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General Ledger vs. Operating Ledger. General LedgerBalance of Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Balance as of a point in timeIncludes Cash BalanceGL balances change as amounts are posted to Operating Ledger. Operating LedgerBalance of revenues and expensesShows revenue and expenses for current year
1. Banner Finance Training For the End User
2. General Ledger vs. Operating Ledger General Ledger
Balance of Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Balance as of a point in time
Includes Cash Balance
GL balances change as amounts are posted to Operating Ledger Operating Ledger
Balance of revenues and expenses
Shows revenue and expenses for current year only
Revenue and expenses increase or decrease cash balance
3. Chart of Accounts ElementsFOAPAL F = Fund
O = Organization
A = Account
P = Program
A = Activity
L = Location
4. FUND Shows ownership of cash or fund balance
Six digits in length
Balance Sheet
First Digit Indicates Campus or Agency
3 MSU-COT Great Falls
4 MSU-Bozeman
6 MSU-Billings
7 or N MSU-Northern
5. Fund Types TYPE
General Operating 71xxx
Restricted 72xxx
Designated 73xxx
Auxiliary 74xxx
Grants & Contracts
Earns Revenue
Earns Revenue
Funds held for groups
6. ORGANIZATION Represents a Department or other Budgetary Unit
First Digit Indicates Campus
3 MSU COT Great Falls
4 MSU-Bozeman
6 MSU-Billings
7 MSU-Northern
7. ACCOUNT Identifies items in the General Ledger or the Operating Ledger
Accounts on the General Ledger
Assets, Liabilities, Fund Balances
4 digits in length
Lead digit will be 1, 2, 3, or 4
Revenue on the Operating Ledger
5 or 6 digits in length
Lead digit will be 5
Expenditures on the Operating Ledger
5 or 6 digits in length
Lead digit will be 6
61 = Salary/Benefits
62 = Operating
63 = Capital Equipment
8. PROGRAM Used to classify expenditures by function
Standard Categories
01 Instruction
02 Organized Research
03 Public Service
04 Academic Support
05 Student Services
06 Institutional Support
07 Operation of Plant
08 Financial Aid
10 Auxiliary Enterprises
9. ACTIVITY Optional field
Not centrally defined
Used to identify Prior Year transactions with PY
10. LOCATION Required on all transactions for fixed assets
Used to identify where the asset is located
11. INDEX Abbreviation for a combination of FOAPAL elements
Defaults to appropriate combination of elements
First digit indicates Campus or Agency
3 = MSU COT Great Falls
4 = MSU Bozeman
6 = MSU - Billings
7 or N = MSU-Northern
12. Frequently Used Formsin Banner Finance Budget Status Form FGIBDST
General Ledger Trial Balance FGITBAL
Vendor History Form FAIVNDH
14. Query by Index, Orgn, Fund, Program, Account, Acct Type, Activity, Location or any combination of these elements by entering the element in the box.
Query Specific Account by checking box and entering Account.
Query may include revenue activity or not by checking or un-checking box.
After entering data for your query, NEXT BLOCK.
15. In this example, I entered the Index and Next Block. We can see all of the activity for the Business Office, by Account, by using the scroll bar at the right. The budget for this Index is shown, Year-to-Date activity, Commitments (encumbrances for salaries), and Available Balance. At this time only Purchase Orders over $25,000 are encumbered.
16. In this example, I queried on Operating Expenses only. You would begin this process after you have done the Next Block to get to the bottom half of this screen. First, enter F7 to start the query. This blanks out all the data. Then enter 62% in the Account area, and enter F8 to execute the query. The result will be expenditures with Account codes beginning with 62. Note that the budget amount for Operating Expenses is entered under 62X99, with an amount budgeted for Contracted Services, Supplies, Communications, etc. In this example, you can see that the Business Office has spent $5,920.69 of the $22,500 budgeted for operating expenses.
17. In this example, I queried on 612% to see budget and expenditures for hourly wages. Overtime, student wages, temporary employees would all be included in this query. In order to find my available balance, I will have to calculate the difference between the budget and YTD activity.
18. OPTIONS ON FGIBDSTAccess these options by clicking on each one in the yellow area at the left of your screen.Return to FGIBDST by clicking on the red door at upper right. Budget Summary Information
Shows a summary of the budget for your Index
Organization Encumbrances
Shows budget by Organization
Transaction Detail Information
Opens FGITRND for the Account that is highlighted
Ability to query within this form to look for specific transactions
Format Display Preference
Opens a box where user can format the display
With/without commas
Number of decimal places
19. FGITRND displays each transaction. You have the ability to query within this form by any of the data fields. Original documents are stored in the Business Office. Some details you can see on this form are the type of document and whether the payment was made with a Purchasing Card.
21. Query by Fund or Fund/Account combination.By highlighting a specific Account, then clicking on Query General Ledger Activity Info under Options, the system will take you to FGIGLAC where you can see the list of transactions that make up the Current Balance.