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West Virginia schools are placing more emphasis on career awareness activities in grades K-4, career exploration experiences in grades 5-10, and options for career preparation in grades 11 - postsecondary."-WV Career Tabloid: 2003-2004. Research products will measure the number and value
1. Training is a preparation for a future we know.
Education prepares for a future we dont know.
-Macdonald and Hursh
Twenty-first Century Schools Thank You-s:
Dr. Nicholson: For your insight, advice, trust, and confidence. For challenging us to think more deeply about theory and purpose. For involving us in hands-on research.
Dr. Cunningham: For preparing us well for what was to come and for helping us not to take ourselves too seriously.
Dr. Meisel: For the most coherent and best taught course on statistics Ive ever taken. Where were you when I was an undergrad?
Dr. Lassiter: For introducing me to a method of research and form of inquiry that is rich and rewarding
Disconcerting move toward training prompted motivation for coming back to school
Too much emphasis on vocational or training aspects of education
I wanted a seat at the table; some way to effect change toward a more humane way of doing education.Thank You-s:
Dr. Nicholson: For your insight, advice, trust, and confidence. For challenging us to think more deeply about theory and purpose. For involving us in hands-on research.
Dr. Cunningham: For preparing us well for what was to come and for helping us not to take ourselves too seriously.
Dr. Meisel: For the most coherent and best taught course on statistics Ive ever taken. Where were you when I was an undergrad?
Dr. Lassiter: For introducing me to a method of research and form of inquiry that is rich and rewarding
Disconcerting move toward training prompted motivation for coming back to school
Too much emphasis on vocational or training aspects of education
I wanted a seat at the table; some way to effect change toward a more humane way of doing education.
2. West Virginia schools are placing more emphasis on career awareness activities in grades K-4, career exploration experiences in grades 5-10, and options for career preparation in grades 11 - postsecondary.
-WV Career Tabloid: 2003-2004 Genesis of my awareness.
Welcome to the technocracy.
An example of the emphasis on vocation.Genesis of my awareness.
Welcome to the technocracy.
An example of the emphasis on vocation.
3. Research products will measure the number and value of patents, royalties, and other economic contributions attributable to research efforts of West Virginia public institutions.
3.6.5 Performance Indicators
WV Higher Education Policy Commission
The problem as I explored further.
Education commodified. Value of research reduced marketability.
6 out of 9 indicators emphasized workforce development or economics
The section on affordability makes no mention of correcting socio-economic barriers to affordability
No mention of issue of access to higher education
No mention of civic participation or social responsibility as a measurable outcome
Preserves the socio-economic status quo by preparing students for a system which currently exists
Why not measure research products that improve life by reducing suffering and promoting fairness?
Jennifer Washburn University Inc. (Bayh-Dole Act 1980)
BB&T buying curriculum influence
Policy analyses (3 courses: Admin Theory, Education Policy, Ethical Theory) prefer quantitative measures over qualitative. i.e. Spellings report emphasizes economics, training, globalization, technology, etc.
The problem as I explored further.
Education commodified. Value of research reduced marketability.
6 out of 9 indicators emphasized workforce development or economics
The section on affordability makes no mention of correcting socio-economic barriers to affordability
No mention of issue of access to higher education
No mention of civic participation or social responsibility as a measurable outcome
Preserves the socio-economic status quo by preparing students for a system which currently exists
Why not measure research products that improve life by reducing suffering and promoting fairness?
Jennifer Washburn University Inc. (Bayh-Dole Act 1980)
BB&T buying curriculum influence
Policy analyses (3 courses: Admin Theory, Education Policy, Ethical Theory) prefer quantitative measures over qualitative. i.e. Spellings report emphasizes economics, training, globalization, technology, etc.
4. Leadership Theory Finding a leadership theory that I could completely buy-in to was a source of much vexation.
Too many theories about individual traits and behaviors
As if leadership existed in a vacuum
Leadership too often conflated with management
Typically dyadic (manager and subordinate) and unidirectional (still the dominant paradigm)
Subversion of human agency. Managers were the actors and followers were reduced to objects, to be acted upon.
Taylorism (engineering) ? Business analysts and psychologists (situational / contingency, etc.) ? Transformational, etc.
