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The Life of. George Washington. On February 22, 1732, George Washington was born in Westmoreland , Virginia. When George was 11 years old, his father died. His older brother Lawrence looked after h im and taught him how to hunt. .
The Life of George Washington
On February 22, 1732, George Washingtonwas born in Westmoreland,Virginia.
When George was 11 years old, his father died. His older brother Lawrence looked after him and taught him how to hunt.
In 1748, George became a surveyor. He traveled to the Western frontier of Virginia to help locate and measure boundaries of the land.
In 1749, George Washington was appointed Official Surveyor of Culpeper County, Virginia.Asurveyor is someone who takes pictures of land to make a map.
In July, 1752, George Washington inherited the Mount Vernon plantation after his brother Lawrence died.
In April and May 1754, George led troops into the Ohio Valley as Commander in Chief of all Virginia troops.
Georgeresignsfromthe Virginiamilitiaas acolonelin December 1758.
New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware River George George Washington crossed the Delaware River on December 25, 1776. The Delaware River runs through New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
Washington crosses the Delaware River on Christmas night in 1776. On December 26, 1776, the Americans won the Battle of Trenton.
From January- May, 1777, George Washington and the Continental Army marched to encamp in Morristown, New Jersey after winning the battles of Trenton and Princeton.
On April 13, 1777, Americans lost the Battle of Bound Brook, NJ. 4,000 British soldiers attacked. Americans at first put up a good fight but in the end had to retreat.
George Washington consulted with his officers at the Drake House in Plainfield, NJ. He was there both during and after the Battle of Short Hills on June 25-27, 1777. This battle was fought over the entire Plainfield area. Washington and his soldiers stayed at the Drake House when they were in the area.
On June 27-28, 1779 The Battle of Monmouth occurs in New Jersey as Washington’s troops and General Clinton’s troops fight to a standoff .
General Washington sets up headquarters at West Point onJuly8, 1779.
In 1789, George was elected unanimously. (everyone voted for him as the 1st president of the United States.)
On April 14, 1789, George took the oath in New York City. An oath is a promise of the office. He and Martha settled into the house there.
On April 30, 1789,Washington took oath of office as first President of the United States in New York City. He was addressed as “Mr. President.”
Washington wins the Battle of Princeton on January 3, 1777. There is a monument of George Washington in Princeton that commemorates this battle.
Washington Rock State Park in Green Brook, NJ was a lookout point during the American Revolution for General George Washington in May and June of 1777 when the British army was moving toward Westfield. General Washington had a thirty-mile view of the valley and was able to instruct his troops to circle behind the British troops and cut off their retreat.
On March 4, 1792 George was sworn in for a second term as president of the United States in Philadelphia.
In 1796 George Washington gave his Farewell Address to the public. A Farewell Address is a speech made buy people that says you are retiring or saying good bye.
In March 1797, after the Revolutionary War, George Washington returned to his home in Mount Vernon, VA.
On December 14, 1799, George Washington died at Mount Vernon at the age of 67. He arranged for his slaves to be freed in his last Will and Testament.
George Washington did not really chop down a cherry tree. It was a story made up to show how honest George was. George Washington did not chop down a cherry tree.
George Washington did not want be president because he WAS Nervous that HE wouldn’t DO A GOOD JOB.
George Washington signed the Declaration of Independence to be free from the British because they were overpowering the 13 colonies.
George Washington’s teeth were not really made of wood.. It was a rumor spread by different people.
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