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Introduction to Separation Logic. presented by Greta Yorsh April 02, 2008 IBM , Hawthorne. This Talk. What is Separation Logic? Strengths and weaknesses Successful applications Main challenges. What is Separation Logic?. Extension of Hoare logic low-level imperative programs
Introduction to Separation Logic presented by Greta Yorsh April 02, 2008IBM, Hawthorne
This Talk • What is Separation Logic? • Strengths and weaknesses • Successful applications • Main challenges
What is Separation Logic? • Extension of Hoare logic • low-level imperative programs • shared mutable data structures
Motivating Example assume( *x == 3 ) assume( *x == 3 ∧ x != y ∧ x != z ) assume( y != z ) assume( y != z ) *y = 4; *z = 5; assert( *y != *z ) assert( *x == 3 ) • contents are different • contents stay the same • different locations
Framing Problem • What are the conditions on aliasing btwn x, y, z ? { y != z } C { *y != *z } { *x == 3∧y != z } C {*y != *z∧*x == 3 }
Framing Problem • What are the conditions on C and R? • in presence of aliasing and heap • Separation logic introduces new connective ∗ { P } C {Q} { R ∧ P } C { Q ∧R } { P } C {Q} { R ∗ P } C { Q ∗R }
Outline • Assertion language: syntax and semantics • Hoare-style proofs • Program analysis • Concurrency • Termination • Object-oriented programs
Examples x y ls(y, z) x y ∗ ls(y, z) 33 8 8 33 x y y z x ∧ z = x y z
Semantics • Assertions are evaluated w.r.t. a state • State is store and heap • S : Var ⇀ Int • H : Loc ⇀ Int where Loc ⊆ Int • Notations • disjoint domains: dom(H1) dom(H2) • composition: H1 ◦ H2 • evaluation: ES Int • update: S[x:i] • S,H P
Common Shorthands • E E1,E2,..,En E E1 ∗ E+1 E2 ∗ ... ∗ E+(n-1) En • E1 E2 E1 E2 ∗ true • E _ ∃x. E x x x 3,y,7 S = [x:10, y:4] H = [10:3,11:4,12:7] 3 4 7 11 12 10
Examples y x y x 4 3 4 4 3 3 S = [x:10, y:30] H = [10:4,11:3,30:4,31:3] S = [x:10, y:10] H = [10:4,11:3]
Inductive Definitions • Describe invariants of recursive data-structure • Trees • List Segments • Doubly-linked list segments • Cyclic lists • List of cyclic doubly linked lists • Lists with head pointers • Nested lists (bounded depth) • ... • Binary tree tree(E) (E = nil ∧ emp) ∨ (∃x,y. E x,y ∗ tree(x) ∗ tree(y))
List segment • Acyclic, possibly empty ls(E, F) (E=F ∧ emp) ∨ (EF ∧ ∃v. Ev ∗ ls(v, F)) S = [x:10, y:30] H = [10:4,4:17,17:20,20:30] ls(x,y) x 4 17 20 30 • Possibly cyclic, panhandle, empty • cls(E, F) (E=F ∧ emp) ∨ (∃x. Ex ∗ cls(x, F)) dangling pointer 4 17 20 10
More complex structures • Doubly-linked list segment dls(x,y,z) (x=y ∧ emp) ∨ (xy ∧ ∃w. xz,w ∗ dls(w,y,x)) x y z
Axioms • ls(x,y) ∗ ls(y,nil) ⇒ ls(x,nil) • ls(x,y) ∗ ls(y,z) ⇒ ls(x,z) • ls(x,y) ⇒ ∃w. ls(x,w) ∗ wy • (P1 ∧ P2) ∗ Q ⇒ (P1 ∗ Q) ∧ (P2 ∗ Q) • x y ∗ z w ⇒ x z • x y ∧ z w ⇒ x y ∧ x = z ∧ y = w z allocated in ls(x,y) empty heap
Axioms • Weakening • P ∧ Q ⇒ P • P ∗ Q ⇒ P • Contraction • P ⇒ P ∧ P • P ⇒ P * P x 1 ∗ y 2 x 1 x 1 x 1 ∗ x 1
Precise Assertions • S,H there is at most one h’ h s.t. s,h’ P • Examples • precise: x 1, ls(x,y) • not precise: x. x y, P ∨ Q • Axiom for precise assertions (P1 ∧ P2) ∗ Q (P1 ∗ Q) ∧ (P2 ∗ Q)
Pure Assertions • Syntax: do not contain or emp • Semantics: do not depend on heap (for any store) • Axioms for pure assertions x=y ∗ z = w x=y ∧ z = w
Symbolic Heaps • Fragment of Separation Logic assertion language • Decidable • satisfiability, small model property • entailment A ::= (P ∧ ... ∧ P) ∧ (S ∗ ... ∗ S) E ::= x | nil | E + E P ::= E=E | E E S ::= E E | tree(E) | ls(E, E) | dls(E, E, E)
