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www.wallstreetfools.com 090992 90993. Worlds first & only platform where technical will fight with fundamentals covering world financial markets & specially starting with highly manipulated Indian financial markets like NSE-BSE-MCX-NCDEX & MCX-SX.
www.wallstreetfools.com 090992 90993
Worlds first & only platform where technical will fight with fundamentalscovering world financial markets & specially starting with highly manipulated Indianfinancial markets likeNSE-BSE-MCX-NCDEX & MCX-SX..
Yes we believe in one thing that all this markets are highly manipulatedbut one thread is very common & very strong which is calculation..& we have caught that thread & every day a new question arises on fundamental data's which are released for each sector & is highly spreaded by all red & blue channels..
The thread we caught has given us a solution to fight with them & to succeed in this financial marketsit hardly took us decade to find & make a tool but the journey was more interestingwhen the questions were arising & traders were loosing & in simple we saw them being FOOLthat is how the name we founded & launchedwww.wallstreetfools.comthe day today 12.12.2012 easy to remember but will be impossible to bring back this date.
ONE MORE TYPE OF INDIAN TRADER WILL BE SEEN EVERYWHERE.. Will wake up & see what is SGX NIFTY..next will see what is Asian market..9am will see what is PRE MARKET..9.15am market will start will take a position in any of likes..11am will ask a suggestion from broker..12pm will ask a friend..1pm will see what is European markets..2pm will wait for closing..3.30pm will carry the position because it was closing in negative trade..4pm will hardly take a nap..5pm will start watching dow futures..6pm will see again how Europe is performing..7pm dow opens..8 pm dow is heavily red..9pm Europe closes in full red..10pm will have some chat with some friends what could be tomorrow..1am will see how dow is closing..7am again wakes up n will start watching SGX NIFTY Whtthey gained I don’t know but I simply say themwallstreetfools
SORRY We will never ask you to follow or do the same what others have done and being a fool
Benefits of our system • 1 day advance prediction will be seen • Take a complete peace of mind trade with perfectly advance predicted entry & stop loss • No need to watch or combine or sequel • U can enjoy or do any other job of your like • U can advice your friends & colleagues • Above all you can be a complete self powered trader by just giving 7 min from 24 hours
Be ready & concentrate to see a magic • The tool I invented has taken almost more then ten years, • My experiences & hard work has rewarded me to make this tool simple & easy learning, • We will not show u any chart programmed, • As we have notified you earlier for the thread we caught to make this tool is non other then but a simple CALCULATION…
This is very latest snap shot of a tool which contains levels of NIFTY FUTURE As we said you we will not show you any chart programmed or any type of automatic software which creates BUY & SELL signals during live markets. This tool is made on MS EXCEL sheet, every one knows ms excel works for easy calculator for all type of accounting to make easy & stored for all different type of labels which contains numeric numbers
8 boxes 1st box is date 2nd box is high of the day 3rd box is low of the day 4th box is close of the day 5th box 6th box 7th box 8th box First 4 boxes is the data which will has been taken from markets @ end of the day other words u can say its EOD figures Remaining are the data’s which will generate automatically after you enter figures @ EOD
What happens when u will enter data on EOD As of u can see I have entered the last data of 26thjuly After which box number 5 to 8 shows you some figures which has been generated by the method That method & numbers will show you what is future of NIFTY for very next trading day Which way is NIFTY / market TRENDED Whether to buy / sell NIFTY next day
your every question will be answered in the 4 magical boxes Whether market is reversing from buy to sell Whether market is reversing from sell to buy If it is showing u need to make a sell trade-so what will be your stop loss If it is showing u need to make a buy trade-so what will be your stop loss Every thing is secreted in that 4 magical numbers
Now u would asking what is that & how to follow this tool So please to inform for that u need give just 10 min of your busy life & make a call on my number 090992 90993 So that I can explain u what is secret in that numbers and how to follow this simple money making tool in your future trading Thanks for your time www.wallstreetfools.com Happy trading