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System of training in the civil service. The main regulations Act on the civil service – chapter 8 “Training and Development in the Civil Service”. Trainings in civil service include: Central trainings – planned, organized, supervised by the Head of Civil Service;
The main regulations Act on the civil service – chapter 8 “Training and Development in the Civil Service”
Trainings in civil service include: • Central trainings – planned, organized, supervised by the Head of Civil Service; • General trainings – planned, organized, supervised by Directors General of Office; • Trainings under Individual professional development progress plan for civil servants – planned, organized, supervised by the Director General of Office in agreement with Civil Service Corps member; • Specialist trainings connected with typical tasks of office – planned, organized, supervised by the Director General of Office.
Trainings for Civil Service Corps members are organized according to The Plan of central trainings in the Civil Service • Every year the Head of Civil Service signs the Plan, which is binding for one year. • Central Trainings Plan sets out priorities for training to members of the civil service and the types of training of particular importance in a given year.
Subjects of trainings come from: • Analysis of training needs, which are led by Department of Civil Service every 3 or 4 years; • Offices’ declarations of training needs (every year offices sent employees training needs to Department of Civil Service); • Present needs (up-to-date needs); • Government’s recommendations.
Department of Civil Service informs each of 64 offices of governmental administration about ThePlan of central trainings in the Civil Service in force in present year (we sendthe document to Directors General of Offices and loadthe Plan onto the civil service web side); • Recruitment is carried out in governmental offices (the Director General of Office exactly knows what kind of trainings his/her employees need. She/he sends employees to appropriate trainings); • Trainings are carried out in the 16 main cities in every voivodship of Poland.
Trainings included in Central Trainings Plan in Civil Service are divided according to: • Trainings financed by Republic of Poland budged(state budget) – every year about 460 thousandszl; • Trainings financed by European Union Funds.In perspective 2007 – 2015 we have about 100 million zl (that is about 12,5 million every year) for system projects in whichtrainingshavesignificantimportance.
Trainings financed by Republic of Poland budget in 2013 • We organize trainings on4 different subjects, for ca. 970 employees. • Subjects of trainings: • The competent communication betweenpublic administration authorities and the society; • Standardsfor effective and efficient public administration work; • ElectronicDocumentation Management System; • Basics of working on sourcedata.
Trainings financed by European Union Funds Human Capital Operational Programme (perspective 2007 – 2015) Priority V “Good governance”measure 5.1 “Strengthening potential of government administration”: • 12 projects were done, • About 50 thousand civil servants were trained, • Nearly 60 million zl were spent, • 4 new projects (with 40 million zl budget) have been started lately. Although these are not typical training projects ca. 7 500 employees of government administration will take part in related activities.
Projects, which are carried out in Department: • „Processes, objectives, competence –integrated management at the office”;maingoal–improvementof management quality in government administration. • “Improving management standards in government administration”; maingoal– implementation of modern management solutions at 100 government administration offices, project is addressed to management staff.
Projects, which are carried out in Department– continuation: 3. “Support for the tax administration reform”; main goal – improvement of quality and access of services provided by tax administration in the area of handling entrepreneurs. 4. „Strengthening public administration's analytical potential”; main goal – support for improvement of the impact assessment system and the process of creating public policies in government administration.
Training organization: Within the framework of the civil service therearealsotwoimportantdocuments: Standards for human resources management in the civil service and Training policy in civil service. Standards contains provisions about preparing an annual training plan. That’s a document in which all trainings planned for a given year for office employees are specified. It has to meet the requirements of the certain office and take into account trainings under individual professional development programmes of employees. So it gathers all that trainings and creates consistent annual strategy in this area which should be updated each year.
Training organization – continuation: Policy aligns the subject of a long-term training management in government offices. It provides a set of practical instructions and tools that show how to build an effective system of workforce development in the office. It considers 2 elements of the training process as particularly important: training needs assessment and training planning
Training organization – continuation: • Training needsassessment, whichisessential for the functioning of training policy in the office. It is, in fact, the starting point for allsubsequentactions to supportoffice'shumanresources. It allows to specifycompetenceloopholes and enablesrationalidentification of directions for the development of knowledge and skills of officeemployees. It shouldtakeintoaccountboth the development needs of the employee and the objectives and priorities of the entireoffice. Wellconductedassessmenteneblesrationaluse of training fund.
Training organization – continuation: • Training planning. Whenplanningtrainings one shouldtakeintoaccount: time, organizational and financialconstraints. It isparticularlyimportant to place trainings in the officebudgetingprocedure. Annualtraining plan (whichismentionedabove) isa product of thatplanning. It cumulates and puts in order allactivitiesassociated with trainings, contributes to the correctbuild of employeescareer development pathsand enebles the correctallocation of trainingfunds.
Thank you for attention For more information, please contact me on: krzysztof.banas@kprm.gov.pl