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  2. SHAIKH MOHD. AMIRN. • PRAJAPATI RIYAP. • BHANDARI NEENADH. • RATHOD NEHAM. 150860106062 150860106054 150860106006 150860106055 PRESENTEDBY:

  3. Waterdemand • Determining quantity ofwater • Types of waterdemand • Factors affecting waterdemand • Population forecastingmethod • Types of population forecastingmethid Content

  4. The rate of water required for a particular town or a city to successfully carry out its day to day activities is known as waterdemand. • While designing the water supply scheme for a town or city, it is necessary to determine the total quantity of water required. As a matter it is a first duty of an engineer to determine water demand and then to find aprobablesourcefromwherethedemandcanbemet. WaterDemand

  5. The quantity of water required for a city can be tackled by twofactors: Rate of demand: The requirements of water for various uses are properly analyzed and ultimately, the rate of consumption per capita per day is worked out. Population:The population to be served by the water supply scheme is estimated and estimate of future population is worked out with help of population forecastmethod. Determining quantity ofwater

  6. Thetypesofwaterdemandofacityoratown: • Domestic waterdemand • Industrial waterdemand • Institutional and commercial waterdemand • Demand for publicuses • Firedemand • Compensate lossesdemand Types of waterdemand

  7. Followingarethemainfactorsthataffectwaterdemand Size of thecity Living standard of thepeople Climaticconditions Quality ofwater Industrial and commercialactivities Pressure in the distributionsystem System ofsanitation Cost ofwater System ofsupply Metering and method ofcharging Factors affecting waterdemand

  8. Twotypesofpopulationestimatesareneeded forthe operationandthedesignofthewatersupply • Shorttermestimatesintherange1-10years • Longtermestimatesintherange10-50yearsor more. • The population is increased by births, decreasedby deaths, increased by migration and increased by annexation. Population forecastingmethod

  9. Arithmetical increasemethod Geometrical increasemethod Incremental increasemethod Decreasing rate of growthmethod Simple graphicalmethod Comparative graphicalmethod Zoning method or master planmethod Types of population forecastingmethods

  10. Geometrical increase method • This is the most simple method of population forecast and is based on the assumption that the population is increasing from decade to decade at a constantrate. • dp/dt =C Where, • dp/dtistherateofchangeofpopulation. • The population at the end on ‘n’ decades is givenby: • Pn= P +ni • Where, • In this method it is assumed that the percentage increase in population from decade to decade is constant. From the population data of previous three to four decades, the percentage increase on population is found and its average is found. • The population at the end on ‘n’decades • is givenby: • Pn= P[1+(r/100)]n Arithmetical increase method Where, Pn = population after ‘n’decades. P = Presentpopulation r n Pn = population after ‘n’decades. P = Presentpopulation i = average increase perdecade n = average incrementalincrease = number ofdecades = number ofdecades

  11. Decreasing rateof growthmethod • The average increase in population is determined by the arithmetical increase method and to this as added the average of the net incremental increase once for each futuredecade. • The population at the endon ‘n’ decades is givenby: • Pn = P + ni +[{n(n+1)r}/2] • Where, • Pn = population after ‘n’decades. • P = Presentpopulation • In this method, the average decrease in the percentage increase is worked out , and is then subtracted from the least percentage increase for each successivedecades. • Simple graphicalmethod • In this method, a curve is plotted between the population p and time T, with the help of of census data of previous few decades. The curve is smoothly extended to forecast the future population. Incremental Increasemethod

  12. Graphical comparisonmethod • In this method, the cities having conditions and characteristics similar to the city whose future population is to be determined are first of all selected. It is then assumed that the city under consideration will develop as theselectedsimilarcitieshavedevelopedinthepast. • Zoning method or master planmethod • The city and town are divided into various zones such as commercial, industrial, residential etc. The future expansion of cities is strictly regulated by various bye-laws of corporation and other localbodies. • The population of a particular zone is fixed and according tothatthewatersupplyschemesaredesigned.

  13. Thankyou…

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