority. Policy A high-level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable procedures, esp. of a governmental body. Resolution A formal expression of opinion, will, or intent voted by an official body or assembled group.
State Legislation Influences International Education What are the next steps for utilizing your state’s international education resolution? • Try to get as many original copies in the hands of the international educators in your state. • Make it easily accessible to download and copy to look like original. • Begin sharing it with key decision-makers “at home”. • Meet with your government relations people on campus to find common ground and seek guidance.
State Legislation Influences International Education What are the next steps for utilizing your state’s international education resolution? • Seek feedback with groups of colleagues to identify areas that are regulatory concerns. Make appointments with the local representatives to discuss concerns, and give them a copy. • Make goals for study abroad increases and use it to achieve • them. • Have an event and present an original (or great duplicate) copy to a special guest who needs to know your issues.
State Legislation Influences International Education What are the next steps for utilizing the your state’s international education resolution? • Make sure every study abroad and international student and scholar has access to a copy. • Consider the “each one bring one” effect. This means, work with an international colleague or two from other states, to help them organize a group to work toward an international education policy. • “Milk it to the Max” during International Education Week .
State Legislation Influences International Education What are the next steps for utilizing the your state’s international education resolution? • Work with your DMV to see how the REAL ID act is going to affect your state, and how you can partner in this effort, given the contents of the resolution. • Plan a state-wide international celebration at the state capitol in a year from now, bringing international and study abroad students. • Use it as leverage to develop strategies to create international competence in your institutions.
State Legislation Influences International Education What are the next steps for utilizing the your state’s international education resolution? • Invite a national-level legislator to your one-year (or six-month) mark celebration and present him/her with a copy. Encourage them to replicate this at the national level with a national education policy or strategy, with your state blazing the trail. • Partner with like-minded entities to spread the word, i.e., tourism industry, other educational associations, immigration firms, other non-profits like the Institute of International Education (IIE).
State Legislation Influences International Education What are the next steps for utilizing your state’s international education resolution? • Send a letter and a copy to every state legislator of your state during IEW. • Send a letter and a copy to every national legislator of your state during IEW. • Use it to advocate expanding your role in your institution, as well as getting the staffing, budget and space that you need.
State Legislation Influences International Education What are the next steps for utilizing your state’s international education resolution? • Use it when speaking with legislators about NAFSA advocacy alerts, immigration reform and visa concerns. • Form ad-hoc groups, with international education colleagues you most respect, to brainstorm and discuss what is applicable for your school and state.
My State Just Adopted an International Education Resolution:What Now? Questions? Feel free to contact: Filmona Hailemichael, NAFSA: Association of International Educators FilmonaH@nafsa.org; (202) 737-3699; ext. 258 Dr. Adria L. Baker, Rice University abaker@rice.edu; 713-348-6095 Revised June 25, 2007