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First results from the quantitative study

First results from the quantitative study. Sample profile. Respondants ’ profile. Profile of territories. Comparison of Social Innovation perceptions according to countries. Social Innovation Perceptions. Salient elements of Social Innovation. Social Innovation Perceptions.

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First results from the quantitative study

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Presentation Transcript

  1. First resultsfromthe quantitative study

  2. Sample profile Respondants’ profile Profile of territories

  3. Comparison of Social Innovation perceptionsaccording to countries

  4. Social Innovation Perceptions Salientelements of Social Innovation

  5. Social Innovation Perceptions Needscovered by Social Innovation

  6. Support to Social Innovation Main actors and field of support At local level for funding for networking for assistance

  7. Support to Social Innovation Main actors and field of support At national level for funding for networking for assistance for assistance

  8. Social Innovation & Performance Indicators of SI performance • Factorsslowing SI • Lack of ressources (time, personal, money) • Administrative and bureaucraticdifficulties – lack of political adoption • Difficulty in movingfromexperimentalprojects to structural activities Lack of knowledge about indicators to measure SI

  9. Comparison ofSocial Innovation perceptionsaccording to respondent profile

  10. Social Innovation Perceptions Salientelements of Social Innovation

  11. Social Innovation Perceptions Needscovered by Social Innovation

  12. Discussion of results • Some paradoxes… SI refersmainly to… • practicalconcernsfocused on specificneeds not/badlycovered • global and broad issues (ecology, environment, education…) Actors supporting SI are… • non profit organizations • public authorities at local level but not at national level • the support of public authoritiesis not perceived the sameamong the countries

  13. Discussion of results • Vision and support of SI differs according to… • Countries • convergence to social utility vocation but second elementsdiffer • Actors • differentvision concerningneeds to becovered by SI

  14. Vertical axis: the howperspective Collective and localized coordination General framework & Results Territorial governance Horizontal axis: the whyperspective New social aspirations basedview Social problembasedview Corrective action Alternative action Transformation of public action to civil and socioeconomicstakeholders Subsidiarity Individual and entrepreneurial action Social entrepreneurship

  15. Vertical axis: the howperspective Territorial governance Collective and localized coordination General framework & Results Horizontal axis: the whyperspective New social aspirations basedview Social problembasedview France Alternative action Corrective action Germany Response to social needs not/badlycovered Individual and entrepreneurial action Social entrepreneurship Subsidiarity Austria Italy

  16. Nextsteps • Complement the dataset • to bettertacklecomparisonsamong countries • to cross countries and actors visions • to facilitate data collection, wecanprovideyou a web linkthatyoucansend to yourtarget groups

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