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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are online courses that provide free and unlimited participation to learners.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are online courses that provide free and unlimited participation to learners. They offer interactive forums in combination with traditional teaching methods. It is a custom eLearning method that supports self-paced learning. • MOOCs are divided into two categories: • cMOOCs - Courses in which the material is developed through online collaboration among participants worldwide. • xMOOC - Courses in which a conventional approach is followed where the courses are structured with pre-selected materials.
MOOCs were created in 2008 by George Siemens and Stephen Downs as CCK08. • Became popular in 2012 when the course ‘Introduction to Artificial Intelligence’ was offered by professors from Stanford University. • It was a huge success, with participants from 190 countries. • Led to the creation of Udacity for online knowledge sharing. • Other MOOCs providers are Coursera and EdX. History of MOOCs 03
Free courses are offered. • Access to courses offered at top schools. • Offered to learners from all over the world. • The performance of participants can be easily monitored. • Worldwide exposure for both professors and learners. • It can be utilized in a blended learning program. MOOC Advantages 04
There is no personalized courseware and attention. • Tough to track the involvement of participants. • It cannot be used by learners having disabilities or a poor Internet connection. • Language can be a barrier. • It can’t be a credit-earning course. MOOC Disadvantages Despite drawbacks, MOOCs have the potential to change the way we learn. 05
About InfoproLearning Infopro Learning’s mission is to make organizational learning a competitive advantage for its customers by delivering modern learning experiences that improve employee performance. A full-service L&D outsourcing company, Infopro Learning has been solving the biggest learning, training and workforce performance challenges for more than 25 years. The company offers leadership strategy, customized programs and managedservices. 11 Broadway, Suite 632, New York, NY 10004 info@infoprolearning.com www.infoprolearning.com609-606-9984