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__________ Practice _________ vs _________ Goal? Obtain as much gold/wealth as possible

1. Mercantilism. Economic. __________ Practice _________ vs _________ Goal? Obtain as much gold/wealth as possible How do you do it? Mine for Gold… Beat other countries in trade… Imperialism…. Country Country. d. Balance of Trade.  What else can these counties do?.

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__________ Practice _________ vs _________ Goal? Obtain as much gold/wealth as possible

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  1. 1. Mercantilism Economic • __________ Practice • _________ vs _________ • Goal? • Obtain as much gold/wealth as possible • How do you do it? • Mine for Gold… • Beat other countries in trade… • Imperialism… Country Country

  2. d. Balance of Trade  What else can these counties do? • 4 countries  • What do you want to accomplish? • More Exports • Less Imports • You make $$$ as a country • Still around today? • GDP? • Trade Surplus/Deficit?

  3. 2. Navigation Acts • Passed by Parliament from 1651 to 1680s • What did they say? • Colonies could sell certain products only to GB… • If colonists do sell to other countries, colonists had to pay DUTY (tax) to GB Why would GB do this?

  4. Tensions Cont… • James II does  in 1685 • Why do it? • Why there? • Glorious Rev in 1688 • MEH Impact  • James II • William & Mary • Biggest Impact on the colonies? X OUT IN

  5. 3. GB loosens the reigns SalutaryNeglect • From 1688 to the mid-1700s, GB used this political policy towards the colonies • In theory, who was supposed to rule each colony more? • In reality, what did? • Saw themselves as mini-Parliaments! Royal Governor Colonial Assembly

  6. a. Why did Great Britain neglect the colonies?  • Colonists were “loyal” to GB…no need for force • Neglect got things done better than strict enforcement • Parents and their “good children” • GB Merchant$ =  • told Parliament “hands off” • Bureaucratic issues on how to rule the colonies

  7. d. What are the effects of Salutary Neglect over time? • You are given a lot of self-autonomy…what would be the effects… • What were those quotes last week? • “Wow…” • Taste for self-government

  8. d. How can SalutaryNeglect become a problemfor us? • What if the self-autonomous child’s parents have money problems? • After having very few rules to follow, what if she is given some new ones? • What if some old rules are actually being enforced now?

  9. d. Today’s topic and  • How does Salutary Neglect in the early 1700s connect with Revolution and the Spirit of 1776?

  10. 5. Relationship with the Indians • French •  • British • 

  11. 7. Albany Plan of Union • What is the plan? • What was it based on? • Why was it rejected? • Why is it important?

  12. British win the war • Take French fort one after another • Push French North to Canada to… • Take Quebec in 1759

  13. 9. Treaty of Paris in 1763 • Between GB, France and Spain • Map of North America before the French & Indian War 

  14. Map of North America after F&I War  • What do you see?

  15. What must the French be thinking now??? • France =  • We will/must get REVENGE!!

  16. 10. Why should GB be mad at the colonists after the F+I War? • GB felt colonists didn’t fight well (that’s not what we thought ) • GB felt colonists didn’t give much $$$ contribution to war • GB felt colonists were sneaky… • Traded with French during the war (parents analogy)

  17. What did the colonists think after the war?? • Why be worried? • Friction between… • Who is taking/losing power in the colonies? • GB army = overrated

  18. GB realizes something else… • Can’t rule colonies so casually anymore… • no more following this policy… • Will this be easy to do to the colonists?

  19. GB realizes it has other problems too • Needs $$$ from all of these wars • Who is resisting taxes after the F&I War? (why?) • Where do you go for $$$ now?

  20. We are getting closer to the Rev!!!

  21. Day 12 Opening Task • Do Now Sheet not needed • Read George Grenville’s Speech • Evaluate the message of the speech • Analyze Grenville’s speech from the Point of View of • Great Britain • Colonists

  22. 2. Who is GB’s leadership?? • King George III  • Wanted to increase his power (especially w/ Parliament) • Psychologically and Intellectually unfit to rule (mental illness) • Immature & insecure ?

  23. British Prime Ministers =  • George Grenville = … • Charles Watson-Wentworth • Pitt the Elder!!! = Ill…distant…apathetic? No control over his Cabinet led to Exchequer Charles Townshend’s mistake • Augustus FitzRoy • Frederick North = Tory (no sympathy) and harsh

  24. 3. What did the Colonists Cherish?

  25. 4. Main Theme = Threshold Why?  • Every person (or country) has their breaking point... • From 1763………………….…to 1775, tension between “Americans” & the British government escalates, until our breaking point hits!!!!!!

  26. An English worker made about £40 versus the colonist who made about £60 for the same job. Colonial merchants made £180.

  27. Sugar + Navigation Acts • Sugar Act, why make it if you are GB? Someone is  • Sugar Act story • Colonists getting molasses/sugar from 2 different islands • British =$$$$$$$$ • Foreign =$$$$$$$$$$$ • Who were the colonists going to? • Foreign…why?

  28. GB’s Solution???? • Lower the Duty on _________ sugar companies… • Then what happens? • British =$$$$$$$$ • Foreign =$$$$$$$$$$$ • Then what will colonial consumers buy? • British Sugar • Who is now… • What else must GB do? Foreign

  29. How do you stop the smuggling? • Enforce those Navigation Acts you made long ago • What econ policy is GB following with these 2 acts

  30. Sugar Act?  • Eh…It wasn’t a tax…no prices were increased • Navigation act? • Who is mad? Colonists’ Reaction?

  31. 7. Quartering Act • What is it?  • Why do it? (think of GB’s POV) • Reaction??

