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We Love Your Input!! How a DLI first aid kit came into being…
We Love Your Input!! How a DLI first aid kit came into being…
You know of course we only participate in DLI to get the free stuff.And as for use, well for me at least, coming from a small institution use of DLIis more of a pain than a bonus... that is, we use it so seldom that eachuse is a re-learn process... where is the DLI password? where is the E-STATpassword for off campus access, how does the FTP software work,requesting a new share folder on the server, remembering to delete the share afterwards, where did I put the licence agreement forms, where are the census maps on the server, how do you find the file thatcorresponds or has the information the users wants to have.I know DLI is a great project, works well for big siteswhere there is lots of traffic to merit having staff devoted tothe process and procedures.... but for us little sites...it sometimes is a burden we don't really care to bear...There I feel better already...
“On average, I spend only about 5% of my time on data services, and requests for DLI data are few and far between” Jean Blackburn, DLI Contact
The First Aid Kit Contains: • Administration Stuff • Collection and Service • Technical Stuff • Geographical Dimension
For Example. . . • Administration Stuff • License: Model License, decision chart, Sivyer speaks, License cases • Passwords and protocols • Help me! • Tracking, Tracking and Answers: DLI list, Training, DLI Updates
And, in one form or another… • Collection and Service • Continuum of access • Collection overview • Getting OPAC records • Product summaries • Levels of Service, • Reference Process • Citing it • Guides and pathfinders
For Example. . . • Technical Stuff • Utilities (like ftp programs, geo-viewers, unzippers…) • Geographical Dimension • Geography @ STC • SNB indexes
And further… Questions may be simple for data hounds, but are usually qualified at our desk by the dreaded words “I need this right away—my paper is due this evening, tomorrow, etc.” …I want the number of persons in Nova Scotia of Portuguese origin by years of educational attainment (from a new child studies prof originally from York U. who could get this sort of info packaged and delivered expeditiously by their efficient and knowledgeable data library staff). Are there useful guides to data triage????