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sym·bol. Something that stands for or suggests something. The purpose of a symbol is to communicate meaning. Jasper Johns, Flag , 1954-55. Hex Signs, Barn Star . Can symbols have multiple meanings?. IDENTITY.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. sym·bol Something that stands for or suggests something. The purpose of a symbol is to communicate meaning

  2. Jasper Johns, Flag, 1954-55

  3. Hex Signs, Barn Star

  4. Can symbols have multiple meanings?


  6. Identity- Qualities, characteristics, thoughts, opinions and emotions that makes an individual who they are. Student Example

  7. Hobbies Choices Ethnicity Identity Creations Objects, Possessions Family, Friends Interests Values, Beliefs

  8. How do artists use symbols to explore identity?

  9. Audrey Flack, Queen, 1975-76, 80 x 80 in.

  10. Audrey Flack, Marilyn (Vanitas), 1977, 96 x 96 in

  11. Margo Humphrey, The History of Her Life Written across Her Face, 1991

  12. Frida Kahlo, Self Portrait Between the Borderline of Mexico and the United States, 1932

  13. Vic Muniz, Toy Soldier, 2005

  14. Bernard Williams inspired Mural, McHenry County.

  15. http://highergroundcreative.blogspot.com/2011/02/ever-colourful-keith-haring.htmlhttp://highergroundcreative.blogspot.com/2011/02/ever-colourful-keith-haring.html

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