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Nguyen Thi Tu & Bach Linh Trang

Nguyen Thi Tu & Bach Linh Trang. INVESTIGATING NON-MAJORED STUDENTS‘ PROBLEMS IN PROMOTING AUTONOMOUS LEARNING IN ORAL PRESENTATIONS. BACKGROUND. The Foreign Languages Section 21 lecturers the first & second year non-majored students of 15 departments EGP & ESP.

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Nguyen Thi Tu & Bach Linh Trang

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  2. BACKGROUND • The Foreign Languages Section • 21 lecturers • the first & second year non-majored students of 15 departments • EGP & ESP

  3. LITERATURE REVIEW •  Learner autonomy: Holec (1981) •  Learner autonomy & language learning: Little (1990); Lee (2011) •  Learner autonomy in oral presentations: Gupta (2008); Emden and Becker (2004); Ali Said Al-Issa (2005) •  Problems in students' oral presentations: Woodrow (2006), Zhou (2009), Tanveer (2007)

  4. LEARNER AUTONOMY “To take charge of one’s own learning is to have, and to hold, the responsibility for all decisions concerning all aspects of this learning” • determining the objectives • defining the contents and progressions • selecting methods and techniques to be used • monitoring the procedure of acquisition properly speaking • evaluating what has been acquired Holec (1981:3) learner autonomy

  5. Ali Said Al-Issa (2005) Gupta (2008) Emden & Becker (2004) Oral presentations Learner autonomy Learner autonomy in oral presentations

  6. Problems in oral presentations To language learners

  7. PechaKucha 20x20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and you talk along to the images. Hoelscher, K. (2012) To promote language learners’ presentations pechakucha technology-based approach to promote learner autonomy Benson (2001:107)

  8. The participants 20 students from 3 departments

  9. Aims & Research questions • To investigate the non-majored students' problems in promoting autonomous learning in oral presentations • What are the problems non-majored students encounter in promoting learner autonomy in delivering oral presentations? • 2.What are pedagogical implications to language teaching and learning in enhancing learner autonomy?

  10. Method • Observation with • A Questionnaire to obtain students' views on their problems • Interviews of 3 students randomly picked up from 3 groups to get more information concerned their specific problems.

  11. Results & Discussion

  12. Results & Discussion Interviewee expressed concern in how to deliver the content to the fullest using proper language Observation: presenters seem to underestimate the Q&A part and see this as an extra but not an important one Observation: lots of grammar mistakes recorded Interviewee had hard time to prepare a brief and informative one

  13. Results & Discussion Interviewee had to keep an eye on her watch during presentation Observation: presenters had difficulties in making the software and the speech go hand in hand, not in the habit of doing this before Observation: presenters worked under time pressure and many even ran out of time

  14. Results & Discussion Observation: presenters struggled to give responses, proving that they did not expect particular queries raised by the listeners Interviewees: showed concern about the complexity of the questions and the unwillingness to answer them. Observation: fluent speakers outnumbered by the others, in some cases presenters said what they learnt by heart; learn new words by translation

  15. Guidelines • Topic • Theme resources • Question-answer session holding • Evaluation Teacher’s role

  16. Presentation A subject in university/ college syllabus/ curriculum confidence skills experience competence Careful preparation Cultural differences

  17. Evaluation

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