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Jeopardy. Challenges. Changing Landscape. Using Resources. Biodiver - sity. Miscellan-eous. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $500. Q $500.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Challenges Changing Landscape Using Resources Biodiver- sity Miscellan-eous Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question from H1 The process of clearing an area to grow A single crop year after year

  3. $100 Answer from H1 Monoculture

  4. $200 Question from H1 Name two examples of nonrenewable Resources

  5. $200 Answer from H1 Oil Gas Coal Metals

  6. $300 Question from H1 • What are the three examples of renewable • Resources?

  7. $300 Answer from H1 Crops, Water, Soils, Tree, Sunlight Energy, Wind Energy, Water Energy, Geothermal Energy

  8. $400 Question from H1 • What are the 3 main activities humans do • That change the environment?

  9. $400 Answer from H1 Agriculture Development of cities/towns Industry growth

  10. $500 Question from H1 What are the requirements of sustainable Development?

  11. $500 Answer from H1 No long term damage to soil/water/climate 2. Consume little energy as possible 3. Take into account human economic systems 4. Should survive elemental stresses

  12. $100 Question from H2 Process of a farmland into a desert

  13. $100 Answer from H2 Desertification

  14. $200 Question from H2 This chemical was used as a pesticide on Crops but was banned in the 1970s

  15. $200 Answer from H2 DDT

  16. $300 Question from H2 Name 3 types of air pollution

  17. $300 Answer from H2 Smog Acid Rain Greenhouse Gases Particulates

  18. $400 Question from H2 Which organism would obtain the highest amount of pollutant in it?

  19. $400 Answer from H2 Owl

  20. $500 Question from H2 What was the cause of the Dust Bowl In the 1930s?

  21. $500 Answer from H2 Poor farming practices Ex: Over farming, not rotating crops

  22. $100 Question from H3 The number of different species in an area Is called

  23. $100 Answer from H3 Species diversity

  24. $200 Question from H3 What are 2 benefits of biodiversity?

  25. $200 Answer from H3 Medicine Food Aesthetic view Services

  26. $300 Question from H3 Why are invasive species bad for an ecosystem?

  27. $300 Answer from H3 They can outcompete other organisms for food And space

  28. $400 Question from H3 What is the goal of biodiversity conservation?

  29. $400 Answer from H3 Preserve habitats and ecosystems

  30. $500 Question from H3 What are 5 ways that threaten biodiversity?

  31. $500 Answer from H3 Altering Habitats Pollution Hunting Climate Change Invasive Species

  32. $100 Question from H4 Describes the total impact that a country Has on an ecosystem

  33. $100 Answer from H4 Ecological footprint

  34. $200 Question from H4 What does the ozone layer protect us from?

  35. $200 Answer from H4 UV light that causes cancer

  36. $300 Question from H4 This alternative to fishing helps manage Fish populations and ecosystems

  37. $300 Answer from H4 Aquaculture

  38. $400 Question from H4 The full name of the chemicals that were Damaging the ozone layer

  39. $400 Answer from H4 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

  40. $500 Question from H4 What are 2 evidences that climate change is Occurring?

  41. $500 Answer from H4 Increase in surface temperature Melting of ice Increase in sea level

  42. $100 Question from H5 Gray-brown haze found over large cities

  43. $100 Answer from H5 Smog

  44. $200 Question from H5 These two chemicals mix in the air to form Acid rain

  45. $200 Answer from H5 Sulfur and Nitrogen compounds

  46. $300 Question from H5 What is a negative consequence of the Industrial Revolution

  47. $300 Answer from H5 Pollution and harm to the environment From the burning of fossil fuels

  48. $400 Question from H5 How has the industrial revolution affected The biosphere?

  49. $400 Answer from H5 Industrial revolution resulted in increase In burning of fossil fuels and increase Production of wastes.

  50. $500 Question from H5 The people of this island exploited their Resources and cause the demise of their civilization

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