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Unit 9 Karl Marx (1818-1883) Prophet of Socialism and Communism 1. Прочтите , переведите без словаря : history, economist, capital, financial, manufacmrer , commumst , league, manifesto, revolutionary, literature, class, proletarians. 2. Определите тип чтения ударной гласной буквы:
Unit 9 Karl Marx (1818-1883) Prophet of Socialism and Communism 1. Прочтите, переведитебезсловаря: history, economist, capital, financial, manufacmrer, commumst, league, manifesto, revolutionary, literature, class, proletarians. 2. Определите тип чтения ударной гласной буквы: for, third, born, with, life, wrote, single, made, but, help, from, starve, name, line, world, win, unite. 3. Прочтитегеографическиеназвания: Europe, Germany, London, England, Manchester. 4. Определитеспособобразованияслова: economist, revolutionary, produced manufacturer, dedication, q statement, ruling. 5. Образуйте существительное от глагола: о revolve, to move, to write, to work, to receive, to dedicate, to produce, to earn, to manufacture, to starve, to state, to prepare, to conclude. 6. Определитеформупричастия : single-minded dedication; the ruling classes; working men of all countries. 7. Определите часть речи, используя правило словообразования: impossible, a living, gratest, received, statement, concludes, memorable, revolutionary, revolution.
8. Прочтитеоднокоренныеслова: -dedicate- dedicated- dedicatee- dedication- dedicator- dedicatoiy; -earn- earner- earnest- earnestly- earnings; -conclude- conclusion- conclusive; -manufactory- manufacture- manufactured- manufacturer- manufacturing; -move- movement- moveless- mover; -produce- producer- producible; -prepare- preparation- preparative- preparatory- prepared; -revolve- revolution- revolutionary- revolutionism- revolutionist- revolutionize- -revolving- revolver; -receive- receivable- received- receiver- receivership; -starve- starvation- starveling; -state- state- aided- statecraft- stated- stately- statement; -write- writer- writing; -active- activism- activist- activity; -work- workability- workable- workeday; -just- justice- justiceship- justiciable- justifier. 9. ОбразуйтеЗформыглагола: to work, to be, to get, to write, to make, to receive, to have ,to starve, to live, to conclude, to change, to lose. 10. Прочтите хронологические даты: Un 1818, 1883, 1842, 1849, 1845. 11. Определите степени сравнения прилагательных, наречий: greatest, later, most.
12. Запишите в словарь: activity– деятельность authority– власть to get into trouble– попастьвбеду trouble– затруднение, неприятности, горе, беда exile– изгнание, ссылка produce– создавать dedication– преданность, самоотверженность single-minded – целеустремленный study– научные занятие earn– зарабатывать living– средства к существованию wealthy– богатый, состоятельный starve– умирать от голода poverty– бедность, нужда just– справедливый statement– формулировка belief– вера, убеждение memorable– легко запоминающийся contain– содержать в себе, вмещать conclude– заканчиваться line– направление ruling– правящий, господствующий tremble– дрожать chain– цепь win (won)– выиграть
KARL MARX (1818-1883) Prophet of Socialism and Communism For more than half of Europe and a third of the world's population, history's greatest economist was Karl Marx. Born in Germany, Marx's revolutionary activities got him into trouble with the authorities, and from 1842 until his death in 1883 he lived his life in exile. In 1849, Marx moved to London, England, where he studied, wrote, and produced his greatest work "Capital". Marx's single-minded dedication to his studies made it all but impossible for him to earn a living. Were it not for the financial help he received from his friend Frederick Engels, a wealthy textile manufacturer from Manchester, England, he and his family might have starved to death. As it was, they lived a life of poverty. In 1845, the League of the Just (later to change its name to the Communist League) asked Marx and Engels to prepare a statement of beliefs. They wrote The Communist Manifesto. The Manifesto, which contains some of the most memorable lines of revolutionary literature, concludes with: «... Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians [workers] have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working men of all countries unite!».
13. Найдите в тексте словосочетания: половина Европы, самый великий экономист,революционная деятельность, жизнь в изгнании, целеустремленная преданность, зарабатывать средства к существованию. 14.Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из разных колонок: 15. Подберите эквиваленты: 16. Составьте предложение из данных слов: textile, friend, his, a, was, manufacture, wealthy.
17. Составьте словосочетания: 18. Составьте предложение, используя подстановочную таблицу:
19. Закончитепредложение: Karl Marx was bom in... He got into trouble with the... He moved to... 20. Употребите подходящее по смыслу слово: In England he .. .his greatest work. He received from his friend the...help. He and his... have starved to death. 21. Подберитеоднокоренноеслово: He was histoiy's greatest... (Economy, economic, economist). He had a... to his studies (dedicate, dedication-, dedicatory). His friendvas a wealthy... (manufacturing, manufactory-, manufacturer). 22. Выразитесогласие: He lived in England 41 years. He was born in Germany. He wrote his greatest work "Capital". 23. Выразитенесогласие: He was born in England. His friend Engels lived a life of poverty. It was impossible to him to earn a living. 24. Подберите эквивалент для словосочетания «легко запоминающееся направление»: single-minded dedication; statement of beliefs; memorable line.
25.Подберитепредлог: to starve ...death in impossible ... him at working people... all countries to tremble... a Communistic revolution for is live ...exile of 26. Ответенавопрос: When was Karl Marx born? What was his greatest work? What work did Marx and Engels write together? 27. Составьтевопросы к подчеркнутым словам: Karl Marx was the greatest economist. Marx's revolutionary activities got him into trouble with the authorities. He wrote his greatest work in London. 28. Определите время и залог глагола-сказуемого: Hе and his family have starved to death. He was writing his work "Capital for some years. The financial help was received from his friend. 29. Изменитезалогглагола-сказуемого: He produced his work "Capital". The League of the just asked them to write the "manifesto' They wrote the Manifesto in 1845.
30. Составьтедиалогпообразцу: A: Do you know the greatest economist? B: Of course I do, I do know one of them. A: What is his name? B: His name is/Karl Marx. A: When was he born? B: He was born in 1818. A: Where was he born? B: He was born in Germany. A: Did he visit any countries? B: He was lived in England. A: How long did he live in England? B: He was living in England during 41 years. A: Why was he living there for such a long period? B: Because his revolutionary activities got him into trouble with the authorities. A: Thank you. B: You are welcome. 31. Переведите на английский язык: Пролетариату нечего терять кроме своих цепей. Пролетарии всех стран, объединяйтесь. "Манифест" содержит несколько направлений революционнойлитературы. Карл Маркс был самым великим экономистом. У него была целеустремленная преданность к научным занятиям.