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One of the best tally training institute in delhi. inteligenes technologies
TALLY TRAINING ACADEMY- INTELIGENES InteliGenes offers Tally ERP Training with GST in Delhi
Importance of Tally Training ? Tally is a complete business accounting and inventory management software that provides various options like :- Invoice generation, accounts and inventory management, TDS and GST calculation, multilingual operations, and processing for small and medium businesses. Tally training is best job oriented training for commerce as well as non commerce/arts students, those who are seeking immediate employment can join this course. Tally training can be done at InteliGenes Tally learning institute in Delhi with the help of study material, free software and certification.
BASIC TALLY •#What is Tally •#Overview of Software •#Introducing Gateway and its elements •#Creation of Company •#Basics Of Accounting •#Fundamentals of •#Create Accounting Masters •#Accounting Vouchers •#Financial Statements and Accounting Books and Reports •#Creating Inventory Masters •#Inventory Vouchers •#Generating Inventory Books and Reports •#Introducing BOM – Bill of Materials •#Accounting with Inventory
ADVANCE TALLY #Types of Bill can be created Tally - #Debit Note/Credit note Tally - #When to create ledger - #Information required while creating ledger - #Grouping and sub grouping of Ledger - #Importance of tax information in ledger - #Cost Centers and Cost Categories - #Cost Accumulation - #Defined cost unit - #Cost Management - #Voucher Classes - #Sale Voucher - #Purchases Voucher - #Receipt -
ADVANCE TALLY CONTINUE… #Payment - #Journal Voucher - #Multiple Currencies - #Interest Calculations #Budget and Controls - #Banking - #Production and Stock Management - #Order Processing - #Multiple Price Level - #Batch – wise Details - #Additional Cost Details - #Bill of Materials (BoM)- #Price Levels and Price Lists - #Stock Valuation - #Zero Valued Entries - #Different Actual and Billed Quantities - #Job Costing -
INCOME TAX TDS #TDS - #TDS Payable Computation and Reconciliation - #TDS Receivable Computation and Reconciliation - #Payment of TDS - #Reporting on TDS Compliance
GST #Setting Up GST Rates - #3Updating Stock Items and Stock Groups for GST - #Updating a Services Ledger for GST - #Updating Sales and Purchase Ledgers for GST - #Creating GST Ledgers - #Creating Income and Expense Ledgers - #Recording Sales and Printing Invoices - #Recording Purchases - #Recording a Tax Payment -
GST CONTINUE… #Recording Sales Returns - #Recording Purchase Returns - #Debit Note - #Credit Note - #Particulars (Computation Details) - #Summary of Exceptions - #Table-wise GSTR-1 - #Challan Reconciliation - #Recording Export Sales -
PAYROLL IN TALLY ERP #Payroll Management in Tally ERP 9 - #Generation of Employee Database - #Salary Structure - #Calculation Attendance and Leave Details - #Salary Slip Generation - #PF, ESI, Gratuity Bonus - #Various Payroll Reports