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We will begin shortly. FHA-HERO: The California Affiliate of FCCLA. Preparing for the 2013 State Leadership Meeting & State Finals WEBINAR. 66 th Annual State Leadership Meeting. April 20-23, 2013 Ontario, CA Events for Voting Delegates Industry Tours
FHA-HERO: The California Affiliate of FCCLA Preparing for the 2013 State Leadership Meeting & State Finals WEBINAR
66th Annual State Leadership Meeting • April 20-23, 2013 • Ontario, CA • Events for Voting Delegates • Industry Tours • Leadership & Career Development Activities • Region Cheerapalooza • Recycled Garment Fashion Show • Special Event for Membership Increases
SLM Registration Reminders Cont. • Advisors must bring a completed “Participant’s Conduct & Responsibilities” form (parent permission form) for EVERY SINGLE STATE MEETING STUDENT PARTICIPANT. • Turn them in at the FHA-HERO registration desk in Ontario. • Log-in to chapter account, print SLM registration, email corrections to Tom Munter. • Next week, go in and sign up for choices (workshops, industry tours, vegetarian meals).
Hotel Registration • Hotel reservations are being made in overflow hotels. • Must show hotel confirmation at FHA-HERO registration desk at the SLM. • If you still need hotel accommodations email tommunter@excellenceinpresentations.com
Traveling to SLM • Air-fly to the Ontario Airport • Train-Contact Amtrak…arrive early. • Shuttle Service- Free hotel shuttle service to airport. • Private Auto/Bus-Complimentary parking at the hotel not at the convention center.
Chapter Management Create a Chapter Advisor Binder Use the SLM online materials Include: hotel confirmation rooming list school permission slips emergency card Copy of CRE competitors’ identification items
Chapter Management Conduct make FHA-HERO and your school proud! Etiquette dining tipping behavior in hotel
Official Dress General sessions Region meetings CREs State & Region Officers Traveling to SLM Available at: Shop FHA-HERO Official Dress Consists of: Official Red Blazer with Emblem Patch White Blouse/Dress Shirt Navy Skirt/Dress Slacks Dress Shoes Dress Socks/Hosiery Navy Tie (males & officers) Dress Requirements
Required Dress Official Casual Cheerapalooza Leadership & Career Development Workshops Industry Tours College & Career Fair Chapter Members Traveling to SLM Go to: Shop FHA-HERO
Dress Requirement Exception: Banquet & Ball Suggested Attire: Dress up attire, Sunday Best or Formals – keep in classy and appropriate!
Dress Requirements No Jeans
Chaperoning Responsibility of Chapter Advisors and or designated chaperone's from individual schools. Advisors should know where students are at all times Members who are not in competition are expected to attend all of the planned events each day.
Nightly Chapter Meetings 15-20 minutes to review program for next day. Remind students to attend each session daily. Remind students that attendance will be recorded at workshops, industry tours, and delegate committees. Advisors will receive attendance reports at the end.
Chapter Pins Chapter will exchange pins during the entire meeting this year. Bring 10 or more pins per student.
Red Pride Essay Contest • A special essay contest was held this year designed to give FHA-HERO members an opportunity to express the pride they have in FHA-HERO. • Share ideas and expressions with others. • Check out the special instructions and rules included online with the state meeting materials to encourage future participation. • Encourage chapter members to participate!
Happenings at SLM Industry Tours Monday-all new options College and Career Fair- many new vendors Recycled Garment Fashion Show Red Pride Essay Contest Cheerapalooza Session New Voting Delegate Responsibilities Competitions held Saturday, Sunday, Monday Mini-competitions Student Committees
FHA-HERO Industry Tours Graber Olive House Ontario Mills Outlet
2013 Recycled Garment Fashion Show Contest • Open for 10th-12th grade students who are not competing in a State Finals CRE. Participants will design and construct a garment from recycled materials and present their design on a model during the Fashion Show.
Recycled Garment Fashion Show Contest • 1st – 3rd place participants will be awarded cash prizes sponsored by worth a total of $500 • 1st Place Winner will be awarded 3 Days of Fashion, a prize worth $250 • NEW 1st and 2nd Place Winners will qualify to advance to the FCCLA Recycle and Redesign STAR Event
CRE Sponsors • This year there is approximately $163,000 in cash prizes, scholarships, and merchandise available to FHA-HERO competitors.
Competitive Recognition Events Required documents needed by each competitor CRE Student Permission Form (chapter event not previously a competitor, FAX to our office ASAP at 916-319-0165 Attn. Tanya) Photo ID State Leadership Meeting Paraphernalia
CRE Suggestions Make a copy of each competitor’s documents. Review competitors outlines, information sheets, recipes, etc. and make copies for your records. Make sure your competitors would receive an “A” score from you on this project.
