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Pollution of air, sea , water and soil in Poland. Wojciech Olejniczak Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 2 w Staszowie kl. 2b . Poland. In the past Poland was a beautiful country. Crystal-clear water in lakes surrounded by lots of plants , being a home to countless animals ,. Poland.
Pollution of air, sea, waterand soilin Poland Wojciech Olejniczak Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 2 w Staszowie kl. 2b
Poland In the past Poland was a beautiful country. Crystal-clearwaterinlakessurrounded by lots of plants, being a home to countless animals,
Poland Green forestswiththousands of trees, smallsquirells jumping from one to another, colourfulbirdshiding on thetops of thehighesttrees, singingtheirbeautifulsongs…
Poland But nothinglastsforever. Whenpeoplestarted to deforestatewholeareas, whenthey justthrewtheirrubbishaway, whentheystopped to careaboutnature, thinkingonlyaboutthemselves, look of this place changed.
Poland Oursmall and biggerrivers, thatused to flowslowly, making happy anybodywhojustcamearound, withpurewater, ready to drink
Poland Changedintomudmonsters, lookingawfullyenough to scareawayallthesepoeple thatused to lovetheirview.
Poland So saythankyou to thegenius, whohadthatawesome idea: „Let’sthroweverything to water!”
Poland And madesuch a thingwiththelandscapethatonce was incredible. Not even to mentionthepossibility of drinkingthis… something
Poland Thisview, itisawesome, isn’tit? Thispeace, undisturbed by anything thatcoulddestroythisamazingfeeling of nature…
Poland But hereyouare! A sightthatis much moreincredible and entertaining!
Poland Fresh air, bluesky, you’llsaythatitisjustpurehappiness.
Poland But don’tworry! Ourheroic industrial facilitiesalreadytookcare of the problem of toofresh air!
Poland Don’tyouthinkit’s much betternow? Thesmell of fresh-made, extra unhealthysmoke! Just awesome!
Poland Althoughthereare many unpleasantviews and disgustingsights, Poland is not badatall Therearestill many placesthatleftunchanged and unpolluted.
Poland Eveninsomeeffects of pollutionbeautycan be found, and sometimesitbecomes a touristattraction.
Poland Everyoneknowsthatsocietyneeds development. Thereisnothingwronginmakingour life easier and morecomfortable. But ithasitscost…