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Kalafunja M. O-saki University of Dodoma Prepared for the Annual Education Sector Review

Relevance of education: A focus on science & maths, language and skills in relation to market demands. Kalafunja M. O-saki University of Dodoma Prepared for the Annual Education Sector Review Ministry of Education and Vocational Training 5-7 October, 2009. Concepts relating to ‘relevance’.

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Kalafunja M. O-saki University of Dodoma Prepared for the Annual Education Sector Review

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  1. Relevance of education: A focus on science & maths, language and skills in relation to market demands Kalafunja M. O-saki University of Dodoma Prepared for the Annual Education Sector Review Ministry of Education and Vocational Training 5-7 October, 2009

  2. Concepts relating to ‘relevance’ • Quality -Intentions, visions, goals -Inputs/resources/infrastructure -Implementation processes: effective teaching & learning, management (resources, time) assessment. . . -Attainments: examination achievement, character, skills (social, work, life. . .) • Standards- setting (benchmarking) raising them for all learners, bright, weak, disabled, . . ., in various disciplines • Market-employers

  3. 2003 Participation rate 7% Proportion of recurrent budget in education 7% Regional variation very great Exams the main indicator of quality Insufficient prof devt of teachers Govt schools under-resources (in eqpt) than non govt schools Poor performance of girls in NECTA exams Failure of curriculum to respond to labour market demands 2008 Participation rate 24% of 17-19 year olds 28% of total budget now in edu Regional variation closing down? (See data on preschool services) Exam performance still main indicator Supply of graduate teachers high, but where are they? Performance of girls same? Improved? Govt schools lagging behind non govt? More students choosing business & commerce, fewer in science State of the secondary sector

  4. Relevance of science & maths • ESR philosophy: inquiry, critical, liberated • School based projects focusing on ESR -African Primary Science Program[SEPA] -School Science/Maths Project SSP /SMP -Self Reliance Activities & projects • S-R and development of work skills: SR projects

  5. Challenges of ESR • Productive projects more important than academic? • Expensive science labs in the SSP • Setting the `right` Examination • Pre service teacher edu & Training • Demise of Inquiry in the classroom

  6. Interventions in recent years • Science Edu in Secondary Schools -Textbooks; labs; INSET in 15 schools • STIP -Starter Experiment Approach • TEAMS-NUFFIC/UDSM -Restructuring UG teacher edu; INSET development, back to inquiry; Capacity devt: PG training & devt. Research • Education II: INSET materials, TOT`s

  7. Lessons learned • No good science edu. without inquiry • Needs of students who will go deep into science; and those who need science only to live well in the society • Good curriculum needs testing and prototyping before fll implementation • Language in class and in books must be understood by learners • Teachers must be competent in subject knowledge and in pedagogy

  8. Lessons contd • Most schools invest in exams success; not in proper education, a disastrous practice hence: -Stop ranking schools in terms of exams alone, broaden the criteria of a `good performing` school -promote subject based associations or clubs -e.g STAURT, Bio, Chem, etc -Reward quality teaching & school improvement -Find ways to supervise practical work cf.C -Reward performance in science fairs, olympics, camps. . .

  9. Language & Communication challenges • 1968: Kiswahili as MOI in primary • No program to develop Kiswahili teaching as a first language; Instead, English devt thro: Learning thro language, Baseline, F1ELOC, etc • BAKITA, IKR (TATAKI??) not seriously dealt with Kiswahili language education in school • Neglect of vernaculars out of fear • Confusion in language policy; failure to take advantage of Kiswahili

  10. First language development principles • Natural environment of lang usage • Time for language to develop and be used to level of fluency • Warm usage and support from native users of the language and the media • Sufficient exposure to listen, read, speak and write • Cf: French; Portuguese; American English • Lingua franca vs first lang vs MOI

  11. Work & Life skills • Workas a basic concept in ESR projects and later, compulsory national service for all children • 1977; Diversification and vocationalization of sec schools: technical, home econ, agric, commercial, declined after 1995 due to academic focus • Work skills, life skills, social skills • Core skills for the 21st century?

  12. Diversity of skills to develop

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