Transformational leadership is disingenuous, manipulative. Leaders work toward manipulating followers ideological buy-inFinding a leadership theory that I could completely buy-in to was a source of much vexation.
Too many theories about individual traits and behaviors
As if leadership existed in a vacuum
Leadership too often conflated with management
Typically dyadic (manager and subordinate) and unidirectional (still the dominant paradigm)
Subversion of human agency. Managers were the actors and followers were reduced to objects, to be acted upon.
Taylorism (engineering) ? Business analysts and psychologists (situational / contingency, etc.) ? Transformational, etc.
Transformational leadership is disingenuous, manipulative. Leaders work toward manipulating followers ideological buy-in
5. Marxist/Critical Theory
Postmodern Theory My ideas regarding leadership derive from these perspectives.My ideas regarding leadership derive from these perspectives.
6. Critical Theory Grounded in Marx.
Marxist emphasize economics and class tension between owners and workers.
Critical theorists contend that injustice and inequality doesnt always reside in economics
I tend to agree with orthodox Marxists, particularly at the macro level. Though, the problem in Whats the Matter with Kansas? does pose an interesting conundrum. Grounded in Marx.
Marxist emphasize economics and class tension between owners and workers.
Critical theorists contend that injustice and inequality doesnt always reside in economics
I tend to agree with orthodox Marxists, particularly at the macro level. Though, the problem in Whats the Matter with Kansas? does pose an interesting conundrum.
7. Social Critique and Social Change Critique of domination and power
Correction of social inequities
Modifying social structures to be more humaneCritique of domination and power
Correction of social inequities
Modifying social structures to be more humane
8. Such a pedagogical model, which focuses exclusively on preparing students for the work force, abstracts education from the challenges of developing a critically conscious, socially responsible and politically active student body and citizenry.
-Leistyna and Woodrum
Breaking Free: The Transformative Power of Critical Pedagogy (1996) Diagnosis of the problem from a critical theory perspective.
More cogs for the machine. Social structures that dehumanize (Marx).
The purpose of education should be much broader.Diagnosis of the problem from a critical theory perspective.
More cogs for the machine. Social structures that dehumanize (Marx).
The purpose of education should be much broader.
9. My journey toward postmodern thought Context-based
Knowledge and learning - socially constructed (leadership is constructed by those who participate in the process, both as leaders and followers/collaborators).
Knowledge and learning - socially constructed (leadership is constructed by those who participate in the process, both as leaders and followers/collaborators).
10. Administrative Theory Course Aside from a glimmer of predisposition in my thought prior to entering the leadership program, this was the theoretical eye-opener.
Most leadership theories are not presented in a way that is falsifiable, and thus not strictly scientific. Not surprising as leadership is a normative practice.
Dialectical era of leadership emphasized relational aspects. Positivist vs. anti-positivist. Aside from a glimmer of predisposition in my thought prior to entering the leadership program, this was the theoretical eye-opener.
Most leadership theories are not presented in a way that is falsifiable, and thus not strictly scientific. Not surprising as leadership is a normative practice.
Dialectical era of leadership emphasized relational aspects. Positivist vs. anti-positivist.
11. Globaloria Studied the implementation of a pedagogical model based on the constructivist ideas of Seymour Papert.
This was my first indication that an alternative to hierarchical was possible. Instead of taking an authoritative role, the teacher learned alongside students as a collaborator. Studied the implementation of a pedagogical model based on the constructivist ideas of Seymour Papert.
This was my first indication that an alternative to hierarchical was possible. Instead of taking an authoritative role, the teacher learned alongside students as a collaborator.
12. Ethnography Context-oriented
Collaborative instead of authoritative. Conducted collaboratively with research subjects.
Socially constructed knowledge
Collaborative instead of authoritative. Conducted collaboratively with research subjects.
Socially constructed knowledge
13. Relational Theory Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and collaborators who intend real changes that reflect the purposes mutually held by both leaders and collaborators.
-Joseph Rost First leadership theory that looked promising.
First leadership theory that looked promising.
14. Relational theory emphasizes process over individual traits.
Its about relationships, social interaction. Dynamic process.Its about relationships, social interaction. Dynamic process.
