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This is my life. Marina’s Life. Me!. I’m Spanish !. Hi , my name is Marina. I’m Spanish , because I was born in Spain . I live in a typical Spanish family ,
Thisis mylife Marina’sLife
Me! • I’mSpanish! Hi, my nameis Marina. I’mSpanish, because I wasborn in Spain. I live in a typicalSpanishfamily, But my parents are separated. I gowith my fathereveryweekends. Wegoto Granada. (exceptthethirdweekend of eachmonth). In theweek, I livewith my mother, in Linares. I have a greatfamily. My familyconsiston my mother, my father, my twobrothers, my sister, my step-father and my step-mother. My photos:
My family My highschool I havegotfour cars, eighttellies, twowashingmashines, twomicrowaves… I haven’tgotanypetsbut I wanttohave a dog. My daystarts at abouthalfpastsevenwhen I get up. I getdressed and I usuallyhavebreakfast at eighto’clock; I eata doughnutor a toastwith a glass of milk. My mumonly has a milkshake and my dad only has a coffee. I gotoschool at quarterpasteight and I startschool at halfpasteight. I haven’tgotuniform. Marina’sLife
My life! My brother and my sister are small. My sister Diana goestothekindergarden at 9:00, My brother David goestoschool at 9:00. My brother Alberto, doesn’tgotokindergardenorschoolbecausehe’sverysmall. My dad goestowork. He’sophthalmologist. My mumgoestowork at quarterpasteight, she’sradiologist. I take a sandwichtoschool. Sometimes my friends and I swap our food. My favourite subjects at school are PE (Physical Education), science and English too. I finish school at 15:00. I go to my house and I eat and if I’m really lucky, I eat spaguettis! My favourite meal are spaguettis! Later, I do my homework while I see the TV Programs “Fame, let’s dance!” and “Hkm” (I love this programs!) . Fame, let’s dance! HKM Marina’sLife
My life! Marina's Life I do my homeworks and then I study. I don’t like studying but it is necessary. After studying, I have a shower. In the shower, I sing and dance! I love dancing and singing! Later, at 21:00 o’clock, I have supper. I like pizza ,which we have very often. I call my father at 21:45 and I go to bed. I sleep at 23:20.I enjoy playing on my computer and dancing. Do you like them? I haven’t got any pet. I love my family very much! Sometimes I’m lucky but I’m always happy! Written by Marina aged 12 years I like pizza!
THE END! Marina’sLife