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Presentation Transcript

  1. ElergyThe Energy Cereal

  2. Part One: Product and Branding • Exciting and colorful layout

  3. Part One: Product and Branding • Warning Label

  4. Part One: Product and Branding - “Made in America” • Shows customer it is a quality product produced in their own country • Familiarity • Helping the economy

  5. Part One: Product and Branding Packaging Costs • - Packaging is consistent with a plastic back and a cardboard box • - Total costs for the supplies to package equal out to be about one dollar ($1) • - The actual Energy Cereal contains six servings per box, and each serving costs about 25 cents.

  6. Part One: Product and Branding Packaging Costs • Overall, each box of Energy cereal costs us the producer, nearly $2.50, leaving us with an unestablished price point. • The price point is the price of (product) sold on the retail market, in relation to a range of competitive prices. • In comparison to the competitive rival (Wheaties Fuel) we have decided to price our Energy Cereal at a price point of ($4.50)

  7. Part One: Product and Branding Distribution Strategy • Breakfast cereals are a product that is not specifically searched for. • One stop shop to the retailer or wholesaler is the most common means of buying cereal. • This leads to the type of distribution channel that best fits; intensive distribution: selling a product through all responsible and suitable wholesalers and retailers who will stock and sell the product

  8. Part One: Product and Branding Distribution Strategy • As an upcoming new product, we are starting with local distribution and marketing to create a demand. • Initially we will flood the retailers and wholesalers with our product and compare to our rivals with nutrition facts. • Lastly, the movement from A to B is resolved through vehicle transportation. Starting with vans/trucks shipping around the state, ideally to large wholesalers who in return are the intermediaries for the retailers.

  9. Part Two: Market Analysis Identifying The Target Market • Teens • Teens who already drink energy drinks • Young Adults • College Students • Adults who eat breakfast • - Possibly just morning coffee drinkers

  10. Part Two: Market Analysis Examining Market Potential • The “energy” trend is a large market. • There is an unknown aspect of projecting sales, as there really is no product similar enough to Elergy to make an analysis based off past sales behaviors.

  11. Part Two: Market Analysis Competitive Analysis • blah

  12. Part Three: Marketing Strategy Promotional Strategy

  13. Part Three: Marketing Strategy Media • k

  14. Part Three: Marketing Strategy Push/Pull • Push • Talk to all grocery stores in Lane County, offering free product to stock on their shelves • Offer to set up a free sample stand to gain customer attention

  15. Part Three: Marketing Strategy Push/Pull • Pull • Try to gain sponsorship of a well known energy drink company • Television Advertisements • Radio Advertisements • Detail product’s superior ingredients

  16. Part Three: Marketing Strategy Retail Development Strategy

  17. Part Three: Marketing Strategy SWOT Analysis of General Mills Strength – Steady Revenue Growth Strength – Multiple Brands with Strong Potential Strength – Strong Growth Prospects Strength – Efficient Use of Resources Weakness – Rising Debt Burden Weakness – Limited Geographical Presence Weakness – Narrow Customer Base Weakness – Limited Liquidity Position Weakness – Declining Market Share in Sector Opportunity – Ongoing Joint Ventures Opportunity – Growing Market for Cereals Opportunity – Growing Organic Foods Market Threat – Highly Competitive Market Threat – Rise in Input Costs Threat – Shift in Eating Preference of Consumers

  18. Elergy The Energy Cereal

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