  32. Stamp Act of 1765 • What was it? • Why do it?

  33. Political  Anger from Stamp Act • Virginia House of Burgesses complains to GB • Led by Patrick Henry  • Stamp Act Congress meets in NY in October 1765 • petitioned King & Parliament • What did they write? • We are still loyal to GB…but… • “No Taxation without Representation…” • Who can/should tax the colonists? • Combo Rule • Condemned the Stamp & Sugar Acts as unconstitutional… hmm • What plan looks good now?

  34. On Reflection it now seems probable, that if the foregoing Plan or some thing like it, had been adopted and carried into Execution, the subsequent Separation of the Colonies from the Mother Country might not so soon have happened, nor the Mischiefs suffered on both sides have occurred, perhaps during another Century. For the Colonies, if so united, would have really been, as they then thought themselves, sufficient to their own Defence, and being trusted with it, as by the Plan, an Army from Britain, for that purpose would have been unnecessary: The Pretences for framing the Stamp-Act would then not have existed, nor the other Projects for drawing a Revenue from America to Britain by Acts of Parliament, which were the Cause of the Breach, and attended with such terrible Expence of Blood and Treasure: so that the different Parts of the Empire might still have remained in Peace and Union. But the Fate of this Plan was singular…it was totally rejected. -Feb. 9, 1789. Dr. Franklin.

  35. Colonists’ reaction to Stamp Act? • East Coast riots in 1765 • Sons of Liberty • attacked stamp agents and burned stamps • sale of stamps halts after the riots • major riots in Boston • destroyed Lt. Gov Thomas Hutchinson’s house

  36. Biggest hit to GB and the Stamp Act is.... • Colonists hurt GB’s economy! • Many stopped buying British goods (AKA) • Intimidation was used by Sons of Liberty • Who got hurt?  • asked Parliament to repeal Stamp Act • While England’s gov made $$$, England’s merchants lost $$$ English Merchants!

  37. 9. Declaratory Act • March 1766, Stamp Act repealed (Grenville OUT) • English mad that Parliament backed off the colonists • GB concurrently passed #9 • GB: Parliament rules the colonies just like it rules England and can make laws on the colonists • Did colonists care  • Not really…too busy celebrating

  38. 10. Quartering Act gets the Colonists in trouble! • Colonistshave hated  for years and defy it more and more…but which colonies & how? • MA & NY assemblies voted to not give supplies to troops (can they?) How should GB react?

  39. Townshend punishes the colonies bad • PM Pitt was ????, so Charles Townshend   ran things more • Townsend Acts passed in 1767 (5 acts) • Disbands NY Assembly • New taxes on goods coming from GB • Lead, paint, paper, tea • Response by colonists? • Anger…why? • Colonists are being taxed without consent of... • How can they make a difference? (hmmm)

  40. Boycott the goods from GB again • Americans made own goods/cloth • Fashion Trend • Boycott started by what colony? • MA Assembly • Will other colonial assemblies back them up? • What changes do we see  Yes

  41. GB Gets Tough! • Who does GB crack down on? • MA (Boston) • Many more Redcoats  occupy the city • Crackdown on smuggling works well • What is next?

  42. What happened? • More Redcoats in Boston = increased tension • Redcoats don’t get paid well… • Fights on the docks between two sides days earlier • March 5, 1770 • Who started it? • British protect customs house • Redcoats hit with snowballs, ice, rocks • Redcoats fire into crowd • 5 killed • Why is this a big deal?

  43. Aftermath of the Massacre • 5 Victims = • For what? • Paul Revere engraving is popular…does what? • What happens to the guilty Redcoats? • This guy defends them  • How do you think he is viewed? • Soldiers only charged with manslaughter (go back home) Martyrs

  44. Townshend Acts after the Massacre… • Townshend  has been dead since 1767 • New PM Lord North  repeals all of the Townshend Acts except the Tea Tax

  45. "Drink my beer & lets go pillage!!" • Sam Adams • Politician, Publicist, Brewer, Distant Cousin of John Adams • Vocal (and…) critic of British policy GB =  USA =  • Helps form the long-term MA “Committee(s) of Correspondence” in 1772 • coordinate resistance • Most colonies join up by 1774 • becomes a network to keep the spirit of dissent alive • Shadow govs that had more power than colonial legislatures by 1774!! • To Be Continued!! What do you notice here

  46. Tea Act? • Who did it help? (déjà vu of Sugar Act) • British East India Company makes a monopoly • Their tea would be cheapest • Who did it hurt? • American tea merchants 1773

  47. Response? • Colonists boycott tea first • Tried to refuse the company’s ships to dock • Boston Tea Party... Dec 16, 1773

  48. GB responds w/ Intolerable Acts

  49. Quebec Act What is the big deal here? Quebec Act brings up an old fear of the colonists

  50. Colonists’ Response • Committees of Corr. meet up at the First Continental Congress • held Sept 5, 1774 • Who shows? • 56 delegates • Most Big Names  • No GA delegates • A few resolutions are made • Continue boycott • Each colony make militias… • Send a letter to the King  • Meet again in one year

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