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    2. Unit 2 Text A: Charlie Chaplin Text B: The Political Career of a Female Politician

    3. Text A Charlie Chaplin

    4. Contents Teaching Objectives Lead-in Background Information Global Comprehension Cultural Reflection Language Study Language Output Assignment

    5. Teaching Objectives Help students understand main idea of the text; read for detailed information; share ideas about the favorite actor or actress; talk about comic stars; expand vocabulary on the present topic; make presentation on a given topic.

    6. Lead In: video watching Watch the video clip performed by Charlie Chaplin and talk about: 1. What can be used to describe Charlie Chaplin? 2. What can be concluded as Chaplin’s style in movies?

    8. Charles Spencer Chaplin was born on 16th April 1889 in Walworth, L____, and lived a Dickensian childhood, shared with his brother, Sydney, that included extreme poverty, workhouses and seeing his mother's mental decline put her into an institution. Both his parents, though separated when he was very young, were music hall artists, and his father was quite famous. But it was his mother that Charlie idolised and was inspired by during his visit of the backstage while she performed, to take up such a c____ for himself.

    9. Global Comprehension I. Main idea The text is about Charlie Chaplin’s life which is full of contrasts. He came into the world m______ but brought the world endless joy. The contrast between his desire to be loved and his fear of being b______ led to his painful marriages but brought him the luck to walk into the sunset with Oona. And even after his death, the theft of his body served as a fitting memorial to his life as a great comic.


    15. Cultural Reflection Discussion questions: Who is, in your eyes, a comic star in our country? Why do we enjoy performance by comic stars? What are different styles of those comic stars? Please give some examples.

    16. Language Study: long sentence Read the following sentence and translate it into NATURAL Chinese. Chaplin quit Britain for good in 1913 when he journeyed to America with a group of performers to do his comedy act on the stage where talent scouts recruited him to work for Mack Sennett, the king of Hollywood comedy films. Translation:????1913?????????,????????????????????? ???,?????????????????•?????????

    17. Now translate it back into English. ????1913?????????,????????????????????? ???,?????????????????•????????? Chaplin quit…when he …where …. Expressions:??? for good ?? talent scouts Language Study: long sentence

    18. Language Study: words & expressions Chinese to English ?? ?? ????? ?? ?? ?? ??

    19. Language Study: words & expressions ????? ???? ??,?? ?????? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ?????

    20. 1. Chaplin died __ Christmas Day 1977. 2. Chaplin didn't have his jokes written ____ a script in advance. 3. He was determined to a degree unusual even __ the ranks of Hollywood stars. 4. It was a headache ___ Chaplin when he could no longer resist the talking movies. Language Study: Exercise

    21. Language Output revolt make up clumsy betray corresponding extraordinary behave

    22. Assignment Prepare a 3-minute speech to talk about your favourite movie star in our country.

    23. Section B The Political Career of a Female Politician

    24. Contents Teaching Objectives Reading Skills Vocabulary Expansion Writing Skills Assignment

    25. Teaching Objectives Help students learn the reading skill of mixture of fact and opinion; recognize and master words and expressions of high communicative value; learn about the introductory paragraph .

    26. Reading Skills Mixture of Fact and Opinion We have learned to distinguish between facts and opinions in Unit 2, Book 1 and Unit 3 and Unit 8, Book 2, and now in Unit 2, Book 4, we are going to develop the ability further.

    27. Reading Skills Mixture of Fact and Opinion Facts are statements that tell what really happened or really is the case whereas opinions are statements of beliefs, judgments, or feelings. It is not always easy to make a clear distinction between facts and opinions as writers often mix facts and opinions even within the same sentence, with some words representing facts and others representing opinions.

    28. Reading Skills Mixture of Fact and Opinion Some tips for distinguishing facts from opinions: 1. Test the writer's opinion by asking whether a different opinion is possible. You do not have to agree with the different opinion or with the author's, for that matter. You just have to be able to see if there is another view.

    29. Reading Skills Mixture of Fact and Opinion 2. Look for words that interpret one's opinions such as pretty, ugly, handsome, dangerous, evil, attractive, well-dressed, good, etc.

    30. Reading Skills Reading between the Lines Example: But only Charlie Chaplin could have created the great comic character of “The Tramp”, the little man in rags who gave his creator permanent fame. (Para. 1, Reading Passage A, Unit 2 Explanation: Even though the words only, great, permanent state opinions, the sentence states many facts — Charlie Chaplin, created, comic character, the Tramp, the little man in rags. Even more important, the main point of the sentence is to state the fact that Charlie Chaplin created “The Tramp”, which brought him fame. Thus the sentence is basically factual.

    31. ??? ?? ?? ???? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ???? Vocabulary Expansion

    34. Assignment Writing Assignment Title: My Favorite Comic Star

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