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IST 441:Crawling and Indexing with Nutch

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IST 441:Crawling and Indexing with Nutch

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    1. IST 441:Crawling and Indexing with Nutch Presented by: Sujatha Das Slides courtesy: Saurabh Kataria Instructor :C. Lee Giles

    2. Outline: Brief Overview Nutch as a complete web search engine Installation/Usage (with Demo)

    3. Search Engine: Basic Workflow

    4. Todays class Build a complete web search engine with Nutch What is Nutch? Open source search engine Written in Java Built on top of Apache Lucene Nutch = Crawler + Indexer/Searcher (Lucene) + GUI Attractive Features: Customizable Extensible (e.g. extend to Solr for enhanced portability) +Plugins +MapReduce & Distributed FS (Hadoop)

    5. Why Nutch? Scalable Index local host or entire Internet Portable Runs anywhere with Java Flexible Plugin system + API Java based, open source, many customizable scripts (http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/) Code pretty easy to read & work with Better than implementing it yourself!

    6. Data Structures used by Nutch Web Database or WebDB Mirrors the properties/structure of web graph being crawled Segment Intermediate index Contains pages fetched in a single run Index Final inverted index obtained by merging segments (Lucene)

    7. WebDB Customized graph database Used by Crawler only Persistent storage for pages & links Page DB: Indexed by URL and hash; contains content, outlinks, fetch information & score Link DB: contains source to target links, anchor text

    8. Segment Collection of pages fetched in a single run Contains: Output of the fetcher List of the links to be fetched in the next run called fetchlist Limited life span (default 30 days)

    9. Index To be discussed later

    10. A generic Website Structure

    11. Crawling Cyclic process crawler generates a set of fetchlists from the WebDB fetchers downloads the content from the Web the crawler updates the WebDB with new links that were found and then the crawler generates a new set of fetchlists And Repeat till you reach the depth

    12. Nutch as a crawler

    13. Nutch as a complete web search engine

    14. Crawling: 10 stage process bin/nutch crawl <urlfile> -dir <dir> -depth <n> >& crawl.log 1. admin db create: Create a new WebDB. 2. inject: Inject root URLs into the WebDB. 3. generate: Generate a fetchlist from the WebDB in a new segment. 4. fetch: Fetch content from URLs in the fetchlist. 5. updatedb: Update the WebDB with links from fetched pages. 6. Repeat steps 3-5 until the required depth is reached. 7. updatesegs: Update segments with scores and links from the WebDB. 8. index: Index the fetched pages. 9. dedup: Eliminate duplicate content (and duplicate URLs) from the indexes. 10. merge: Merge the indexes into a single index for searching.

    15. Demo: Configuration Configuration files (XML) Required user parameters http.agent.name http.agent.description http.agent.url http.agent.email Adjustable parameters for every component E.g. for fetcher: Threads-per-host Threads-per-ip

    16. Configuration URL Filters (Text file) (conf/crawl-urlfilter.txt) Regular expression to filter URLs during crawling E.g. To ignore files with certain suffix: -\.(gif|exe|zip|ico)$ To accept host in a certain domain +^http://([a-z0-9]*\.)*apache.org/

    17. Installation & Usage Installation Software needed Nutch release Java Apache Tomcat (for GUI) Cgywin (for windows)

    18. Installation & Usage Usage Crawling Initial URLs (text file or DMOZ file) Required parameters (conf/nutch-site.xml) URL filters (conf/crawl-urlfilter.txt) Indexing Automatic Searching Location of files (WAR file, index) The tomcat server

    19. Demo: Site we would crawl: http://ist.psu.edu bin/nutch crawl <urlfile> -dir <dir> -depth <n> >& crawl.log Analyze the database: bin/nutch readdb <db dir> stats bin/nutch readdb <db dir> dumppageurl bin/nutch readdb <db dir> dumplinks bin/nutch readdb <db dir> -linkurl <linkurl> s=`ls -d <segment dir> /* | head -1` bin/nutch segread -dump $s

    20. References http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/ -- Official website http://wiki.apache.org/nutch/ -- Nutch wiki http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/release/ Nutch source code www.nutchinstall.blogspot.com Installation guide http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/robots.html The web robot pages

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