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Board Retreat. Action Plan. Board Development Retreat. Board Development The more aligned and strategic your board of directors is the more successful your organization will be. The Executive and Staff can and s hould handle the daily work of the organization, but they must be
Board Retreat Action Plan
Board Development Retreat Board Development The more aligned and strategic your board of directors is the more successful your organization will be. The Executive and Staff can and should handle the daily work of the organization, but they must be supported by a strong BOD! Professional development for your BOD, in a setting outside the normal “board meeting” space, resulting in a solid program of work for your organization are a must for moving forward effectively. Board Retreat $2500 Full Day $1500 Half Day Board retreats are very individual and the agenda can and should vary from year to year. Here are the components of your board retreat: • An agenda that reflects what you MOST need to work on for the following year. • A timeframe that will allow you to establish the goals that need to be set. Half or full day depends on what you hope to accomplish. • The agenda and retreat goals will be established in phone meetings between the facilitator, Executive and Board Chair/Chair Elect. • Your board retreat will have a follow up report that will highlight the work from the day, list established goals and objectives and provide recommendations for next steps. **In addition to fees for packages, the organization will cover all travel expenses for the facilitator. A 50% deposit is required at the execution of the contract.
About the Facilitator Annette Medlin, IOM Annette has been in non-profit management for over 25 years; for eight years as a chamber Executive. She has held leadership roles in industry professional organizations as President of the Carolina’s Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives and with the US Chamber Institute for Organization Management as a student, a class advisor, a member of the Board of Regents and now as faculty. Annette was honored by her peers as South Carolina Executive of the Year in 2008. In April of 2012 she co-founded Membership180 with Jay Handler. M180 is a sustainable membership development company devoted to seeing chambers of commerce and associations grow through engaging current members while recruiting new ones. Annette is a regular speaker, facilitator and coach/consultant to clients in the areas of board development, strategic planning, executive coaching, capitalizing on capacity, feminine leadership and community partnerships. In addition to her successful blogposts on membership180.com, Annette is frequently a guest blogger for Institute. annette@membership180.com (866) 960 9789 ext. 101 Website/Blog: www.membership180.com LinkeIn: www.linkedin.com/in/annettemedlin/ FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/coachmedlin FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/MedlinInYourBusiness Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/kamedlin/ phone: 866-960-9789/ www.membership180.com/email: info@membership180.com