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5 Effective Ways to Treat Your Residential Water for Better Taste & Health

Worried about your home's water? Discover 5 easy ways to treat it for sparkling clarity, fresh taste, and healthy living. Explore Intec America's solutions!

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5 Effective Ways to Treat Your Residential Water for Better Taste & Health

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  1. HOW TO TREAT RESIDENTIAL WATER? 5 Ways to Help 1. Air/Ozone Injection Filters It treat water by injecting air for oxidation, ensuring purified, sediment-free water. Enhanced Ozone Generators (EOGs) handle higher iron, hydrogen sulfide, and manganese levels with a similar concept. 2. Ozonation Ozonation in water treatment involves injecting ozone gas to filter iron and impurities, addressing biological concerns. This separate add-on technology offers flexibility in concentration levels and flow rates. 3. Cartridge Filters Cartridge filters, used to remove suspended matter, feature a housing with insert options like pleated, string, or depth cartridges. Ideal for water softeners and reverse osmosis, they vary in pore sizes (200 to 1 micron), with pleated types being reusables. 4. Backwashing Filters: Self-cleaning backwashable filters offer customizable water treatment, addressing various issues with single or blended media. Optional valve head modifications and accessories like flow meters enhance control and remote access. 5.Microfilters, Ultrafilters: Watts Water's HydroSafe filter removes chemicals and microorganisms with a UV light barrier. Enpress PolyUF physically removes pathogens without altering water taste; nanofilters prep industrial water for reverse osmosis. Know more at www.intec-america.com/residential-water- treatments/filtration/

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