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Media ecologie. Paarikka. Societies of Control (herhaling). Foucault/Deleuze. Disciplinairy society. Society of control . Logic : Individu vs. dividu . Massa vs. markt, sample. Code. Schuld. ‘Man is no longer man enclosed , but man in debt ’. Kritiek moet anders.
Media ecologie Paarikka
Societies of Control (herhaling) • Foucault/Deleuze. • Disciplinairy society. • Society of control. • Logic: • Individu vs. dividu. • Massa vs. markt, sample. • Code. • Schuld. ‘Man is nolonger man enclosed, but man in debt’. • Kritiek moet anders. • Nieuwe ideologie versus nieuwe sensibiliteit/affecten?
Ecologie. • Moderne ideologie: Humanisme. • Kant. • Idealisme. • Fukuyama.
Ecologie • ‘The emergence of these newpractices of subjectivation of a post-media era willbegreatlyfacilitatedby a concertedreappropriation of communicational and informationtechnology, assumingthattheyincreasinglyallowfor: 1) the formation of innovativeforms of dialogue and collectiveinteractivity and eventually, a reinvention of democracy; 2) Be means of the miniaturization and personalization of equipments, a resingularization of the machinicmediatizedmeans of expression; we canpresume, onthis subject, thatit is the connection, throughnetworking, of banks of data whichwill offer us the most surprising views; 3) The multiplication to infinity of ‘existential operators’, permitting acces to mutant creativeuniverses’ (Guattari 300).
Ecologie. • Welke concepten stellen ons in staat om onze betrokkenheid bij milieu goed te denken? • Groene economie? • Beheersing door technische middelen?
Ecologie. • SpiralJetty
Ecologie • Joseph Beuys 7000 Eichen
Ecologie. • ‘Now more than ever, nature cannotbeseparatedfrom culture; in order to comprehend the interactionsbetweenecosystems, the mechanosphere and the social and individualuniverses of reference, we must learn to think ‘transversally’. (Guattari, in Paarika).
Ecologie – Media. • ‘The project(s) do not focus solelyon the ecological crisis that has been a topic of media representationsforyears, buttheyseem to engagewith a more immanent level of media ecology (…) Media is approachedfrom the viewpoint of the anima and the perceptions, motilities and energiesthat escape the frameworks of human media (Paarika 35).
Ecologie – Media. • ‘Media are anaction of folding time, space, and agencies; media are not the substance, or the formthroughwhichmediatedactionstake place butan environment of relations in which time, space and agencyemerge’. (35) • ‘Media are contractions of forces and throughforcesbodies are born’. • ‘Potentiality, the realm of the virtual, is a futuritythat is envelopped in the present’ (36).
Praktijk. • ‘The Eco Media project is introduced as a certain system of potentialforces of nature. Itcanbeseen as a laboratoryforexperimentationbutonethat does notrelyoncreatingrestrictedspcesforanimalsornaturalprocesses, butinsteadtries to tap intotheirfunctioning in the wild’. • Communicationbetweenhuman and non-human media.
Praktijk. • ‘(eco-media project) reterritorialises the ecologicalprocesses as media technological’ (38). • What the project aimed to establish was the realisation of a wholenew media spherethat ‘passes through’ humans without usconsciouslyrealisingit’ (39) • ‘The cross talk mode of communication is in thissensecommunication as a topologicalweaving of variousscales of perception, motility and sensationinto a joint assemblage in whichhuman media are able to touch animal and natural media’.
Praktijk. • ‘Eco art does notmeansimplyan art thatengages (solely) withnaturalecology, butonethatinvolvesexistentialterritories of subjectificationthat are basednotonclosed models butonpracticesthat are inclusive, creative and that track the precarioussingularities of the assemblages involved(guattari, in parikka 41).
Dead media • Hoe om te gaan met elektronische afval. • http://www.conceptlab.com/deadmedia/ • 3 punten : • Repurposing. • Nieuwe gemeenschappen. • Innovationthroughanalysis of media history.
Makoto Azuma • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IDYtWstJo3M • Jerjemijenko. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&hl=nl&client=mv-google&v=V38bxZYq5Vg&nomobile=1 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GBrJiSMFu0 • Cradle-to-cradle. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqVjYLE-fas
conclusie • Biokunstspoort ons aan om voorbij het humanisme te denken. • Rol kunst bij het vergroten van betrokkenheid bij de omgeving/milieu. • Nieuwe affecten.