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EASE Conference 18 th – 19 th May 2006. The EHFA Case Study A European Workforce Development Plan for the Health and Fitness Sector - Allan Pilkington –. STRUCTURE OF THE PRESENTATION. The Organisation Background Data and statistics What are our WDP Goals? What actions?.
EASE Conference 18th – 19th May 2006 The EHFA Case Study A European Workforce Development Plan for the Health and Fitness Sector - Allan Pilkington – Presenter Allan Pilkington
STRUCTURE OF THE PRESENTATION • The Organisation • Background Data and statistics • What are our WDP Goals? • What actions? Presenter Allan Pilkington
The EHFA Group EASE Public Affairs Group European Network of Fitness Employers European Network of Exercise Professionals and Registers EHFA And the Standards Council Research Group Training Group Labour Market Scientific HE VET Awarding Body and Verification Group EOSE
“EHFA Industry Statistics” • Data shown is courtesy of • IHRSA, Deloittes and EHFA Presenter Allan Pilkington
Fitness Centres - Public +6,020 Fitness Centres - Private +30,754 Workers +400,000 Members of Centres +40 Million Population of Europe 537 Million Penetration Rates vary from 1 – 15.5% Market Value € +21,000 Million EHFA Industry Statistics Presenter Allan Pilkington
Over 37,000Fitness Centres in Europe Presenter Allan Pilkington
Fitness CentresPublic/Private Presenter Allan Pilkington
Over 400,000Fitness Workers in Europe Presenter Allan Pilkington
Over 40 MillionFitness Members in Europe Presenter Allan Pilkington
Penetration Rates per population in Europe Presenter Allan Pilkington
Participation rates in Sport(15 countries) EUROBAROMETER Presenter Allan Pilkington
Investment is rife. Refurbishment represents the highest spend. Spas are the big new investment area. Killer Facts Market is worth €+21,000 Million Government Health Policies are a significant driver in the sector. More than 40% of members left within 12 months of joining Alarmingly few respondents, who are responsible for training in their organisation, know how much they spend on training annually. Most do not see it as a priority. Staff qualifications do not register as a factor when people are deciding which gym to join. The sector does not have the capacity to grow at projected growth rates in a professional manner if current gaps and shortages continue Presenter Allan Pilkington
SkillsGaps and Shortages Presenter Allan Pilkington
Audit/research to measure the sectors’ employment and productivity growth Creation of National Plans so that this European WDP links in with National strategies, funding and National organisations / agencies Drivers of employment change- new investment projects and health Growth Potential Actions 1. Seek EU funding/ collaboration with IHRSA /other Organisations to conduct research 2. Bring National bodies together for dissemination and discussion and disseminate information through a variety of channels 3. Capture information on sub sector growth eg Spas 4. Look at development of infrastructure and services linked to the health agenda- obesity and physical activity strategies Presenter Allan Pilkington
Employer networks (social partners) and liaison with Further and Higher Education Build up European support systems for the Industry Publicity, marketing and communication plan Engage Employers in active career pathways campaigns Engaging Industry Actions • EHFA and IHRSA working in partnership to develop links with national networks and with EOSE for National Sports Observatoires for research and promotion thereof • Examine most effective ways to provide support at a European level to national networks • Determine most effective plan at EU level taking language and cultural differences into account • Link career pathways to promotion to potential new entrants Presenter Allan Pilkington
EHFA framework for fitness instructors qualifications to be recognised as the benchmark for the training of all health fitness instructors in Europe Requirement for only Health Fitness Instructors on an EHFA approved national register to be employed All Employers to conduct a comprehensive training needs analysis and provide a training budget of minimum 3% of turnover Develop networks to assist SME’s in sourcing and “bulk buying” of training Training Innovation Issues Presenter Allan Pilkington
Ongoing promotion to training providers and certification bodies across the Europe Wide Spread dissemination of EHFA standards to all Employers in Europe Devise Training needs analysis template for employers identifying key areas for each category of staff with action plan for in house/external training qualifications, cpd, different delivery modes, local training, on line learning, video links etc; More interactive training especially for Gym Instructors; Training to also include more “generic” skills—business strategy, financial management, customer care etc. Look at frameworks to deliver training more cost effectively especially for SME’s Training Innovation Actions Presenter Allan Pilkington
A comprehensive model showing career pathways across the Europe High quality CPD opportunities Develop traineeship and graduate programmes Career and Employment Pathways Actions • Develop model to be available on websites, guidance pack and other media (with allowances for differences in countries) • Develop CPD opportunities at EU level and work with national bodies to encourage more at national level • 3. Develop and promote traineeship and graduate models including EU exchange programmes and study visits Presenter Allan Pilkington
Promote awareness of the EHFA health Fitness instructors register in both the public and industry arena Encourage/promote development of EU frameworks for other job roles in the sector including reception, membership sales, supervision, management, technical, administration and other associated roles Improve staff conditions Increase take up of Quality Standards e.g White Flag in Ireland, Quest in UK, Qualitop in Switzerland. Professionalism Actions • Seek sponsorship/funding for promotion • Look at Leonardo/other funding to develop frameworks • Promote better conditions- salaries, benefits, more flexible work options • Look at ways to put EHFA/EU Badge on National Quality standards • Work towards formal recognition by European Commission Presenter Allan Pilkington
Investment is rife. Refurbishment represents the highest spend. Spas are the big new investment area. Summary Market is worth €+21,000 Million Government Health Policies are a significant driver in the sector. More than 40% of members left within 12 months of joining Alarmingly few respondents, who are responsible for training in their organisation, know how much they spend on training annually. Most do not see it as a priority. Staff qualifications do not register as a factor when people are deciding which gym to join. The sector does not have the capacity to grow at projected growth rates in a professional manner if current gaps and shortages continue Presenter Allan Pilkington