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ELEC 2200-002 Digital Logic Circuits Fall 2015 Delay and Power

ELEC 2200-002 Digital Logic Circuits Fall 2015 Delay and Power. Vishwani D. Agrawal James J. Danaher Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~vagrawal vagrawal@eng.auburn.edu. Power and Delay of a Transition.

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ELEC 2200-002 Digital Logic Circuits Fall 2015 Delay and Power

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  1. ELEC 2200-002Digital Logic CircuitsFall 2015Delay and Power Vishwani D. Agrawal James J. Danaher Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~vagrawal vagrawal@eng.auburn.edu ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  2. Power and Delay of a Transition VDD Ron ic(t) vi (t) vo(t) CL R = large Ground CL = Total load capacitance for gate; includes transistor capacitances of driving gate + routing capacitance + transistor capacitances of driven gates; obtained by layout analysis. ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  3. Charging of a Capacitor R = Ron t = 0 v(t) i(t) C = CL VDD Charge on capacitor, q(t) = C v(t) Current, i(t) = dq(t)/dt = C dv(t)/dt ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  4. i(t) = C dv(t)/dt = [VDD – v(t)] /R dv(t) dt ∫───── = ∫ ──── VDD – v(t) RC – t ln [VDD – v(t)] = ── + A RC Initial condition, t = 0, v(t) = 0 → A = ln VDD – t v(t) = VDD[1 – exp(───)] = 0.5VDD RC t = 0.69 RC ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  5. Delay: Definitions • Rise time is the time a signal takes to rise from 10% to 90% of its peak value. • Fall time is the time a signal takes to drop from 90% to 10% of its peak value. • Delay of a gate or circuit is the time interval between the input crossing 50% of peak value and the output crossing 50% of peak value. VDD GND 90% VDD A Fall time 10% VDD Time B Gate delay A NOT gate 1→0 VDD GND 0→1 90% VDD B Rise time 10% VDD ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8 Time

  6. Inverter: Idealized Input VDD GND INPUT Gate delay VDD 0.5VDD GND OUTPUT time t= 0 0.69CR ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  7. Timing of a Digital Circuit • Most digital circuits are clocked synchronous finite state machines (FSM). FF FF Primary Inputs Primary Outputs Combinational circuit (Gates interconnected without feedback) FF FF Clock FF FF ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  8. Large Circuit Timing Analysis • Determine gate delays: • From layout analysis, or use approximate delays: • Gate delay increases in proportion to number of fanouts (increased capacitance) • Delay decreases in proportion to increase in gate size (reduced transistor channel resistance) • Purpose of analysis is to verify timing behavior – determine maximum speed of operation. • Methods of analysis: • Circuit simulation – most accurate, expensive (Spice program) • Static timing analysis (STA) – most efficient, approximate ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  9. Static Timing Analysis (STA) • Combinational logic for critical path delays. • Circuit represented as an acyclic directed graph (DAG). • Gates characterized by delays; gate function ignored. • No inputs are used – worst-case analysis – static analysis (simulation would be dynamic). ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  10. Combinational Circuit of an FSM A 1 H 1 Gate delay B 1 E 4 G 1 Fanout = 4 C 2 J 1 F 2 D 1 Input to Output delay must not exceed clock period ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  11. Static Timing Analysis (STA) Step 1 Levelize circuit. Initialize arrival times at primary inputs to 0. 0 0 A 1 H 1 0 0 B 1 E 4 G 1 0 0 C 2 J 1 F 2 0 0 D 1 Level of a gate is one greater than the maximum of fanin gate levels Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  12. Static Timing Analysis (STA) Step 2 Determine output arrival times of gates in level order. 0 0 1 A 1 10 H 1 0 0 1 B 1 6 E 4 9 G 1 0 0 C 2 2 9 J 1 F 2 0 0 8 1 D 1 Arrival time at a gate output = maximum of input arrivals + gate delay Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  13. Static Timing Analysis (STA) Step 3 Trace critical paths from the output with longest arrival time. 0 0 1 A 1 10 H 1 0 0 1 B 1 6 E 4 9 G 1 0 0 C 2 2 9 J 1 F 2 0 0 8 1 D 1 Critical path: C, E, F, G, H; delay = 10 Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  14. Power in CMOS Logic (Inverter) VDD No current flows from power supply! Where is power consumed? GND F. M. Wanlass and C. T. Sah, “Nanowatt Logic using Field-Effect Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Triodes,” IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest, vol. IV, February 1963, pp. 32-33. ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  15. Three Components of Power • Dynamic, when output changes • Signal transitions (major component) • Logic activity • Glitches • Short-circuit (small, often neglected) • Static, when signal is in steady state • Leakage (small) Ptotal = Pdyn + Pstat = Ptran +Psc+Pstat ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  16. Charging of Output Capacitor • From Slide 4: – t v(t) = V [1 – exp(── )] RC dv(t) V – t i(t) = C ─── = ── exp(── ) dt R RC ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  17. Total Energy Per Charging Transition from Power Supply ∞∞ V 2 – t Etrans = ∫ V i(t) dt = ∫ ── exp(── ) dt 00 R RC = CV 2 ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  18. Energy Dissipated Per Transition in Transistor Channel Resistance ∞ V 2∞ -2t R ∫ i2(t) dt = R ── ∫ exp(── ) dt 0 R20 RC 1 = ─ CV 2 2 ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  19. Energy Stored in Charged Capacitor ∞ ∞ - t V - t ∫ v(t) i(t) dt = ∫ V [1-exp(── )]─ exp(── ) dt 00 RC R RC 1 = ─ CV 2 2 ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  20. Transition Power • Gate output rising transition • Energy dissipated in pMOS transistor = ½CV 2 • Energy stored in capacitor = ½CV 2 • Gate output falling transition • Energy dissipated in nMOS transistor = ½ CV 2 • Energy dissipated per transition = ½ CV 2 • Power dissipation: Ptrans = Etransα fck = ½ α fck CV 2 α = activity factor = prob.(gate has transition) fck = clock frequency ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  21. Power Density of a Chip • Assume dynamic power is major component. • Power density = ½ αfck CV 2 × gate density • C = average gate capacitance • Gate density = number of gates per unit area • Example: α = 0.5, fck= 1GHz, C = 1pF, V = 1 volt, gate density = 1 million gates/cm2 Power density = 250 watts/cm2 ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  22. CMOS Gate Power Output signal transition Dynamic current Short-circuit current Leakage current v(t) V R = Ron i(t) vi (t) v(t) i(t) Large resistance C isc(t) isc(t) Ground Leakage current time ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

  23. References • Delay modeling, simulation and testing: • M. L. Bushnell and V. D. Agrawal, Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory and Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits, Springer, 2000. • Timing analysis and design: • G. De Micheli, Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits, McGraw-Hill, 1994. • N. Maheshwari and S. S. Sapatnekar, Timing Analysis and Optimization of Sequential Circuits, Springer, 1999. • PrimeTime (A static timing analysis tool): • H. Bhatnagar, Advanced ASIC Chip Synthesis, Second Edition, Springer, 2002 • CMOS digital circuit power: • A. Chandrakasan and R. Brodersen, Low-Power Digital CMOS Design, Boston: Springer, 1995. ELEC2200-002 Lecture 8

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