Hoare Triples • {P} C {Q} • partial correctness • if P holds when C starts and C terminates then Q holds after C • no runtime errors (null dereferences) • [P] C [Q] • total correctness • if P holds when C starts then C terminates and Q holds after C
The Programming Language • allocation • heap lookup • mutation • deallocation <comm> ::= … | <var> := cons(<exp>, …, <exp>) | <var> := [<exp>] | [<exp>] := <exp> | dispose <exp>
Operational Semantics by Example Store: [x:3, y:40, z:17] Heap: empty • Allocation x := cons(y, z) • Heap lookup y := [x+1] • Mutation [x + 1] := 3 • Deallocation dispose(x+1) Store: [x:37, y:40, z:17] Heap: [37:40, 38:17] Store: [x:37, y:17, z:17] Heap: [37:40, 38:17] Store: [x:37, y:17, z:17] Heap: [37:40, 38:3] Store: [x:37, y:17, z:17] Heap: [37:40]
Hoare Proof Rules for Partial Correctness { P } skip { P } { P(v/e) } v:=e {P} {P} c1 {R} {R} c2 {Q} {P} c1;c2{Q} {Pb} c1 {Q} {P b} c2 {Q} {P} if b then c1 else c2 {Q} {ib} c {i} {i} while b do c {ib} P P’ {P’} c {Q’} Q’ Q {p} c {q}
Hoare Axiom for Assignment • How to extend it for heap mutation ? • Example: { P ( [e1] / e2 } [e1] := e2 {P} { [z]=40 } [x] := 77 { [z]=40 } Store: [x:37, y:17, z:37] Heap: [37:40, 38:3] Store: [x:37, y:17, z:37] Heap: [37:77, 38:3]
“Small” Axioms • allocation • heap lookup • mutation • deallocation { emp } x := cons(y, z) { x y, z } {Ez} x := [E] {E z ∧ x = z} {E1_} [E1] := E2 {E1 E2} {E_} dispose(E) {emp}
The Frame Rule { P } C {Q} Mod(C) free(R)={} { R ∗ P } C { Q ∗R } Mod(x := _) = {x} Mod([E]:=F) = {} Mod(dispose(E)) = {}
The Frame Rule • Small Axioms give tight specification • Allows the Small Axioms to apply generally • Handle procedure calls modularly • Frame rule is a key to local proofs { P } C {Q} Mod(C) free(R)={} { R ∗ P } C { Q ∗R } { xy ∗ ls(y,z) } dispose(x) { ls(y,z) }
Reverse list(x) ls(x,nil) { list(x) } y: = nil ; while x nil do { t := [x] [x] := y y := x x := t } { list(x) ∗ list(y) } {x nil ∧ list(x) ∗ list(y)} unfold { ∃i . x i ∗ list(i) ∗ list(y) } { x i } t := [x] { x t ∧ t = i } { xt ∗ list(t) ∗ list(y) } { x _ } [x] := y { x y} { xy ∗ list(t) ∗ list(y) } fold { list(t) ∗ list(x) } { list(t) ∗ list(y) } { list(x) ∗ list(y) } {x = nil ∧ list(x) ∗ list(y) } { list(y) }
Local Specification • Footprint • part of the state that is used by the command • Local specification • reasoning only about the footprint • Frame rule • from local to global spec
Frame Rule • Sound • safety-monotonicity • frame property of small axioms • Complete • derives WLP or SP for commands
Weakest Preconditions Allocation v free(x,y,P) Lookup v free(E,P)\{x} Mutation Disposal wp(x:=cons(y,z), P) = v. ( (v x,y) wp( x:= [E], P) = v. (e v) ∧ P(x/v) wp([E1]:=E2, P) = (E1 _ ) ∗ ( (E1 E2) −∗ P)) wp(dispose E, P) = (E1 _ ) ∗ P
Symbolic Execution • Application of separation logic proof rules as symbolic execution • Restrict assertion language to symbolic heaps • Discharge entailments A B • axiomatize consequences of induction • Frame inference
DeleteTree DeleteTree (t) { local i,j; if (t != nil) { i := [t]; j := [t+1] ; DeleteTree(j); DeleteTree(i); dispose t; } } { tree(t) } { tree(t) ∧ t nil } { ∃x,y. t x,y ∗ tree(x) ∗ tree(y) } {t i,j ∗ tree(i) ∗ tree(j) } {t i,j ∗ tree(i) ∗ emp } {t i,j ∗ tree(i) } {t i,j ∗ emp } { emp } { emp }
Frame Inference • Failed proof of entailment yields a frame • Assertion at call site • Callee’s precondition • Frame { t i,j ∗ tree(i) ∗ tree(j) } { tree(j) } t i,j ∗ tree(i) ∗ tree(j) tree(j) ..... t i,j ∗ tree(i) emp { t i,j ∗ tree(i) }