15. Relational theory is based on influence, not authority.
Influence means using persuasion to have an impact on other people. Non-coercive.
Influence is multi-directional
Influence means using persuasion to have an impact on other people. Non-coercive.
Influence is multi-directional
16. Relational theory is contextual.
Since its a relationship, leaders and collaborators can change roles at different times, in different situations.Since its a relationship, leaders and collaborators can change roles at different times, in different situations.
17. Relational theory is collaborative.
Since its a relationship, leadership is what leaders and collaborators do together.Since its a relationship, leadership is what leaders and collaborators do together.
18. The Problem
Relational theory does not provide an explicit method for analyzing and critiquing existing power structures. A good theory, steeped in postmodern thought, but doesnt quite go far enough.
No explicit means or methods for analyzing power structures, correcting social inequities, or promoting social change.A good theory, steeped in postmodern thought, but doesnt quite go far enough.
No explicit means or methods for analyzing power structures, correcting social inequities, or promoting social change.
19. Critical Leadership Theory Leadership must be socially critical, it does not reside in an individual but in the relationship between individuals, and it is oriented toward social vision and change, not simply, or only organizational goals.
-William Foster
Toward a Critical Practice of Leadership Needed a theory that addresses the need for social change and critical of existing power structuresNeeded a theory that addresses the need for social change and critical of existing power structures
20. Leadership Elements Socially critical
Promotes social vision and change
Relational / Process-oriented
Mutual influence / Collaborative
Contextual Socially critical: willing to question administrative assumptions and power relations (the ease with which BB&T infiltrated so many schools Meredith College as an example of a successful challenge).
Promotes social vision and change: Globaloria constructivist learning paradigm straining against the status quo in education pedagogy. Program initially attempted to target schools with many low-SES students. Still, program leaders had to solicit from the powers-that-be to gain a foothold in the system.
Relational / Process oriented: The crew. Leadership is based on our dynamic of social interaction. Each of us leads in varying situations and contexts. This pattern developed also when working with non-crew students in course-related group projects.
Mutual influence / collaborative: The crew: we influence one another, no authority in our relationship, we work together, non-coercive. An alternative social structure to hierarchy. Work: Many of my staff members take the lead and develop new processes and products with no prompting from me. They influence me and I them.
Context: The leadership style and who is leading is adapted to situation, structure, and mix of people. (see all of the above).
Socially critical: willing to question administrative assumptions and power relations (the ease with which BB&T infiltrated so many schools Meredith College as an example of a successful challenge).
Promotes social vision and change: Globaloria constructivist learning paradigm straining against the status quo in education pedagogy. Program initially attempted to target schools with many low-SES students. Still, program leaders had to solicit from the powers-that-be to gain a foothold in the system.
Relational / Process oriented: The crew. Leadership is based on our dynamic of social interaction. Each of us leads in varying situations and contexts. This pattern developed also when working with non-crew students in course-related group projects.
Mutual influence / collaborative: The crew: we influence one another, no authority in our relationship, we work together, non-coercive. An alternative social structure to hierarchy. Work: Many of my staff members take the lead and develop new processes and products with no prompting from me. They influence me and I them.
Context: The leadership style and who is leading is adapted to situation, structure, and mix of people. (see all of the above).
21. Good fortune is guiding our affairs better than we could have desired, for there you see, friend Sancho Panza, thirty or more enormous giants with whom I intend to do battle.
-Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quixote Tilting at windmills.
The probability of effecting change is not great, given the hierarchical social and organizational structures that persist.
All of us work in such environments, which serve to reinforce a bureaucratic way of thinking. But in light of my experience working in collaboration with faculty and fellow students, a different, more democratic way of working together is possibleat least at the organizational (micro) level.
Even though the chances for success are not great, particularly at the macro-social level, it is still worth doing.Tilting at windmills.
The probability of effecting change is not great, given the hierarchical social and organizational structures that persist.
All of us work in such environments, which serve to reinforce a bureaucratic way of thinking. But in light of my experience working in collaboration with faculty and fellow students, a different, more democratic way of working together is possibleat least at the organizational (micro) level.
Even though the chances for success are not great, particularly at the macro-social level, it is still worth doing.