CRE Suggestions Have students review curriculum that relates to the following events which require exams: Apparel Construction Menu Planning & Table Display Salad Preparation Commercial Foods The exams are ALL updated this year.
CRE Exams All exams have True and False, Multiple Choice, Matching, and Fill-in the blank questions. Exam scores are reflected in the final score of the event.
CRE Exams Apparel Construction Topics: Stitches Fibers, Fabrics and Weaves Pattern Layout and Symbol Identification Sewing Machine Parts and Uses Seams and Finishes Pattern Envelope Identification
CRE Exams Menu Planning & Table Display Topics: Nutrients and their functions (major and minor) Meal Preferences (6 components of an appealing meal) Identify parts of a place setting and the cover My Plate.gov and Dietary Intakes Menu Samples for specific dietary needs and ages Types of Foods in a Food Group Sources of Vitamins and Minerals
CRE Exams Salad Preparation Topics: Nutrients and their functions (major and minor) Function of Salad Ingredients and Recipe Conversions Knife Techniques Healthy diets and caloric intake Different types of vegetables and their nutritional values Examples of different salads and the components of a salad Identify different types of salad dressings and functions of ingredients to make the dressing Food Safety and preparation related to salad preparation techniques MyPlate.gov Digestive System
CRE Exams Commercial Food Topics: Food Safety and Sanitation Foodborne illness and contaminates as found in the ServSafe curriculum HACCP Time and temperature control Parts of a knife and the metal used to make knives Knife cuts Industry Equipment Identification and Use Mother Sauce preparation Sources of nutrients and their function Define and/or describe food preparation techniques
CRE Event Reminders Common Oversights Apparel Construction Pattern pieces must be attached to the fabric and fabric previously cut out prior to competition. Twenty minutes (20) will be added to Apparel Construction Senior Division this year. Job Application & Interview A second copy of the resume is required, along with the Portfolio. (separate of the portfolio) Teaching Careers Four(4) copies of the lesson being taught must be turned in with the four(4) Portfolios. NEW
CRE Event Reminders Common Oversights continued… Commercial Food Preparation Work plan required per team. All team members take the exam and the score is averaged to have one score for the entire team. Bring activities to keep the team busy when not competing. Multiple rounds will be conducted the day of the event. Equipment should be in sturdy totes or boxes. Participants should be familiar with walk-in refrigerators and dry pantries to facilitate the gathering of ingredients. There will be ample ranges, ovens, and working space for all teams.
CRE Event Reminders Common Oversights continued… Salad Preparation All salad ingredients must be prewashed and in containers prior to coming to Ontario. Very limit preparation time will be allotted. Sinks may not be available. Participants should be ready so that all they must do is pull items out of their boxes/crates/ice chest and place on a tray and begin competition. Electricity WILL NOT be available. Adjust recipes to accommodate this. Four (4) copies of the recipe/nutritional analysis/equipment list are required.
CRE Event Reminders Common Oversights continued… Culinary Arts All items on display must have a recipe or mentioned within a recipe. Recipes should be scaled to the quantity being served/displayed. Recipe must have a yield. Mandatory ALL recipe packets must be turn in on Saturday from 3:00-3:45 p.m. in the Courtyard at the Doubletree NEW
CRE Event Reminders Common Oversights continued… Events with Exams Participants must bring their own writing implement. All events requiring information sheets/outlines/bibliographies/recipes four (4) copies are required.
CRE Specific Dress Requirements Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts ONLY Wear chef attire to dress check Bring FHA-HERO Official Dress on a hanger or in a bag Industry shoes must have non-slip soles to be acceptable.
CRE Specific Dress Requirements • There are only two events that come to dress check in CHEF ATTIRE. • Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts • NO Salad Prep Competitors • All other events arrive to dress check in Official Dress. Refer to page 11-15 in the CRE Guide. READ THOSE PAGES. • Child Development competitors wearing a costume are an exception and they may bring their uniform on a hanger.
CRE Suggestions Provide all competitors a copy of their CRE Rules for their specific events AND General Rules and Guidelines pages 1-16 of the CRE Guide. Refer the students to the Web site for the most current Q&A available on the CRE Homepage.
National Meeting & STAR Events Nashville, TN July 7-11, 2013 Mandatory Meeting Tuesday, April 23, 2013 12:00-1:00 p.m. Deposit Required on April 23, 2013 for STAR Participants STAR Event Fee $40.00 Non- Refundable DUE April 23, 2013
Questions & Answers • Ask NOW don’t wait. • Region Advisors are available to assist you, we can walk you through the information you need to be successful.