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A long time ago, in a land far, far away. . .

A long time ago, in a land far, far away. Beowulf. Episode I: A New Hero

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A long time ago, in a land far, far away. . .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A long time ago, in a land far, far away. . .

  2. Beowulf

  3. Episode I: A New Hero The land of the Danes is being attacked by a man-eating beast known only as Grendel. King Hrothgar’s kingdom and palace, Herot, is continually assaulted by this demonic force. No warrior or army can defeat the threatening foe who is terrorizing Denmark. Their hope now lies with the Geat warrior Beowulf and his army. . .

  4. Origins • Beowulf is a long, heroic poem of Anglo-Saxon origin. • The oldest existing manuscript dates to 1016; it has been burned, damaged and is not in very good condition. • The manuscript is based from an oral version of the story, probably dating back to the 8th or 9th century.

  5. Origins • Beowulf takes place in sixth century Scandinavia, and is about Swedes and Danes, so why is it considered English Literature? • It was written in Old English by an Anglo-Saxon Bard • It is an EPIC POEM that defines England’s culture • Characteristics of EPIC POETRY: • Describes the quest of a HERO who embodies the values of his society • Is grand in scale • Is allegorical (every element has symbolic value)

  6. The Basics • Beowulf is a Geat – Geatland is in southern Sweden. • The beginning of the story takes place in Denmark in the kingdom of king Hrothgar. • Grendel is a monster that has been terrorizing the Danish people in the mead-hall called Herot. • Beowulf comes to kill Grendel and seek personal glory. • Beowulf’s goal is eternal fame, which is only the Anglo-Saxon’s believed one could achieve eternal life.

  7. Poetic Devices • Oral techniques allowing for ease of memorization: • Alliteration: • Repetition of consonant sounds • e.g. “Cain’s clan, whom the Creator had outlawed and condemned as outcasts for the Killing of Abel” • Kennings: • Compound metaphors (usually hyphenated or possessive) • e.g. Whale-road = ocean Ocean’s sway = Ring-giver = king Heaven’s Candle = Spear-rush = charge, or battle

  8. Interpreting Archaic Language Their mighty prince, the storied leader, sat stricken and helpless, humiliated by the loss of his guard, bewildered and stunned, staring aghast at the demon’s trail, in deep distress. Lines129 – 133

  9. Interpreting Archaic Language Indefinite references: • “mighty prince,” “storied leader” Unfamiliar words: • aghast Unusual use of familiar words: • Loss of his “guard” Details requiring Inference: • “staring at…the demon’s trail”

  10. Interpreting Archaic Language The once proud and famous Hrothgar is completely horrified after Grendel attacks his mead-hall, Heorot. He becomes depressed and sits helplessly once he sees the bloody mess Grendel leaves behind.

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