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Wall. Photos. Giovanni Pable. Logout. Wall. Info. Photos. Notes. Basic Information. Gender: Female Birthday: March 7, 1487 Hometown: Venice, Italy Occupation: Art, Writing, and my children
Wall Photos Giovanni Pable Logout Wall Info Photos Notes Basic Information Gender: Female Birthday: March 7, 1487 Hometown: Venice, Italy Occupation: Art, Writing, and my children Political Views: Humanist Religious Views: Catholic fakebook View photos of Giovanni Pable Send Giovanni Pable a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Arts, and teaching Interests: Education, Writings, God Favorite Artists: Christian de Pisan, Leonardo de Vinci Favorite Literature: Heavens Real? Inspiring People: Jan Vak Eyck, painter in the 1400’s Favorite Quote: Mothers know best, so leave it to mother nature! Information Birthday: March 7,1487 Political: Humanist Religion: Catholic Hometown: Venice, Italy Giovanni Pable believes using your God given gifts is not bragging Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: 4 streets down from the church Description Jan Vak Eyck painting Updated yesterday What we do for ourselves dies with us, what we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucca_Madonna_(van_Eyck) Description Society Quote Updated last week http://coppasu.tumblr.com/post/23054020640/what-we-do-for-ourselves-dies-with-us-what-we-do
Wall Photos Giovanni Pable Logout Wall Info Photos Notes Write something… Tutoring my daughter today Share fakebook View photos of Giovanni Pable Giovanni Pable – my son is busy painting, and my daughter is writing her book, two completely different people. Send Giovanni Pable a message Poke message Diana Alfonso- Does he sculpt too? If he does I would like to see his work sometime. Information Birthday: March 7 1487 Political: Humanist Religion: Catholic Hometown: Venice, Italy Giovanni Pable picked some garbage today! Giovanni Pable.- Yes, he doesn’t know what to sculpt though, he wants to do something religious, but is scared he will be judged from the people struggling with religion. Giovanni Pable- My daughter is so kind taking care of the plants, and cleaning up around the church. Friends Giovanni Pable- anyone need a tutor, after all, education comes first, for the whole child! Diana Alfonso Adelina Bianchi Adelina Bianchi- Your kids sound very well taught , keep it up!