Frame Inference • Assertion at call site: • Callee’s precondition: DeleteTree(j) { tree(j) } { emp } {t i,j ∗ tree(i) ∗ tree(j) } {t i,j ∗ tree(i) } DeleteTree(j) { t i,j ∗ tree(i) ∗ tree(j) } { tree(j) }
Incompleteness of Frame Inference • Lose the information that x=y • Do we need inequality involving just-disposed ? { x _ } free(x) { emp } { y _ ∗ x _ } free(x) { y _ }
Program Analysis • Abstract value is a set of symbolic heaps • Abstract transformers by symbolic execution (TODO EXAMPLE) • Fixpoint check by entailement • Knobs • widening / abstraction • join • interprocedural analysis (cutpoints) • predicate discovery
Global Properties? • Before: tree ∧ (Q∗ R) (tree ∧ Q)∗ (tree ∧ R) • After: (tree ∧ Q)∗ (tree ∧ R) tree ∧ (Q∗ R) • Loss of global property • no restrictions on dangling pointers in P and Q • can point to each other and create cycles { tree ∧ P } C { tree ∧ Q } { (tree ∧ R)∗ (tree ∧ P) } C { (tree ∧ Q)∗ (tree ∧ R) }
http://www.dcs.qmw.ac.uk/~ohearn/localreasoning.html Bibliography
“Early Days” • The Logic of Bunched Implications O'Hearn and Pym. 1999 • Intuitionistic Reasoning about Shared Mutable Data Structure Reynolds. 1999 • BI as an Assertion Language for Mutable Data Structures. Ishtiaq, O'Hearn. POPL'01. • Local Reasoning about Programs that Alter Data Structures O'Hearn, Reynolds, Yang. CSL'01. • Separation Logic: A Logic for Shared Mutable Data Structures Reynolds. LICS 2002.
Successful Applications • An example of local reasoning in BI pointer logic: the Schorr-Waite graph marking algorithm Yang, SPACE 2001 • Local Reasoning about a Copying Garbage CollectorBirkedal, Torp-Smith, Reynolds. POPL'04
Analysis and Automated Verification • Symbolic Execution with Separation Logic.Berdine, Calcagno, O'Hearn. APLAS'05. • Smallfoot: Modular Automatic Assertion Checking with Separation Logic Berdine, Calcagno, O'Hearn. FMCO’06. • A local shape analysis based on separation logic Distefano, O'Hearn, Yang. TACAS’06. • Interprocedural Shape Analysis with Separated Heap Abstractions. Gotsman, Berdine, Cook. SAS’06 • Shape analysis for composite data structures.Berdine, Calcagno, Cook, Distefano, O'Hearn, Wies, Yang. CAV'07. • ...
Concurrency • Resources, Concurrency and Local Reasoning O'Hearn. Reynolds Festschrift, 2007. CONCUR'04 • A Semantics for Concurrent Separation Logic Brookes. Reynolds Festschrift, 2007. CONCUR'04 • Towards a Grainless Semantics for Shared Variable Concurrency John C. Reynolds (in preparation?) • Permission Accounting in Separation LogicBornat, Calcagno, O'Hearn, Parkinson. POPL’05 • Modular Verification of a Non-blocking StackParkinson, Bornat, O'Hearn. POPL’07 • A Marriage of Rely/Guarantee and Separation Logic Parkinson, Vafeiadis. CONCUR’07 • Modular Safety Checking for Fine-Grained Concurrency (smallfootRG)Calcagno, Parkinson, Vafeiadis. SAS'07 • Thread-Modular Shape Analysis. Gotsman, Berdine, Cook, Sagiv. PLDI’07 • ...
Termination • Automatic termination proofs for programs with shape-shifting heaps. Berdine, Cook, Distefano, O'Hearn. CAV’06 • Variance Analyses from Invariance Analyses.Berdine, Chawdhary, Cook, Distefano, O'Hearn. POPL 2007 • ...
Object Oriented Programming • Separation logic and abstraction Parkinson and Bierman. POPL’05 • Class Invariants: The End of the Road?Parkinson. IWACO'07. • Separation Logic, Abstraction, and InheritanceParkinson, Bierman. POPL'08 • …